The smiles

Tick tock

Tick tock

Tick tock

Said the ticking clock but Nick was still in a deep slumber, It's already eight am in the morning yet the young man was still snoring loudly.

Kiesha was on her way to go to Nick's room cause her mom ordered her to wake the two guys. She enters inside the room but Xin was missing, she looks outside and went at the rooftop, however, there have no signs of Xin, She just found a white blanket and petals of flowers in the rooftop.

Kiesha starts to worry about his friend Xin, cause Xin never leaves without permission. She immediately dashes to Nick's bed, shaking his whole body to wake him up but Nick was still sleeping peacefully. Nick's body moves on its own as he grabbed Keisha's head, hugging it on his chest.

Kiesha has no time to play with Nick as she starts slapping his face. Obviously, Nick was surprised in shockiness.

"Urghhh! What's wrong with you Xin?"

"Xin?! Hey! It's me Kiesha! And Xin was missing! Did he said something to you before leaving?"

"Huh?!! No, he does not say anytime to me.."

"You two are together the whole night, right? What did you guys do?"

"Yes! We're together the whole night."

Nick was blushing while recalling their activity last night.

"Yes, we did stargazing, look at the telescope."

"Then after that? You two went to sleep?"

"No, we stay at the rooftop for a moment then after I fell asleep, I think?"

Nick explained everything to his friends. He grabs his phone and dials the number of Xin.

"Wait a sec, let's call him"

Sadly the phone was unattended, But Nick kept dialing Xin's number but still unattended.

"Did you contact him?"

"No, the number was unattended. Perhaps his phone was off."

Nick said, frowning in disappointment as he stood up on the bed but Nick was not wearing underwear. His manhood was visible in white jersey short. Kiesha faced and see the private part of Nick as she immediately looked away, blushing in embarrassment then soon Nick run on the toilet.

"Kiesha, You go ahead and I'll be there soon."

Nick said while inside the toilet. Kiesha went downstairs while her face turning into reddish. Nick's mom noticed the sudden changes in her face skin cause it's really noticeable.

"What happened to your face darling?"

Nick's mom asks worryingly but Kiesha shakes her head left and right as her answer

"Nothing, I just saw something that beyond my imagination!!"

She covers her face with her hands, hiding her flattered face.

"But you are acting strange... Anyway, where are the boys?"

Nick's mom asks while preparing their breakfast. She places the plates and foods on the table while waiting for Nick.

"Xin won't eat with us, He left already without saying a single word!!"

"Why? I thought Xin was still there."

Nick arrived in the dining room, he saw her mother and friend talking to each other about Xin disappearance. The two were confused about why Xin suddenly disappeared. Nick sits beside his mom as they start praying for the blessing as usual.

Nick's mom starts a conversation with Kiesha, they talked about the loud noise of the cats in the rooftop last night.

"I couldn't sleep well last night"

Kiesha complains to Nick's mom. From out of nowhere Nick blasted the food inside his mouth. He was shocked when her mother talking about the noise last night. Nick immediately clean his table as he apologized to them.

"I saw a white blanket on the roof. You guys were watching the stars right? Have you seen a cat playing around?"

Kiesha asks Nick. It took a few minutes before he managed to reply to his friend's question.

"Ohh, Yeah we saw two cats last night, they are playing."

"But I don't think it's a cat"

Nick's mom added but Nick kept on making excuses to lead them in a wrong conclusion because Nick doesn't want to find out about last night. So he suddenly changes the topic.

"When are you leaving Kiesha?"

"I think before dinner, I still want to stay and hang out with your mom but my father is coming back from Italy. He said that he has to attend a special event here."

"Ohh, I see"

Nick nodded. His mom starts singing the birthday song along with Kiesha while slowly placing the cake in the table. Nick blows the candle, grinning to them.

"Make a wish! Nick"

"I already wished mom, I did last night. Thank you for the effort guys"

Nick said. In the middle of their party, Kiesha's phone was ringing, she excuses herself to both of them as she answers the phone call. Kiesha was still fine but a curved of her lips was made while she was having a conversation on the phone. Nick and his mom are clueless about what made her frown like that. When the phone call was ended the two approaches Kiesha as they ask who is the person who called her just now.

"It was my mother. Sorry, Nick, I have to leave as soon as possible so I could meet my dad at the airport"

Kiesha said asking for permission to leave. Nick was ok with it and Kiesha has no reason to stay longer so they let her go, but Nick knew something is wrong with her, he could tell it by just looking at his friend. He wanted to ask Kiesha but she was in hurry and soon her butlers came inside the house, carrying her belongings

"See you soon Nick!"

She said while leaving the house. The house went back to being a quiet and peaceful place.


"That's right mom but ill let them sleepover here with us again."

Nick stated without knowing that it would be their last moment together because there's a strong disaster coming to Nick's life.

"Mom I'm going to our room, tell me if you leaving so I could go and visit grandma."

He said while running upstairs, he grabs his phone, dialing Xin's number but still unattended. He sends countless messages to Xin so if ever he opens his phone Xin would know that Nick was worried about him. Nick was sitting on the bed, His phone received a notification from the anonymous user. It wasn't a message but a clip file. Out of his curiosity, Nick opens the clip as he saw himself and Xin having sex at the top of their house. He instantly closes the app. He drops his phone while his hands were shaking in nervousness and fear. His phones received another notification but this time was a message of threats with an image. images of their current location in the house.

Ohm was climbing on the wall to reach the balcony, it just in time and perfectly Nick was there in his bed. Ohm didn't waste a single time as he runs to Nick's bed, he grabbed his hand pulling him toward the balcony then soon they jump throughout the balcony, Ohm was holding Nick's head on his chest protecting him from the stray bullets cause their house was showering with fired bullets coming from different directions. Nick struggle against Ohm's body but of course, Ohm was much stronger than him cause Ohm used to work out.


Nick said while screaming in pain but it is too late to go back there and there's nothing he can do. Ohm used his handkerchief with a sleepy gas he put earlier cause he expected this will happened. He covers his handkerchief in Nick's mouth and nose so he could inhale the sleepy powder.

Nick's sight was slowly fading away while he was looking at their house and soon Nick was unconscious, his body convulsing with the mixed emotion and physical pain.  Ohm was carrying a dead body before he climbed in Nick's house. he throws a corpse body before leaving the house.

They burn the house to erase the evidence and existence of their family.

It was a big scoop for the country but at the same time warning to the other families who are planning to fight the blue Pegasus alliance. It was so tragic that the police found a different part of a woman's burned body. The body received countless of hole due to the gunshots and they also found a man's burned body and this one has a stab wound from head to feet.

The police have no suspect or lead about this crime, there was no evidence even the Cctv footage of the street didn't film anything because that time, the security was getting hacked.

Officer Tyson was assigned to this crime, he was known for being such a genius detective of the country, there are no cases that he can not solve.

Nick was gaining his consciousness, he was slowly opening his eyes but his vision was blurred, his head was hurt could not remember well about yesterday. His hands were roaming in the unfamiliar bed but the bed was so soft and nice. Nick was looking around as he finds himself alone in a dark room, he was nervous and scared as he starts breathing hardly.

Ohm entered inside the room, he saw Nick was gasping for air badly as he immediately went to the bed, he carries Nick to make him sit on the bed as he placed the other's man head on his shoulder soon he starts brushing Nick's soft hair, it was smell nice. Nick was startled when he saw Ohm next to him as he pushes other men.

"What am doing here?!"

He asks the other man while trying to make himself calm and thinking of yesterday. He suddenly remembered that they jump off from the balcony cause someone is firing guns at our house. He reminds his mom dead body lying on the kitchen as tears start to stream down on Nick's face.

"That was just a dream, right? It just a terrible nightmare right?!"

Nick could not believe that his mom was no longer with him because his life was running to his beloved mom. He was crying sorrowfully, you could see the pain on his eyes that used to be happy but now full of anguish. Ohm was felt sorry for Nick as he kneels down in front of the crying men, staring at his eyes.

"I might not know how painful your situation is, But you must keep living! Carry the legacy of your mom and tell the world that you two exist!"

"It's easy for you to say that because you are not in the same shoes as me! My mother is gone, I can no longer see her smiles! Nor talk to her! And what most painful is that im not with her in her last moment, I should be there! I should die with my mom!"

Nick said in a suffering tone voice. But Ohm held is hands, he was rubbing his palms against Nick's hands so it'll make him calm a little. Ohm has lost of words because Nick was right, that Ohm has no right to tell what he must and mustn't do but Ohm knew that Nick should not give up on his life, he should have his revenge in order to make his mom rest in peace.

"Don't worry Nick, from now onward, you won't be alone. I'll protect you with everything I've got!"

"But why are you doing this?! You could just leave me, in fact, you should not gamble your life for me! If you didn't come, I'm dead together with my mom!"

Nick responds with an angry tone voice toward the other men. Ohm was get irritated by how he responds to someone who just saves his life, He pushes Nick's body, pinning him down as he glares with sharp eyes.

"How could I let you die if you haven't pay me yet! I'm done being nice to you but your mouth must teach a lesson! Still, remember the deal we have at MKR mall? You should be there not as Nick, but as another person."

Nick was scared when Ohm has pinned him down as he struggles from the tight grasp of other men.

"What do you mean as another person?! And please let go of me! You're hurting me"

"I won't let you go if you keep crying!"

Ohm locked Nick's legs so he won't able to struggle. Nick couldn't move, although he keeps trying to force himself to free his body from Ohm. But he was strong and powerful.

"Ok!Ok! I give up now! Can you let go of me now?!"

"Sure! But I changed my mind, you are attractive when you are struggling like that so I think, I hold you more longer"

Said Ohm as he hints a self-satisfaction smirk playing across his soft and kissable lips. After a few minutes, Ohm decided to let go Nick, because he was going to discuss an important matter with him.

"Listen carefully, I want you to change your physical appearance because the world knows that you are dead already. You are going into surgery and I think we have enough time before going to the Blue Pegasus party which is held by my family and Your friend's family Xin."

Nick has already an idea about them cause Xin told Nick the order day. But Nick was not sure if he will agree with the surgery but he also understands that Nick should be dead now.

"Is there any method except surgery?"

"There's some method but it is too risky, Our best choice is the surgery. "

"Can I have one day to think of it? Cause still hurt that my mom is gone and then I have to do everything by myself."

"Nick! You are not alone, I'll stay with you just like my promise to a certain person. And one more thing, don't be shocked. Because I'll tell you who did all of these to you."

"I think there's nothing that can make me shock now... Go state it."

Ohm takes a lot of courage to tell about who is behind all of these.

"Do you know that Xin has a fiancee?"

"Hmmm... Yes, and the fiance is your youngest sister right?."

"That's right. And do you know who gives you the flower and saved you from the brick of dead?"

"Wait?!! How did you know about that puzzle?!"

Nick goosebumps with Ohm statement, because he knew a lot of information about Nick but the revelation was not over, it just started.

"Those flowers are from Xin second brother. If im not mistaken his name was Kei. And he was an expert in faking things. He inserts small pieces of cameras in those petals. He was monitoring you since you received the flowers, at first It was meant for puzzle so you could meet him personally but we didn't expect that you two had sex. We witnessed everything from the start and the end. He was going to delete the clip but it was automatically saved in the family's head. Our dad was upset about the scandal clip and the head of Kazuki decided to kill you and your mom for the shame you brought into the blue Pegasus alliance. On behalf of my family, I wanted to apologize for what they have done to you."

All of a sudden Nick felt depressed and hateful, he doesn't really know how he was going to utter a single word because his emotions were mixed. He was going to explode in madness but he still remains calm.

"What you said was true?"

"Yes, Nick. The blue Pegasus was finally showing their fangs! They wanted to rule the whole country which is I'm against it! I don't want to continue the family business, I just want to have a normal life just like the other! I remembered that my butler once asked if I'm interested in having friends. I actually do want friends but because of my family, only a few people are allowed to talk to me. Sad right?"

Nick felt sad for Ohm not having friends, he held Ohm's hands, lifting them up as he smiles even though Nick was still unhappy, he wanted to cheer the other man so he could somehow pay for his debt for saving his life.

Ohm was surprised when Nick held his hands, he knew that the other man was trying to cheer him up but despite his suffering situation he priority the other instead of himself, Ohm felt amazed for that kind of personality. But you can still see the grief on Nick's eye, they are right. "You can see the real feelings of someone by just looking at their eyes," He said to himself

"Hey! Can you release my hands now?"

"Ah..yes sorry" Nick stutter as he immediately releases Ohm's hand. Looking away.

"I'm sorry, my body moves on its own."

"No, it's alright. By the way, would you like to eat?"

"I don't want to eat."

Nick said refusing to Ohm offer. He wanted to be alone but he doesn't want to trigger his phobia. The man who doesn't want to be alone is now literally in solitude.

Ohm went outside to eat breakfast. While he was eating Ohm receive a phone call to his butler. The butler was asking his location but Ohm could not reveal his hideout to him. He doesn't trust his butler although they have been together for almost half of lives.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'll go there as soon as I finished with my business."

Ohm said as he turns off the phone call and continues his foods. After a few moments, Ohm received another phone call but this time from the director of RAYOS Hospital, they are asking if the surgery will continue tomorrow. Ohm couldn't answer the question because Nick wasn't agreeing yet. He went to the room to check Nick but Ohm could believe what he witness and at the same was surprised. Nick's facial expressions were different from earlier, he's like another person by just looking at him. His eyes were sharp like a look scary glare. Nick was thirsty for revenge.

Ohm wasn't saying anything when Nick agreed with the face changes surgery, Nick wanted to do it as soon as possible. He doesn't want to waste time cause their enemies were not wasting a single time either.

"I wanted to learn how to fight and use a gun"

"Well of course! So you can protect yourself."

"So what are we waiting for?"

Ohm was amazed at Nick's new personality, he thought that it will take a lot of time for him to recover but in a blink of an eye, Nick suddenly changed which is good for the sake of our mission

so Ohm called the hospital, he asks to do surgery now and the hospital has no choice but to agreed with Ohm and he wanted to do it privately.

    "No matter what challenges we are facing, we have to keep moving for the sake of our love one"