Chapter 82: Supreme Pig

"Father... Father... wake up..."

"Little S..."

"Hey!... hey!... I already told you, you must call me B...I...G... Sister..."

"... Little Sister..."

"AH!!!! Old Pig... Old Pig... Teach him a lesson... He is so bad... with me..."


"... This is not my problem... You should handle your family matters, between yourself..."

"HAHA... Grandpa Pig... You are the best... Little Sister... Let's battle once again... the winner will be the oldest one..."

"This is not fair... we already did it... and I won..."

"Hey!... You two... Calm down..."

"...Little Sister... Don't tell me you're afraid of me..."

"...AHH!!!!... Little Brother... let's battle!!!"





"...Crap!!... you two stop it... Stop it... you can't do all this noise, here..."



"Little kids... Please... Stop it..."




"Mhm!!... What the hell?!... My head!!... my body!!!..."

Tian Yang didn't know how much time had passed, but now his body was almost in its perfect condition.

He felt his body laying on top of something, sometimes cold and sometimes warm.

It was a strange sensation, not only for his body but also for his soul, because he could feel a warm current of energy flowing inside his flesh and veins from it and slowly purifying his body and... even his soul.

His mind kept growing stronger... hidden fragments, scattered throughout all his subconscious, were even gradually healing and regaining their proper place.

His eyes slowly opened, but there was something different this time, as if something new... or maybe something ancient... was gradually reviving.

The area around him became clear and bright.

There were clouds above him... giant red clouds.

They were bigger and so near that he could even touch them.

His hands moved forward, and for some odd reason, he felt his fingers invade a warm but turbulent place, like the hot waters of a wild river.



A soft sound of waterfall resounded closer to his left ear, so he bent his head to that side and saw a small waterfall a few steps from him.

But there was something peculiar... the liquid wasn't simple water but... a dark red fluid... with long bright purple strands flowing inside.

"Mhm... What a strange place..." Tian Yang shook his head and kept looking around.

A powerful strength kept his back attached to that peculiar support, so he couldn't still move his body correctly.

Luckily the three creatures, whom he had heard arguing earlier, noticed his movements and approached him.



Last time, only one creature called him father but now...

He clearly heard two distinctive voices...

By now, he could no longer keep up with all these strange changes, so he remained silent and waited, baffled for the arrival of the two creatures.

Green Lotus was the first one to reach his belly and yelled, excitedly: "Father... You are finally awake..."

Another figure, a bit round and small landed on top of his belly too and started speaking: "Father... Father... HAHAHA... can you hear me?... HAHAHA... guess who I am?"

Tian Yang settled his eyes on the round figure for a while, and asked confused: "Little Flame?!"

"HAHAHA... right... right... it's me, father... HAHAHA... Little Sister..."

"STUPID... call me, big sister... BIG SISTER..." Green Lotus yelled angrily.

Tian Yang wanted to ask them something.

Unfortunately, the two no longer bothered about him and started arguing again, leaving Tian Yang speechless.

Finally, the last individual around them approached him and spoke: "Young man... Don't worry, they will grow up pretty fast... How are you?"

Tian Yang turned to his right and looked at him for a while before saying: "And who are you??"

"Hehe... you are quite direct." The creature said, with a creepy smile on his mouth.

"Well... I think it's normal... you know... it's the first time I see a talking fat pig..." Tian Yang sighed, with his eyes still fixed on the absurd creature.

"HEY!!! Fat Pig?!... Do you know who I am?" The Fat Pig yelled angrily.

"Well... Another idiot..." Tian Yang shook his head and moved his gaze away from him:

The Fat Pig's body started shaking because of Tian Yang's words.

He was so angered by him that dark red flames, almost black, began to appear from his tiny feet and belly.

"Young man... you are quite stupid... you can't even m..."

Tian Yang didn't let the Fat Pig finish his speech and laughed: "Old Pig... Don't say something like... I can kill you or eat you... these are all a bunch of nonsense... you could have killed me who knows how many times, so..."

"Hey!..." The Fat Pig wanted to speak but was interrupted again.

"SO... Don't waste my time... I had something better to do..."

The Fat Pig looked at Tian Yang for a while and laughed: "HAHAHA... Well... Well... interesting... young man don't call me Fat Pig anymore, but Supreme Pig..."

"Supreme Pig... If you say so..." Tian Yang said with a strange tone and then asked: "So Supreme Pig... tell me... What the hell is going on??"

The Supreme Pig scratched his big nose to the ground and screamed, shocked: "So you really don't know anything..."

Tian Yang looked at his two red eyes and sighed: "Look... in the last day... well, at least I think that it's only one day... I almost died three times... and for some damned reason, the last two times, I nearly lost my life in a different world... Fuck and I don't even know, why the hell am I here..."

The Supreme Pig could no longer hold his laughter and exploded: "HAHAHA... Young man... it seems that you angered our Older Sister a lot... HAHAHA..."

The Supreme Pig kept laughing so hard that those dark red clouds above them started changing form, and those strange purple strands inside the red waterfall brightened more and more.

"HAHAHA... So tell me, young man... What did you do to my Older Sister... this is barely anything... she is probably preparing something even more terrifying..."

'Older sister?' Tian Yang thought for a while and then said: "It's impossible... I can be sure of one thing... You are the first strange creature I've ever met."

"Hehe... strange creature??? It's a bit simplistic to call me a strange creature. Why are y..." The Supreme Pig held on for a moment his belly and looked at him strangely.

But when his gaze landed on Tian Yang's eyes, he screamed: "Hey!... Hey! Stop it!! Don't use them like this... you can't waste your precious energy."

Indeed there was something different in Tian Yang's eyes.

At first, he didn't understand it, but then when he saw the pig's body transform into a colossal mountain of golden flames, Tian Yang finally realized that his eyes had something different.

When the Supreme Pig saw Tian Yang's eyes slowly change back to normal, he calmed down a bit and sighed: "Young man... Don't use those eyes too much otherwise... Well... let's say that sometimes it's better to stay in the dark about some things..."

"I don't think so... but you better explain to me about them later..." Tian Yang said, closing his eyes, which were still burning like the terrifying flames of a dragon.

"So... Please tell me... what did you do to my Older Sister??"

"Really... Are you stupid or what? I don't know her... Maybe if you tell me who she is or how she is..." Tian Yang snorted.

"Well... naturally, she is beautiful..."

"Seriously... Anything else... a bit more useful... this time..." Tian Yang sneered.

"Well... Let me think... they imprisoned somewhere in your land... but I'm not so sure about that..."

Tian Yang thought of something, but it was so absurd that he immediately discharged it.

"Anything else..."

"Hey!... Hey!... Let me think... almost a million years have passed, and her powers are too many and too powerful..."

Hearing his words, Tian Yang shouted: "If she is that powerful, who the hell imprisoned her?"

"Oh?! Don't worry about that, that old fart is too far... Don't worry... Don't worry..." The Supreme Pig waved his tiny feet and kept thinking: "Mhm... What the hell... we're wasting too much time... let me see your memories..."

The Supreme Pig's giant nose landed on Tian Yang's forehead, and all Tian Yang's memories became part of him.

The process lasted only for a few breaths, but it was more than enough to let the Supreme Pig find what it was looking for.

"Oh!!!... so this is what happened... Older Sister exaggerated too much... luckily, little brother stopped her... Otherwise..."

Tian Yang was still a bit mad by his new friend's rude behavior and snorted: "Old Pig... You can't look inside other people's minds like this..."

The Supreme Pig looked at him strangely and sneered: "Mhm?!... little thing... I lived for so long... do you really think your memories are so precious?? Hehe... you don't even know that ancient language... in this world, even the dogs know it..."


The Supreme Pig scratched his nose once again and lamented: "AHHH!!!... I really can't understand them... they have slept for almost a million years... they have probably more free time than me... why the hell did they send you here so soon?!"

"Well... we can't ask them... so why don't you tell me... What's going on??"

"Oh... I can tell you something, but..."

Tian Yang knew what he wanted to say and snapped: "OLD PIG... Don't say it..."

"Hey!... Hey!... It's Supreme Pig... Supreme Pig..."

Tian Yang looked at him and sighed, pointing a finger toward Green Lotus and Little Flame, which were still bickering like two little kids: "Really... they are little creatures... but you... seriously..."

The Supreme Pig coughed a few times and snorted: "Of course... I can't tell you everything..."


"Mmm..." The Supreme Pig confirmed with his puffy cheeks.

Tian Yang looked at the fat pig for a while and then sighed, annoyed: "Well... then tell me what you can and then release me... I have to go home... There are two people there waiting for my return..."