~Chapter 9~ The Stories of Love- Min’s P.O.V.

When I grabbed her hand, I saw her radiant smile and felt happy. "Let's race again!"

"Sure!" Nimi giggled, letting go of my hand and racing after me.

We ran until we got back to the castle and she went to the kitchen while I headed to the dining room. I set the table effortlessly and quickly, sliding the plates into place. Sometime during the day, Nimi said she had invited some neighboring Dukes to dinner and to set the whole table. The table itself was huge but I set it with ease. The plates went first, sliding them where they go, then came the goblets. After the goblets were in their places, I walked around the table setting the spoons, forks and knives in their proper positions.

As soon as I finished, I heard a small knock on the door. "Welcome." I say, bowing like I do for Nimi after I open the door. "This way please." I take the Dukes and Duchesses into a sitting room while we wait for the food to finish. Nimi joined us not long after and by the glow in her eyes, I could tell she was using her magic to keep the food cooking.

"Hello Lords and Ladies!" She smiled. "Welcome to my small castle."

"Sorry to be rude and interrupt, but why did you call us here?" A random Duke asked. He was the largest one here.

"I called you all here to discuss political business." All at once the glow faded. "Min? Go get the food please."

"Of course, m'Lady." I gave her a bow and got the food, finishing the set-up of the table. "Follow me Lords, Ladies and m'Lady." I gave Nimi a grin and led the group into the room. I assisted the Ladies into their chairs and brought out wine and beer. "Does anyone wish for a drink?"

"Please boy." A petite Duchess asks. I walk over to her, as graceful as can be and proffer the drinks to her. "White wine."


"Yes." I pour an older wine into her glass and nodded, walking away.

"Why don't you go around and give everyone a drink?" Nimi asked.

"I only want water." A couple ladies said.

"Of course." I smiled and walked around the table giving those women water and filling the cups of every other person there. Once done, I dished them food and the discussion began.

In the end, they settled with Nimi having ownership of their estate and being given 25% of their income in return for her service in protecting them from bandits and the like. "That was eventful." Nimi said with a smile as each of them headed into the guest rooms.

"That it was." I chuckled. "Now, what should we do m'Lady?"

"Well, I offered a couple of the Duchesses to the gardens." She grinned. "At night, of course."

"Would you ladies need a guard?"

"Always." Nimi laughed. "All right you two. You can quit hiding now."

"Sorry for eavesdropping on you." One of them said stepping through the door. It was the lady I had served the wine to.

"You're fine." I smile. "You have great taste in wine by the way."

"Thanks." She blushed. "I don't think we were properly introduced. I am Elle and this is my sister Jina. We are from the Duchy of the Mageforests."

"Wonderful to meet you, Elle, Jina." I gave a bow.

"May I ask who you are?" Her sister, Jina asked me.
