~Chapter 7~ The Gardens- Nimi's P.O.V.

As I woke up that morning, I smelled something good in the air. I got up with a yawn and panicked slightly, noticing I wasn't in my room. Then I remembered this morning and how I had him let me sleep with him.

"Ah! Good morning, m'Lady!" Min smiles walking in with a plate of food. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes I am, actually. How'd you know?"

"Well, when I cast a powerful spell, usually I'm quite hungry."

"Ah. Well thank you." I smile and take the tray he offered me.

"Always." He gives me a bow and leaves. I began eating the food and noticed it wasn't something normal, it was a special recipe I had left in the kitchen for spell-casters. It was a cake, flavored with some of the berries I had planted in the kitchen gardens. "How is it?"

"Excellent. You're a great cook." I smile at the excited look on his face.

"Thanks!" He laughs.

"Why don't we go outside and grow some of my gardens?"

"Which ones?"

"The tree and flower ones."

"Sounds fun!" He smiles and walks out. "You should change out of that dress now."

"Good idea." I nod and head to my room, slipping on a simple pair of shorts and a loose shirt.

"You look nice."

"Thanks." I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Let's go!" I ran towards my gardens laughing the whole way. Part of the way there, he let go of my hand and ran ahead, causing a little race to begin between us.

"This is really big." He says stopping and we entered the gardens. In between them, flowers and trees, there was a hedge fence. There was several kinds of gardens and since this area was close to the kitchen garden, each and every one of my gardens joined with this one. In the very center I had planted a hedge maze with a large fountain in the center. "Which one first?"

"Trees." I smile. "Did you bring an instrument?"


"I'll take that as a no." I smile. I began a short incantation to create an instrument. "Do you play any?"

"The harp."

"Good." I smile once more and continue the chant. Once I finished, I handed Min the freshly created wooden harp. Because it was made by magic, the harp glowed faintly in a beautiful shade of blue and the wood was perfectly white as if it was made of metal. The string was a perfect golden hue and also glowed.

"It's beautiful." He smiles and takes it gently. "Why are you making this?"

"Because for my plant growth spells to work, I need to sing the spell and it's easier to do so with someone playing."

"I see."

"Would you like me to start singing?"

"Whenever you're ready, m'Lady."

I began singing without words until he picked up the tune then I began the spell. As I sung, we wandered the fields of flowers and trees until every one of my plants had become full grown. Once at the center, in front of the fountain, I made the wind float Min over to the top and gestured for him to set it down. As soon as he did, the harp locked in place and continued the melody. I stopped singing but my voice continued echoing through the air. "Done." I smile softly and begin wandering the gardens.

"That's powerful magic." Min murmurs as he began walking next to me, admiring the plants around us.

"Not really." I remember my mother. She taught me much of the magic I know today.