Some people are talented artists, taking lines and charcoal to create beautiful, accurate portraits.
Shen Wei had a talent for taking not a concept, but a person, an action, even a quote and invoking a response through food. His first desserts had evolved around Ye Zun. His dramatics, his full-flavor but subtle work, had created a line of their first Afternoon Tea, that had put Dixing on the list of must see places. The current bestselling chocolate dessert, was based on Old Chu. Strength and warmth with a unique zing.
After Ye Zun...did what he did...Shen Wei was lost. Unable to make what he before and to doubtful to put forward work his twin had not tested. No inspiration and no excitement. Then there was Zhao Yunlan.
He had read every article online and watched every video featuring Zhao. His recorded sessions, his demonstrations, his music videos. Everything. For the first time in months, he had wanted to create. Trying hundreds of ingredients, techniques and plating styles, all with idea of Zhao Yunlan. Never thinking to go further, until a throwaway comment the confounding man made, where he said "Oh, I've had hundreds of failures. The audience, they see the finished product, as close to perfect as I can possibly be. They don't see the times were arrangements didn't work, when I played the wrong notes or the weird accidents that have happened over the years. It was hard too, taking music I had written and actually putting it out there, with my name on it. You have to though. Put it out there."
So Shen Wei had and a range of dishes, all made with Zhao Yunlan as the muse hit the menu. To his shock, each one had been a success, even the Old Chu chocolate dessert. That gave him the confidence to try even more ideas, especially when Zhao admitted he liked duck. That was a challenge, to make the best duck in China. It had taken him most of the year and had won Dixing some prestigious awards.
The actress arrived first and had brought with her, some famous pop stars and a horde of other celebrities, Shen couldn't name.
The menu was complex and he must have been out of his mind to decide to do this. Trying to keep one eye on the time, knowing the reservation for Zhao Yulan was at nine, he put his head down and concentrated on the music he could hear, playing through his mind. Zhao Yunlan's latest composition, which he played in a video last night, wearing black jeans, a white button down and those black glasses, Shen had such a weakness for.
When Old Chu whipped in, telling him that the actress wanted to meet him and personally thank him, for this wonderful evening, Shen's first thought was look at the clock. Ten past nine. The next orders would include Zhao Yunlan. A thrill combined with terror raced through him. This was it. He calmly agreed and gave last minute orders to his efficient staff. Walking out the kitchen door, gave him the perfect view of table twelve.
His heart soared and butterflies exploded in his center. Zhao Yunlan. His Savior. His muse and possibly the love of his life was sitting down at the table, laughing at something Da Qing was saying. He was wearing that midnight blue evening jacket, flawless and carefree, as he looked around the restaurant.
Old Chu was speaking to the actress and the voice of Ye Zun echoed. "Stop being a flower GeGe."
He walked to the table as if he was magnetized, desperately wanting Zhao to look at him and equally terrified he would. "Good Evening gentlemen. Welcome to Dixing."
He could smell a trace of his cologne and lifted his gaze when he heard that voice wash over him like benediction. "Chef Shen! What an honor to meet you."
He looked up and met those foxfire dark eyes, which glittered like river stones in the morning light. Less than two minutes and he was thinking with poetry. He was doomed.
"I had no idea my favorite sponsor was such an incredible chef!"
Ye Zun would have preened. The words were flattery, but Zhao never said anything for zero effect and the fire that ignited was definitely a reaction. So he said as calmly as he could, "Your music has had such an impact in my life. I wanted to thank you and offer Dixing as a way to celebrate your recent success."
The smiled widened into a grin that was blinding. "I could never have done without your and my other sponsors support."
"Especially considering the hate-on." Da Qing remarked from the other side of the table. Shen spared him little thought, too overwhelmed by Zhao, except to notice that for once he wasn't wearing dungarees. It was true though. One of the other contestants in the rock music battle had said some particularly appalling things. Racist, belittling things that had made Zhao's polite smile, become a fierce grin of defiance.Shen Wei had never been more proud of him and that was saying something.
"It was a particularly sweet victory." Shen said in response, because the outrage at reading and later hearing those comments had surprised even him. Zhao laughed and gave his slightly maniacal grin. "It was, wasn't it?"
Old Chu appeared, looking harried, looking at Zhao Yunlan like he was currently performing acrobatics in his seat, not simply sitting there as an angel with godlike features. Shen bit back a sigh, if he lingered... "I'm afraid I have to go. As part of the celebrations, I have a special menu prepared just for you. Please enjoy yourselves and thank you for coming to Dixing."
Zhao flashed him a smile that showed his dimples and Shen quickly followed Old Chu. He had done it. He had met Zhao Yulan, hadn't made too much of a fool of himself and damn. He was even more beautiful up close than he remembered. Ye Zun would be proud and horrified.
"That's the musician?" Old Chu asked.
Shen Wei bristled slightly, 'Zhao Yunlan. He won an international competition." He's my Savior and the only reason you have a job and that Dixing still exists, was not the polite thing to say.
Later that night, exhausted and contented, by the day's success, he chose to meet up with them again on his way back to the kitchen. He had received rave reviews from not just the actress but her entire entourage, and had basked in their obvious enjoyment of dessert. That pleasure and the journey a person could undergo, just exploring through food, was the very reason he had become a chef. It was good for Dixing.
Zhao Yunlan smiled at him, as he passed. That sweet, kind smile that stole his heart, one year ago. His feet paused and diverted, coming closer to their table, anxious in a way he hadn't been with the celebrities. Zhao was finishing dinner with Da Qing nowhere in sight and Shen was proud to see nearly empty plates. It didn't mean that he had loved it, but he had finished the Peking duck main course that was the star of the Zhao Yunlan dishes. He could feel his mouth curving into a soft smile that was in no forced this time, eyes subtly raking over that beloved form, those elegant fingers stroking the rim of the wine glass. He wanted to take the empty seat and lean close, listen to him talk and take that hand and kiss those fingers. Shaking his head, as Zhao looked up, he tried not to embarrass himself.
"Ah, Chef Shen! That was truly magnificent. I have never had duck...well anything quite like it. Your talents know no bounds."
The praise of the celebrities had only meant good things for Dixing. Praise from Zhao Yunlan, words that normally meant empty things when said by other people, had his heart beating faster and a blush spread across his face. Cooking was his life, feeding people his passion. For this man to enjoy that was a gift. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
It was too soon to admit he was muse, he reminded himself. Thankfully, the table with the celebrities cheered suddenly and Zhao laughed at his expression. "It seems I'm not the only one enjoying the evening."
"They do seem excitable." It was a restaurant, not a sporting event.
Zhao just smiled. "Quite the guest list. A famous movie star..."
Not him too.
"A brilliant cellist and violinist." Shen interrupted, all but seeing Ye Zun wince.
At that, Zhao grinned. "That reminds me." He paused looking up at Shen, boldly touching his arm. Just a fleeting touch, making Shen heart race even more.
"Tonight has been wonderful. I can't thank you enough." He touched him again, to quell the rejoinder that was coming from Shen's throat. "I wanted to invite you, to come with me tomorrow."
Shen swallowed convulsively, dizzy with the turn of the conversation, or maybe that was Zhao Yunlan. "Come with you...where?"
"To the session I'm performing at. Its late in the afternoon, after all you must be tired after such a long day and longer night I imagine. I'm performing live, recording it for a video game theme song. There are about eight songs, so you'll enjoy it. You can come as my guest.I insist."
Foxfire eyes willed him to say yes and the thought of being so close to Zhao hear him play and be able to stand close by. That was temptation. Ye Zun would say no. Steer Shen Wei away at this point and Shen would have appreciated it. Before Zhao Yunlan. Before falling in love.
"I would love to."