Chapter 111: Mastering the Principle of Fire (Part 2)

"Little Bao... I believe that his level of affinity with the Principle of Fire is at the celestial rank... or even at a level equal to the first gods of the Elemental World!"

Shocked by the young man's incredible physical endurance, the two creatures began to argue seriously, but there was also a little admiration and respect in the girl's voice this time.

"Hmm... In fact, that Bastard is incredibly affine to the fire. But it's still too early to compare him to those legendary gods. He must first show his level of mastery. Otherwise, he will remain a simple bastard in my eyes..."

"Hehe... I think soon we will be able to see with our own eyes, at what level it is..."

Hearing the young girl's words, the panther peered into the calm, glowing waters in search of something, and right in the middle of that vast lake, her pupils spotted something strange.

"Slimy Bastard... He must be a pretty arrogant little guy if he dares to come so near to the mountain." Little Bao snorted arrogantly.

"Silly! That creature was probably generated by the immense accumulation of the Principle of Fire or some immortal treasure... it's been so long from the ancient times that anything is possible..."

The girl tried to give an explanation, but she too was doubtful of her words.

"Mmm... possible. With all the immortal treasures in that mountain, one or two will have formed a consciousness. Anyway, can you figure out its actual power level?"

Sister Mei closed her eyes for a brief moment and then spoke a little puzzled: "How strange... I can't sense any magical power from its body... it's like that creature doesn't exist!"

As the two argued, Tian Yang was also closely observing that strange creature through his new eyes.

Of course, what he could see was a whole other story.

Thanks to the Principle qi flowing into his body, the Eyes of the Principle, named by him so earlier, allowed Tian Yang to fully understand that creature, probably not only because of that but also because he was not an ordinary living being but the manifestation of the Principle of Fire.

Of course, Little Flame also became agitated when he perceived that succulent creature inside the massive lake and began to chirp with joy: "Dad... Leave it to me, please! I want to devour it!"

It wasn't for him to be thrilled. After all, even a tiny part of that creature could evolve its power by several levels.

Tian Yang, who was momentarily unsure what to do, when he heard little Flame's proposal felt very relieved and reassured the lively creature: "Calm down... I can't let you go. We have to find a way s..."

The presence of the two companions put Tian Yang in a difficult position, but Little Flame resolved his doubts with simple but crazy words: "Dad... jump into the lake! Your body can safely withstand the terrifying temperatures inside. Plus, you'll get a lot of benefits..."

How could he not trust the words of his Creatures of the Principle?

Without delay, Tian Yang jumped into that terrifying glowing lake, completely ignoring Little Bao and Sister Mei, who were about to warn the young man of the dangers.


The young man's reckless actions stunned the two, but it was too late to react, so they merely observed with interest whether that madman could seriously survive among the glowing waters.

"Little Bao, if that idiot encounters any danger, we must save him..."

"Hmm?! I understand that we need him if we want to be free, but if even a small part of my fur spoils... I will kill him with my own hands!"

Sister Mei looked strangely at the giant panther by her side for a brief moment and cheerfully sneered: "Are you going to kill him with your hands? Little Bao... Mhm... Do you know that you can no longer transform into the human form?"

"Grrr..." Little Bao growled angrily, and then she roared towards the lake, which had just returned peacefully: "Bastard... You have to survive!"


Wrapped in that terrifying world of light, Tian Yang turned away from Sister Mei's scrupulous eyes, but the lower his body went, the higher the temperature around him grew, making his fall a hell.

"Man... even with such a durable body, it is boiling. I don't know how long I can resist!"

Tian Yang's stupid words shocked Little Flame to such an extent that instead of going out immediately to immerse himself in that fantasy world, he asked, "Resist? dad... but what are you talking about?"

But Tian Yang ignored his question and instead insisted once again: "Little Flame, don't waste any more time. My body temperature is rising too quickly... Get out now!"

Unfortunately, while insisting so vehemently, Little Flame still remained inside, regardless of Tian Yang's pleas, and instead attempted to clarify the doubts that clearly clouded his father's mind: "Dad... it's normal if your body is getting hotter and hotter. In fact, you have to stop resisting and instead let the Principle of Fire get inside you."

Before, he had jumped into the fiery lake because he had complete confidence in Little Flame's words and his new powers, but now surrounded by that devastating power, his heart could only falter: "Little Flame, don't say idiocy... Without a modicum of resistance from my body, how can I survive?"

Finally, understanding his father's strange problem, Little Flame clearly explained what was really happening to his body: "Dad... Why would you resist? It's like you're fighting your own body's request. You're defending yourself against a power that's already yours. If you think about it, it's absurd... Of course, it will hurt at first because the amount of power that will flow within you will be incredibly high, but it will be nothing compared to what you have already suffered in the past."


Little Flame's words slightly spurred his beating heart, and gradually, Tian Yang began to diminish the unbridled flow of Principle qi circulating inside his body.

In the blink of an eye, his skin, which was previously covered with a fine layer of white light, began to radically change color.

Initially, it went from very light pink to more intense pink, but the more the protective barrier vanished, the darker that pink became.

"You were right... I'm such a fool... hehe."

Tian Yang tried to smooth out that awkward moment, but little Flame ignored it and instead exited his body at an incredible speed without wasting any more precious time.

As Little Flame entered that purple world, his body, composed of the burning flames of the universe, headed for that succulent creature like a madman, leaving Tian Yang to absorb the Principle of Fire at will.

Naturally, Tian Yang did not follow that little demon and instead focused on his body, trying to discover as many secrets as possible of his new powers.

Although he was entering a completely new and unknown world, Tian Yang had years of experience on his side.

Certainly, taking the path of Martial Cultivator with Essence qi was utterly different from his current state. Still, he knew well that there had to be a similar starting point, so he began to scrutinize the secrets of that intriguing world in complete solitude.

While Tian Yang was caught up in his troubles, Little Flame had already begun his first Battle as Creature of The Principle, although in truth, it could not be considered a real battle because Little Flame was simply playing with his food.

The creature generated by the incredible amount of Principle qi tried in every way to counter Little Flame's voracious actions, following his pure survival instinct. Still, it was all useless because whenever Little Flame got close enough to that ethereal creature, some of his power was taken away, satiating Little Flame's cravings.

Little Flame continued to feast, feeding on the power of the undaunted creature, unaware that on the lakeshore, two incredibly bewitching eyes were staring at him with amazement and a shred of interest.

Sister Mei could not see the world as Tian Yang, but she had her own power, which allowed her to identify the sources of life around her.

Ever since Tian Yang entered that lake, she had never lost sight of him and had followed every single action of that foolish one. It was at that moment that her senses perceived something extraordinary but also a little familiar.

"At first, I didn't understand why the Supreme Pig had so much faith in that silly boy, but apparently Tian Yang is hiding a lot of secrets. It will be an exciting trip..."

Little Bao also tried to sharpen her senses to follow in the footsteps of that idiot, but immediately gave up when she heard her companion's words: "Secrets? What kind of secrets? They must be fascinating if they attracted you too..."

"Hmm... in fact, they are very intriguing, but it is only a simple consideration of mine, I am not sure yet. After all, it's impossible to believe, even for me..."

"Big Sis... Stop holding me on my toes. Speak up!"

Unfortunately for the curious panther, Sister Mei chuckled, but only that, because instead of answering Little Bao, she continued to stare into the depths of that glowing lake, this time, however, in the area surrounding Tian Yang, where a miracle was probably taking place.

She could not see it, but Tian Yang's skin had become entirely red, of a red so bright that it resembled the lava surrounding him, making it one with the glowing liquid.

But Tian Yang's skin wasn't the only thing that had changed because even the strange crystal set between his eyebrows had changed after a long period of inactivity.

Previously, nine distinct luminous particles could be seen inside that crystal, each with a different color. Still, now a bright red predominated within that small space, making that particular unknown crystal similar to a precious ruby.

Tian Yang was unaware of the change suffered by the crystal and instead intended to examine every change in his body.

Before his transformation into the Creator of the Principle, his Dragon Bloodline was perpetually running and constantly evolving. Still, now it seemed to have entered a hibernation state, especially after entering the mid-stage Small Dragon Body.

Perhaps the arrogant dragon within that tiny body had become much more docile towards his new master with the advent of a being clearly superior to him.

Also, before when he used the martial arts of the Supreme Dragon Body Art, his transformation abilities were attenuated by an unknown power, but now by checking more carefully, he could feel his body free from those chains. Indeed he was sure that that legendary transformation in the Nine-Horned Heavenly Jade Dragon body, his Half-Beast form, wasn't that far off anymore.

He immediately wanted to verify his assumptions, but his current state prevented him, so he continued to absorb that celestial nectar by filling every cell in his body.

Naturally, the amount of Principal qi inside his body was growing, but not at the same pace as the Elemental Principle.

Tian Yang remained there enveloped by those warm red waters for a long time, but the presence of the two had not remained hidden from the few living beings around the Eternal Rocky Hearth. Indeed their greedy consumption of Principle of Fire had angered those sleeping monsters, shaking after who knows how long that desolate place.




At first, the placid waters of the lake began to stir slightly, but in the long run, when the balance that reigned in those waters was definitively upset, those creatures woke up upsetting that sleeping rocky colossus that had been dormant for a long time.



Heaps of rock as giant as houses began to detach from the mountain, shaking the soil and surrounding waters...

The lava rivers that flowed from the top of the mountain began to overflow and intensify the flow to that lake, trying in every way to restore balance...

Unfortunately, the energy was not enough to appease those two greedy ones. On the contrary, it spurred them to intensify the influx of that power into their bodies.

Feeling that precious power vanish, at an even more alarming rate, the arrogant usurpers from the Immortal Realm awakened, shocking that incandescent world with their angry cries...
