More Plans

The last time I've been kissed by an opposite-sex was when I tried to get dirty with my former boyfriend Charles, who was an ass by the way. It was around the time when everyone's being all in love and sh.t and all they talk about are boys and romance. I was feeling left out so I said yes to him, he was one of those men who was pestering me non-stop.

If I remembered it correctly, he begged me to be more passionate about him. He said he couldn't feel that he was my boyfriend, all I care about is work, and he thinks I don't love him enough. Well yeah, duh I don't but because he was being so pushy about it, I kissed him.

I was also curious about this sparks thingy my friends say they feel whenever they kissed their men and I wanted to experience that! But ah, how disappointing.

The kiss was meh and lacks affection, and Charles being him, took things further, and start groping me. That's when I kicked his ass off my apartment.

I realized that, why would you stay if you don't feel something right?

No passion, no heart to heart talks, no cheesy cliché moments. No sparks. Period.

But the way Keith is kissing me right now? Unbelievable...

I was so shocked at his sudden actions that I stood there frozen and bewildered as hell. I stopped breathing then and there as I contemplated what to do. Should I push him away?

But then, his unbelievably soft lips moved against mine and all rational thoughts flew out the window. I think I have even forgotten my name...

He kissed me like he wanted to punish me, to dominate me, and I gladly submitted to him. He bit my lower lip and I gasped at the sudden current that rushes from my lips to my head.

He used that exact moment to devour me whole, sneaking his tongue inside my mouth and that's when things started to get heated...

His tongue darted inside, laving my tongue and exploring all crevices. My teeth, my gums...

I melt into his embrace as my knees gave out, clutching his shoulders for dear life. He pulled me closer to his body, encircling his arms around my waist.

One of his hands caressed my back, up to my head where he fisted a clump of my hair to give him more access to my mouth.

I moaned when he sucked my tongue, the sound was muffled in his mouth. Hooking my arms around his nape, I pulled him closer to me as I kissed him back with equal fervor. His mouth left mine as he trailed open-mouthed kisses against my jaw, towards my neck.

"Keith..." I groaned out when he sucks the skin around my pulsing vein.

I have then suddenly yanked away from him. My tightly closed eyes opened and looked at the dark ones that were staring at me.

His dark onyx eyes blazed with fire

Lust and desire pooled inside those orbs and I know for sure, it mirrored mine.

"I was right." He whispered.

"What?" I replied, still disoriented with the kiss.

"You're a manipulative whore." He gave an emphasis to his last word which prompts me to push him away like I was burned.

How dare he?!

"You want me right? You want me for my money..."

Keith was staring at me in disgust.

The pain I felt hearing his brutal words irked my soul and I flinched away from him. Hardening my stance, I glared at this idiot man with undisguised hatred.

That's what he'll say after kissing me? What a jerk...

I shook my head from side to side. What kind of brain does he have? Can't he understand that what I want is him and not his stupid company?

"Keith, if all I want is money, I could find a dying old man who's richer than you! I could seduce a prince if I wanted to!" I hissed.

"I only want you. You and not your freaking company." Add Wynter.

He didn't say anything after that and just stood there, scowling in my direction.

"I don't believe you." He answered and it made me more infuriated at him.

Seriously, he's more paranoid than a person with PTSD.

"Then you should!" I bit back.

I really want to hit him with his nameplate that is currently sitting at his table. Maybe if I bonked his head, he'll finally see what I'm pointing out.

After some moments, he heaved out a resigned sigh before he sat down on the same chair I was sitting a while ago. This gave me the opportunity to look at him properly.

His eyes were closed tight, his forehead creasing due to stress like he's thinking of a problem. His jaw locked in obvious anger and his lips...

Those luscious lips that were on me just a while ago are set into a firm line. Remembering the kiss brought me into another realm, where those same set of lips are drowning me with delicious sensations.

Damn this man for being sexy as hell...

"Leave." His gruff voice brought me back to now and I struggled to regain my composure.

"Pardon?" I asked, not sure if I heard him right.

"Leave." He said.

I frowned at him even though he couldn't see me.

"But we had a deal. If you think that I'm not serious about what I told you then you're wro--"

I didn't get to finish what I'm saying because he cut me off.

"Just leave!" He barked, more forceful this time and I rolled my eyes heavenwards in annoyance.

"Fine!" I huffed. "But I'll be back to claim what's mine..." I added and turned towards the door.

Not long after, I am sitting comfortably in Thea and Michael's gazebo. Sitting in front of me is a blooming pregnant woman, elation is emitting off her in waves.

"So you're telling me that Elle bribed her brother to accept your proposal?" She inquired and I nodded in confirmation.

"As expected. We already know that you'll do everything at your disposal to get what you want. Rules are damned with you..." She chided and I smirked.

They really know me well...

"Fvck the rules. I want him and no one will daunt me to get what I want." I remarked while drinking the orange juice she gave me.

"Elle told me that when Derek went to see her, he was pale as a sheet. He even warned her to never ever ask favors from him again. The guy was traumatized after meeting your man..." She animatedly narrated while chuckling.

My man...

I like the sound of that.

Derek is the brother of Elle who was caught in our scheme in exchange for an old car that he's been pinning on. I guess that was the first and last favor we would get from him.

"Well, Keith is scary when he's mad," I stated. Frowning when I remembered what just transpired earlier in the afternoon.

"But he'll heed to me, sooner or later," I said with conviction. Thea was looking at me in amusement and I gave her a smug smile.

"Apparently, he's Kate's twin brother."

Thea's brows shot up as I mentioned Kate's name.

"The bitch who accused you of hooking up with her boyfriend?" She muttered, disgust dripping in her voice.

"Yeah. That same bitch." I answered as I giggled at our wayward conversation.

"Is the world too small that even the man you want is related to that snake?" She snorted and I almost laugh at her unabashed dislike towards Kate.

I refrained from doing just that and asked where's her fiance instead.

"Oh him? He's busy building our baby a crib." She replied while rubbing her tummy with genuine affection.

"This early?" I asked incredulously. "And why not buy one instead?"

She tossed a blonde lock of hair out of her face and snickered.

"I know right? But you know Michael, he's excited for our baby to be born. I told him to not be fussy about it but his excuse was that it's more meaningful if he built it. I just leave it to him..." She sipped at her tea and continued on.

"I mean, he's so sweet, isn't he? I'm so damn lucky to have him, Wynter, I swear." She grinned happily.

A stab of jealousy seeped right through me. I'm starting to crave what they have.

"You should make a move now Wynter, you're not getting younger anymore." She coaxed in a soft voice. "Give us nephews and nieces alright?" She teased and I grinned.

"Soon Thea. Soon..." I smiled enigmatically at her.

I'll get him. By hook or by crook...