You Got A Message

I stared blankly at Antonio, my assistant for 3 years. He was blabbering about the going-on's within my company and just announced that Francoise fvcking d'Leur, backed out on our deal.

I don't get it. We were just acquainted yesterday and he looked like he was going to pour all his money in my business, like a dog salivating at a sight of a steak. The thing is, I don't really give a fvck if he did or didn't invest, it will not affect my business. But the fact that he fvcking declined after I waste my fvcking time on him, that sh-t annoys me.

"Why?" I asked, still bristling in annoyance.

Antonio cleared his throat before answering me with his quivering voice.

"Mr. d'Leur sent a message apologizing for his impertinence and that he signed a contract exclusively with McIver Holdings."

I cocked my head at the side. McIver Holdings doesn't ring any bells at all. It's not even one of the companies that try to fight me tooth and nails with. I never really cared about it, those companies have been on my tails ever since I operated years ago. It didn't even faze me one bit, because that was just that, a rival.

They could try, but they could never. They're that pathetic.

Heh. So he wasted my time and ended up making a deal with someone that's not in my field of vision.

McIver Holdings...

"I have looked into it and apparently, McIver Holdings holds the fifth spot of the biggest business in the country."

Not even in the top three? Francoise, does he think that I'm a joke?

What nonsense...

It shouldn't bother me, I have made my empire in an iron-clad foundation, no one could drag me down. I'm on the top of the food chain, I'm the predator and they're just mere prey. They're just ants under my feet.

Frowning, I reached for my phone as it vibrates. Rob's name flashed at the screen and I answered it feeling annoyed.


"Mr. Nagasaki, some of our investors in the Land Transaction are pulling out. I investigated what was going on and I found out that they are now investing i McIver Holdings."

"Are you sure with that information?"


I ended the call and looked back at Antonio, "Find information about McIver holdings, I want a full report tomorrow."

He bowed down before he left my office. I sat there, mentally murdering that bastard who owns the McIver Holdings.

He wants to play dirty, then let's play.


"Wynter! What's with that news I've heard from Elle? Did you found the man of your dreams? Is that true?" Althea literally barked over the phone.

Elle and her big mouth.

I rolled my eyes at her, even though she can't see me.


I moved the phone out of my ear when she screamed. I just pictured Michael running to their bedroom after hearing her, I bet he thinks something bad happened.

"Oh my God! Like Oh my... really?!" She decided to scream again like the first one was not enough.

"Oh my gosh, congratulations girl you already found your Michael!"

"Excuse me, you could have Michael all you want, my Keith is nowhere near your man," I said defensively.

There's no way in hell that he could be compared to Michael, the gap is too big. Michael is a ladies man and Keith is... well Keith. You got my point?

"Whatever, I am still congratulating you because now, you won't end up an old maid. You better hurry before you menopause!" She cheered.

I am 28, what's the big deal of being single at this age?

I'm not a typical woman who freaks out when they talk about their age. I'm even proud of myself for keeping an untouched background. In our generation, being a virgin is like a rare condition.

"So what's the news, is he your boyfriend now?" She beamed back, probably swooning in their bedroom.

"Nah, he doesn't even know me...yet," I answered.

I looked outside the glass wall of my penthouse and stared at the city lights ahead.

I wonder what's he doing right now? Is he sleeping with a woman?

I scoffed at the thought, yeah right.

"What?" She asked, incredulous. "Then why aren't you doing a thing? Go get your man!"

"Of course I will. I'm doing everything right now you know." I'm even risking my business here.

"You know that we always have your back right, Wynter? We will support you even if you like some mafioso." She sweetly careened which made me smile.

But what's with that weird flag right there.

"I know..."

After talking with Thea, I went into my bedroom and opened my MAC, silently surfing through my emails. My eyes glued at one recent email I received 4 hours ago from a very familiar name.

"Nagasaki Corp... what."

I was staring at my screen, looking amazed. I even blinked several times just to make sure I'm not seeing things but...

Nagasaki Corporation. Bold and real.

I hastily opened the email and read it eagerly. Once was not enough so I read it again and again, hanging on to every word. As I reread it all over, my eyes kept bulging out of their sockets.

This is so real.

He's inviting me to meet him at his company.

Keith invited me. Me. At his company.

An ear-splitting grin appeared on my face. I could literally feel the excitement thrumming in my veins. Inside my head, I already envisioned how it's going to unfold.

I bet he's going to talk about business. I mean, I just snatched his clients one by one under his nose so why wouldn't he take action? I already know this will happen, I anticipated it.

My eyes glued back at the screen and stared. He used 'Mr. McIver' to address me, which is a surprise. He didn't know I'm a woman after all.

Did nobody tell him? Not even his assistant? Who even wrote this email?

Chewing my lower lip, my eyes flashed with mischief.

Then I'll surprise him.

The moment he'll see me, the shock would be an understatement.

I'll give him a coronary.