Bullets and Carnage

KEITH was mad. No, he was furious. Furious about the woman who is blatantly flirting with that son of b.tch.

But why? He didn't know either. He's just... mad.

Is he the reason why she left my unit like she did not just happen to be involved in an accident? She should be resting, but here she is, laughing with that man like they're the only people in the world.

He finds it an eyesore.

I watched through the glass wall of the restaurant they're in, throwing daggers with my eyes at them. I saw how that fvcker touched Wynter like it's natural.

How they kept conversing while smiling like idiots, probably reminiscing moments - and how they smile at each other like fools.

What is he to her?

A friend?

A boyfriend?

A lover?

He growled at the thought of other men who had touched Wynter intimately. Men who had seen her naked, who had kissed and touched every part of her.

No. Wynter is his.

Since that first time, he saw her in his office. Since the first time he tasted those sultry lips, she was already his. She doesn't belong to someone other than him.

They may look but they can't touch.

Fvck them, they shouldn't even cast her a look. No.

If she thought that she's the only one who could stake their claim, then she's wrong. He doesn't belong to anybody, but she sure as hell belongs to me.

Me and only to me.

Ever since this woman came into his life, his normally composed world went into shambles. He's a calculating person, always seeing things to his demands. He doesn't do relationships because that would only ruin his plans. He does engage on quick tumble between the sheets though, but that's it. Women always ask for more than he could give them and it annoys him.

But when Wynter McIver snatched his investors and came barging in his office, things went complicated.

How dare her to make a fool out of him like that! She chases him, while she's seeing somebody.

They have a deal, a deal which he can't seem to object. He will play his part as soon as matters are settled. He will take his bargain.

Fvck his enemies.

Fvck Reigo.

Wynter is mine.

I looked at the restaurant again. They are outside of the place now, and still conversing by the door.

I watched in annoyance as they hugged. The bastard even has the audacity to kiss Wynter on her forehead whilst that vixen even smiled as she waved him goodbye.

That's my cue to get out of the car, leaving Dante and Cormac inside.

With purpose in my stride, I made my way to her. Not seeming to care at all to the people I bumped shoulders with. My eyes remained locked at Wynter who was now reaching for something - her phone.

My car was parked on the other side of the streets, to avoid being seen. After she left my unit, I called Dante to watched over her, then notified Cormac to ready the car to follow Wynter, and make sure she gets home safely.

I already crossed the streets when my phone vibrated. My jaw clenched when I saw who it was, Reigo.

I glanced at Wynter, she was looking worriedly at her phone, pale as a ghost. Like she was seeing something that bothers her.

I answered the call, still making my way to her, not a single step faltering.

"Fvck you Reigo." I snarled at him.

He just laughed at me like the maniac he was and answered.

"Fvck you and your bitch, Psycho. She's pretty, but I bet she's even prettier covered in blood. After all, red suits her..." He careened, clearly taunting me.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I bristled in anger. Reigo Giapolli is one of my many enemies. He'll do anything to get back at me after I burned down his business to ashes.

That was the price I made him pay when he betrayed my alliance with him after he fvcking sold Katrina to our rival family.

As a matter of fact, that was not enough retribution. I should have killed that motherfvcker a long time ago when I had the chance.

"Such cowardice you possess to not just threaten me in person. Scared that I would kill you?" Taunt me. Smiling cynically as I heard him spluttering on the other line.

Reigo is nothing but a miserable recreant. Siding with whoever he thinks is the mightiest, but dumb enough to wage war on the wrong family. Not just a coward, but also a spineless idiota.

"Your time would come Psycho. I will be one of those people who'll laugh and spit at your grave when you fvcking croak." He hissed venomously which made me laugh. The hilarity of what he just said amused me.

As if...

They're only all talks and no actions. Well, they did act, but it was a fvcking failure. They couldn't even touch me once.

"But first, your whore is just outside a classy restaurant after being acquainted with her pimp. What present should I give?" He added. His voice dripped with malice and I swiveled my head in her direction.

Just then, I saw men lurking around, eyeing her. They're not my men.

"Fvck." I ran the distance between us while giving signals to my men, just blocks away, and to Dante who immediately left the confines of the car.

I heard Reigo's raucous laughter like he was enjoying my current distraught.

After this fiasco, I'm going to blow his fvcking head off.

"Harm even a single strand of her hair Reigo and you'll have your death wish." I hissed at the phone.

Reigo laughed maniacally and responded while hissing through his teeth.

"Enjoy eating bullets with your slut."

Just when I reached Wynter, the call ended.

"Keith? Why are you h-" Her words got cut off when I grabbed her arms, dragging her with me.

"We need to get out of here." Is what I said before dragging her again. She fought and wriggled at my restraints but I didn't loosen my grip.

"Keith, stop! Unhand me!" She jostled, flinging around like a ragdoll.

Dante was beside me in a moment, securing us together with his men. They brought out their guns and surrounded us, acting as a barricade.

Tugging at Wynter again, I tightened my grip at her and pulled out my gun as well, and that's when all hell, broke loose.


GUNSHOTS after freaking gunshots was all I heard when men in black scurried out in the open, charging at us.

I was beyond terrified. After an incident this morning, here I am again.

Fvck my life...

Keith's men surrounded us like swarms of bees, exchanging bullets with the group of people gunning us down. I ducked down and screamed when I heard glasses breaking and people went screaming like lunes. Banshees are just a metaphor right now.

I felt Keith's arms, pulling me in his embrace like an iron cage. He was cursing different curses I wouldn't dare to know from different languages. It sounded really colorful.

He shoots one man who was pining at us and I screamed for the nth fvcking time. Holy shit! I just saw him blow someone's head off!

"Oh my God! Is there a war? Damn it! I'm not prepared to di-- aaahhhh!" I screamed like a madwoman when a dead person fell in front of me.

Blood was sputtering everywhere like some mad artist painted the place with bloody paint.

I grabbed Keith, who is currently shooting someone with the familiar man from earlier and was still tugging me in his side, horrified as hell.

All I could see and hear are the chaos around me.

I had never seen a live shoot-out, nor think I would be in it as well! Never in my entire life, I had ever thought this would happen to me, until now. It's going to leave me traumatized as hell.

A black sedan pulled in front of us and opened. A man pulled me inside, planting me at the leather upholstery. At first, I thought they were kidnapping me but when I saw Keith and Dante get in, I stopped resisting.

I was heaving. No, I was hyperventilating! The scene a while ago makes me want to puke my heart out, and probably my guts too, and more.

Keith was talking rapidly at someone on the phone. They all looked at ease like they're used to it like they engaged on shootouts and sees dead people every fvcking day of their lives.

"What the fvck was that?!" I screamed at Keith who ignored me.

He was done talking to whoever the fvck it was and is now currently cleaning his golden gun. My eyes shook when I saw him squinting at that God-forsaken weapon.

Of course, a man like him who's maybe richer than the monarchy itself would possess deadly firearms for protection. And he just killed a man.

"Are you alright?" He asked when he saw my pale expression.

I gave him the most dangerous glare I have.

Is he serious? He's asking me if I'm alright?

I wanna bite his head off!

"I just saw people die in a shootout and someone just tried to fvcking shoot me and you're asking me that? Unbelievable" I glared at him. If looks could kill, he would be croaking right now.

He shrugged at me before putting the blasted armory away.

Just a piece of information. I have seen guns before, not fake toy guns but the real deal. My dad owned one, and I went to shooting ranges before so it's no big deal for me. But to actually use it to kill people, well men who tried to kill us, it's still scary. He, shrugging like that makes me want to question his sanity.

"Keith. You have just killed people..." I murmured when the reality dawned on me. I just saw him shoot men to death. Him, of all people.

He looked at me blankly like he was telling me, Duh...

"Yes, I did. Because Wynter, if I didn't shoot them, they'll shoot us. They'll kill you." He said while pointing at me.

Just then, the text message I received came into my mind.

'How about bullets for dessert?'

I swiveled around, not caring if I get whiplashed, and gawked at him. Mouth parted as I do so...

"But killing is a crime! It's a sin!" I pointed out.

He sighed tiredly and cupped my chin with his callous hand.

"Just be happy you're alive and shut that seductive mouth of yours or I'll make you." He whispered dangerously. Staring down at me with his enchanting onyx eyes.

I immediately clamped my mouth shut, heeding at his order. His power over me is beyond my control.

Just as I sealed my mouth into a firm line, his callous hands tightened around my cheeks as he pulled me closer. Close enough to smell his minty breath.

"Now, who was that bastard?" He hissed, nose flaring and eyes burning with rage.

I got confused. What's he talking about all of a sudden?

"Who was what?" I asked quizzically.

"Don't play coy with me, Wynter. Who is that bastard you've met earlier?" He added, hostility coating his words.

My eyes widened in recognition. Oh! He's talking about Jake...

"He's Jake, my childhood friend. I don't think you know him though, why do you ask?" I watched as his eyes narrowed at my words.

"A friend?" He repeated and I nodded.

His one hand traveled till it was wrapped around my nape and the other one snaked around my waist, pulling me to him.

"A friend huh... That's good because I'll kill any men who are more than a friend to you. You are mine, Wynter." He stated silkily before he crashed his lips on mine. It didn't take long before I was answering his kisses.

It was different. It was deep and primal. He was dominating my mouth, devouring it whole. Like he was branding me, telling me using the kiss that I was his. That I belonged to him.

After I don't know how long it was. Seconds? Minutes? He removed his mouth from mine. Leaving me reeling...

"You belong to me, body, mind, heart, and soul." He said as I stared at him with half-lidded eyes.