Chapter 106: Tian Yang, the Creator of the Principle

Seven were the fundamental principles of one of the most fantastic worlds in the Universe.

And Elemental World... it was the name his Creator had given it.

Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, Wood, Wind, and Lightning had made that world a paradise dreamed by many, but only the Creator and his creations could enjoy the miracles of that place.

But this is a very old story that goes back more than a million years because the undisputed father of the Elemental World, that legendary Creator, no longer existed, and that paradise was slowly dying.

Fortunately, the Fate didn't let that paradise vanish from the Universe in solitude and instead gave it one last hope.

After a million years and a series of miraculous events, a new pillar had been created for that now ruined world.

Tian Yang was that new support, but at first, he was just one of the many Martial Cultivators in the Elemental World and had nothing special.

What made him so fantastic was an old Spirit obsessed with the secrets of the world and with a specific goal.

But, neither he nor the madly mad Treasury Spirit knew that their destinies had already been marked by Beings with powers equal to the fundamental laws of the Universe and that only the union of the two could create a sufficiently resistant support for the world.

Indeed, that odd couple could both recreate that ruined world and make it better because the young Creator of the Principle possessed nine powers.

Seven were the Principles that created the world and were incredibly powerful.

Still, the other two were even scarier and undoubtedly older because the Principle of Space and the Principle of Time were devastating powers and everywhere in the vast Universe.

But for Tian Yang, getting complete control of those two Principles would have been a very difficult, if not impossible, task.

After all, it wasn't enough for him to regain enough energy, but he had to evolve those two powers.

But this was not the current problem that worried Tian Yang because the young man had finally eradicated from his body the last part of his being that made him human and was reborn in the form of the new Creator of the Principle.

In truth, he could not yet be adequately defined as one of them because only two of his nine Principles had reached the basic form, but the changes suffered by his body had already made him so.

Besides, a deep bond had formed between him and the Elemental World, just like the original Creator of the Principle millions of years ago. Unfortunately, Tian Yang was still at a stage too elemental to fully understand its fantastic advantages.

The transformation on his body had amplified Tian Yang's senses to an absurd level, making him an extraordinary creature.

However, despite possessing such portentous powers, he still did not know how to exploit them entirely.

Because the young man's future was no longer as simple as that of the Martial Cultivators but had become complicated and mysterious, and to reach the top of this fantastic Universe, he had to forge a path of his own.

What flowed into his body currently was a primordial force unknown to almost all the creatures in the Universe, and only a few chosen were able to control it.

And that was Tian Yang's current problem, controlling that disruptive energy.

Besides, Fire and Wood, the two Principles within his body, were growing at an impressive rate after his mutation, but to control their powers discreetly, the young man still had a long way to go.

Luckily, he wasn't alone, but he could count on the help of some new friends.

The Supreme Pig was one of them, but his energy reserves had shrunk significantly after that operation, so he was forced to enter a short period of hibernation, leaving the young man in the company of two old acquaintances.

Somehow, Sister Mei and Little Bao had survived the catastrophic battle between the two Creatures of the Beginning, but Tian Yang knew very well that they were not saved thanks to those cocoons created by Green Lotus.

Their first meeting had not been the best, for obvious reasons, but a few words of the Old Pig had slightly resolved that absurd misunderstanding between them.

Well... the Old Pig's words had been helpful, but it was not so easy for the three to amicably accept the other side.

Especially for little Bao with her arrogant temper...

"You bastard! Who cares... After everything, you've done to me and Sister Mei. We will not help you!"

Tian Yang didn't glance at the fiery green panther and instead continued to stare curiously at Sister Mei.

The woman's body was completely hidden from the coat, and the face was concealed by a particular mask, made of leaves and bark.

But Tian Yang was no longer a human being, and his eyes were no longer normal, but they had undergone a remarkable transformation.

But Tian Yang was no longer a human being, and his eyes were no longer normal, but they had undergone a remarkable transformation.

And it was precisely this new part that prevented the young man from looking away from her because the girl, seen through his new eyes, was a divine and unique creature.

After hundreds of years, she was the first to shake his heart again, not only for her incredible beauty but also for her true nature, which somehow soothed her turbulent heart.

Even Tian Yang's mind, plagued by the persistent thought of returning home, found some tranquility while observing the magnificence of its true essence.

Tian Yang was practically stuffed, and his nearly a thousand years of life only managed to awaken him from that embarrassing state, only after a while.

Tian Yang looked slightly at Sister Mei and said: "Stupid Cat... if I remember correctly, you created all that mess... Why are you blaming me?"

Tian Yang's words, though the truth, increased Little Bao's anger.

"You bastard! It's all your fault if Sister Mei has to..."

The young panther was about to reveal something, but Sister Mei interrupted her: "Little Bao, calm down..."