~Chapter 3~ The Recruits- Switching


"It is nice to meet you." I heard a voice, one that was clearly feminine, and that sounded like the melodic voice of one of the Faeries, yet not exactly. There was a deep growl at the base of the voice, hard to hear, but there.

"Oh? Someone made it past Roslynn?" I looked up with a small smirk. I was right, she was Faerie. But what else?

There was also a male with her, Elf, I believe.

"Yes." She nodded, holding out her hand. A Dragonling. The teeth are a dead giveaway.

"Nice to meet you." I shook her hand. "Would you care to share your names?"

"Only if you share yours first." The Elf growled.

"Alright." I nodded, standing. "I am Rika, the Guildmaster."

"Good enough." The female smiled, showing off her teeth again. "I'm Lucy, and this is Aeson!"

"It is nice to meet you both."

"Can we join the Guild? If not, then we'll leave." Aeson, the male, spoke, sounding annoyed.

"You can. Can you each give me your left arm?"

"Why..?" Aeson sounded suspicious, even though Lucy immediately did so.

"To give you the signets." I pulled out two metal bands, and slipped them onto their arms, and then I grabbed the stamp. "This'll hurt a bit."

"Like what? What are you going to do?" Lucy asked.

"Well, I'm going to heat this up extremely hot and then brand your arm with the Guild's insignia."

"Fine." She said immediately. Aeson seemed a tad hesitant, but didn't pull away.

"And.... Done." Lucy had winced a bit and Aeson just stood there, not seeming to notice the pain.

"Now... What happens?"

"Anything. Here, follow me." I led them out of my crowded office, and into the main room for the guild. I pointed at the board and left.

I conjured a new stack of papers and began writing details on them.


After the Guildmaster left, Lucy started staring at the board.

'I think it is her. It has to be. She's so similar yet so different.' I began muttering, not noticing her staring at me.

"Oi! Aes!"

"Huh? Oh. Sorry Lucy!"

"You're fine. I find us a job."

"Oh? And what might that be?"

"This." She handed over the paper.

"Stealing a jewel...?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure we'll be able to do it!"

'You definitely can.' "Right!" I smiled. "Well, let's get going my love."



As we set out, I noticed Aeson becoming more and more lost in thought. I left him alone, not wanting to annoy him, but I did feel worried for him.

At one point, he had fallen asleep on the horse we were riding. His arms had been wrapped around my waist, so his face was nestled in between my neck and shoulder. At one point he murmured things like "Angel," "Feathers," and "Snowflake," or even "Ice Queen."

I made a note to make sure to ask him about these names, when he woke up of course.

When we got to the inn, I shook him awake. "Hey Braveheart~" He muttered next to my ear as he woke up. Once he fully woke up, he tensed up. "I- I didn't mean to call you that..."

"Oh? I was planning on asking you what's up with the nicknames you were muttering while you slept."

"Huh? Wh-What nicknames?"

"Let's see... Angel... Feathers.... Um.. Snowflake, and Ice Queen."

"Damn it." I heard him mutter angrily.