Chapter 90: The Arrogance of the Du family



As the Thunder Luan, which was Xue transformed in her monster beast form, flew above the bronze golem army, hundreds of long black spears darted toward her vast body, like deadly arrows.

Those giants advanced slowly, but their offensive ability and reaction were astounding.

They had thrown those spears with a lot of power and speed as if there was something different in their upper body.

Unfortunately for them, even though they reacted in time, Xue was ready for any unexpected events.

Her body grew brighter, and instantly countless lightning bolts appeared around her beautiful feathers, giving her even more incredible speed.



As if her body had teleported, she immediately found herself above that group of mysterious people, thus avoiding that wave of deadly arrows.

The Thunder Luan's incredible speed surprised Elder Mou and the ten young warriors.

Still, they remained calm in the face of the impending battle, as their superiority of power made them confident.

"Ze family... Are you courting death ?? You should have stayed in town and hid like a bunch of rats instead of coming here!!!" One of the youth shouted coldly.


The Thunder Luan changed back to her human form, and tens of people landed on the ground dozens of steps from the Du Family people.

A middle-aged man wearing a long blue gown stepped forward, and after looking at the enemy for some time, he asked in a severe tone: "Who are you?? Why are you doing all of this??"

Seeing that bunch of weak martial cultivators in front of them, the youths looked at each other with a wide grin, and then one of them shouted arrogantly: "This is our land... and that is one of our cities... Little ant now tell me, Why do you think we are here?"

Elder Hai ignored his arrogance but was struck by his words.

What did that boy mean?

How could the city belong to them if his family had ruled over it for nearly a hundred thousand years?

His claims were truly inconceivable.

"What are you talking about??" Elder Hai retorted, annoyed: "The Profound Sapphire City belong to my Ancient Ze Family, one of the most powerful clans from the God Realm!"

"Belong?! You are just a bunch of thieves!! This city, like the other four. Are one of my Du Family's most remarkable creations. Your ancestors only limited themselves to plundering unattended treasure. But from now on, we will take everything back. And no one will be able to stop us as has happened in the past."

This time the one who spoke was Elder Mou, from the Du Family.

His voice was even more tyrannical than the youths because what he said contained all the anger and resentment, which his family had accumulated over the past hundred thousand years.

Naturally, Elder Hai could feel all that anger, but he still couldn't understand his words.

What was he talking about?

Surely, he couldn't say he knew everything about his family history, but of one thing, he was sure.

When he was given the task of leading this city and his family's future young martial cultivators, he had done extensive research to better prepare himself.

It was for this reason that the words of the enemy were impossible for him to believe.

Besides, they claimed to be from the Du family.

But from what he knew, there was no family with such a name and offensive power in the Mortal Realm.

Even the Central Region people were puzzled by his words because they knew nothing too about all this story.

Elder Hai knew very well that the enemy was powerful and very angry with them, so he tried to make them reason: "Du family... I can understand your anger. But if, as you said, all this is the work of our ancestors. Then maybe we should find a peaceful solution. The city is full of innocent people. This war between our families makes no sense. "

Unfortunately, the poor Elder Hai was unaware of the malevolent and deviant nature of the people in front of him.

His words had no effect on them, and instead, made them even more excited.

In fact, their blood boiled with trepidation upon hearing his pleas.

Elder Mou and the youths laughed hysterically for some time, and then he shouted, with a malicious smile: "INNOCENT?! None of them are innocent. They've all been corrupted by your sins already and will have to pay the price. You squandered our riches for a hundred thousand years. So we'll take back some interest today. Don't waste our time and let yourself be captured. I don't like wasting precious resources... HAHAHA..."

At least, Elder Hai tried to find another solution.

Unfortunately, the enemy had already decided their fate.

It's not like he had much hope of changing their minds, but at least he had gained a little more time for Xifeng.

"It's a shame. At least I tried ... Since you're so stubborn, we can't help but fight!" Elder Hai sighed regretfully and then shouted toward his companions: "Let's protect the city!!"

The battle between the mighty forces finally began... but that wasn't the only war on that battlefield.

On the other side, inside that cage made of dense ice, the army of puppets kept advancing and throwing their spears forward.

The dense layer of ice in front could slow them a bit, but their attacks were so powerful that large pieces of ice kept falling from the wall each time one of those spears landed on it.



But that wasn't ordinary ice, but an accumulation of elemental energy created by the young fighters of the Ancient Ze Family.

Individually, their strengths were nothing, but their individual powers merged together, creating a miracle thanks to Old Tian's fantastic creation.

Inside that space ring that Xifeng had given them, in fact, there was an incredible ability, but easy to learn even for the most stupid people, because it was based on one of the most basic martial arts deriving from the power of water, the Wall of Water.

A simple skill, but with great defensive power.