Love The Way You Lie

There are those times when Keith will wake up after an hour nap, more or less, and then he will just get on with his life and started working his ass off to continue their empire. He rarely even get more than 2 hours of sleep not unless he'll succumb to a drug-induced coma.

Waking up with Wynter in his arms encompasses other things. For example, the stacks of papers he'll need to read and sign, or the number of emails sent from his minions underground. No, but the fact that he's currently staring at his woman's sleeping figure, just staring, is a new feeling for him. He woke up with his phone screaming bloody murder, after rounds of earth-shattering sex with Wynter, he succumbed into a deep contented sleep.

Hell. He slept like a babe for 6 fvcking hours and that's something...

His phone beeped again, unable to look away from the Goddess' in his bed, he answered the call.


There was a 2-second silence before the caller answered.

"Fvcked the woman yet?" A familiar voice replied.

"Fvck off Sinn." He grunted on the phone. "What the fvck do you want?"

"It's about Reigo," Sinn answered.

His blood boils as he heard the name, killing the fvcker in his mind in more ways than one. That asshole sided with the enemies before, helping the nemesis to kidnap his younger sister and now, he's targeting his woman. If he ever got the chance to hold Reigo in his hands, he would be begging for death.

He'll pay. Big Time.

"What about him?" He sneered.

"The fvcker's been secretly snooping around the rat hole. Think he's siding with the Drago's. Shits kept happening around the neighborhood and even the fvcking royalties are on the wreck." Sinn replied, clearly pissed off.

He turned as Wynter stirred in her sleep. The comforter fell off of her, baring her naked body. His body immediately reacted at the sight of her beautiful figure. He could barely restrain himself to not just throw his phone and join her in the bed again. Then maybe make sweet lovemaking or just fvck her brains out. Or both.

To contain himself, he left the room and went straight to the adjoining office. Carefully sliding the door shut to not make a noise and wake Wynter up.

"The royalties are just a pain in the ass. Don't tell me you're going to fvcking babysit the princess?" He snorted on the phone.

He heard a rumor that Sinn fvcking Vitali is hiding a princess in his place. He never entertained and believed the idea.

Sinn hates the fvcking royalty. That's what he said so himself to him years ago due to some messed up reason that he doesn't really know coz he's not saying anything. So he is sure that those rumors are just false speculations.

There was an unfathomable silence that only confirmed one thing, and he cursed at that.

"What the fvck?" He exclaimed on the phone without voicing his thoughts.

Sinn sighed and he heard it, and his notion was concreted.

"I won't fvcking ask..."

"Good because that's none of your fvcking business..." Sinn grunted on the line.


There was a smacking sound, like someone is hit by something and then he heard Sinn groaned.

"Language!" A female voice screeched on the other side.

"Fvck off bitch!" Sinn replied.

Then there was a sound of something breaking, and the familiar voice of a female screaming bloody murder while Sinn cursed lowly, but enough to be heard by him.

"Don't call me that! You-- You-- you miscreant!! Don't you know who I am? I'm Am--" and the rest was muffled.

"Shut up woman!" Sinn shouted back and then there was a commotion before everything went silent.

Keith's brows shot up as he heard the exchange but he remained silent as he waited for Sinn.

"Scusi, Amethyst is being a brat again. Fvcking royalties..." Sinn muttered. "Anyway, I got to meet Alduos and he shared something with me. Katana has been missing for two weeks now after her last mission..." He informed.

Alduos Pasquale, a former assassin of Nagasaki Empire under Katrina's care, whom they later discover, that Alduos is the long lost son of their dead alliance, Fiodor. Who was betrayed and killed by his right hand, fvcking Reigo. He inherited his late father's business, including the mafia, and was now the big boss of their family, still in alliance with their empire.

Katana, on the other hand, is a female assassin trained by his twin sister, Kate. They adopted her ten years ago after saving her life from being preyed on by the Kahn. She was a skilled one, trained to be, and a very reliable and loyal asset of the family.

He frowned at that. His sisters, nor his dad, didn't inform him about something like that.


"She disappeared without a trace. NF, Creed and the Cadre is still searching for her, even your cousin's Black Society. Haven't you heard?" Sinn blurted, shocked at his cluelessness.

Hell, he too.

"I don't have a fvcking clue." He grunted. Annoyed and could care less at the same time.

If Katana would hide, even if it's true or not, she couldn't. Because NF would fvcking find her from where the fvck she would be. No one messes and leaves the family without permission, and if crossed, that means death.

"You think she's retracting?" Sinn carefully asked, aware that Keith is sensitive about these trust issues.

He was betrayed for so many times he could count, and if so happen that it would be, he'll going to fvcking flip.

"I don't know why the fvck she would hide but I'm sure of only one thing..." Keith sighed as he slumped back on his swivel chair. "Katana Wilde is an assassin. She knows what's not and what is, and I do believe she's smarter than any of these fvckers that soiled me."

¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶

"I bet all my money that you just got laid," Elle blurted out all of a sudden.

Wynter got so shocked by her words that she spat out the coffee she was drinking. She glared at her as she wiped her mouth while Elle dried off the remnants of the coffee off her face.

"What the fvck Wynter. Where the hell is your decency? Where's the poise, bitch?" Elle grumbled and gave her a burning look.

She then throws a table napkin and glared at her.

"Whose fault is that?!"

Elle snorted at her.

"You look like a woman who just has great s*x Wynter, don't me." She smirked. "Tell me, is it big? Does it feel good? Is he great in bed?" Elle rambles which made her jaw dropped even more.

"You and your big mouth!" She hissed, her eyes flaring wide. 

Didn't she know there is a lot of people who can hear us?

She really has no filter.

"As far as I know, Wynter, you are not a virgin anymore. Stop being so prissy," Elle added.

Lord, give me strength.

"I've been there and done that so I would know how a sated woman look. You're even glowing right now so don't me."

This time, she really wished to smack Elle on the face with her pouch right now.

She met Elle in their usual meeting place and before she could even get out of Keith's penthouse, she had won a long debate first. She felt like she was at court because of so many excuses she had spouted. He didn't want me to go coz he thinks it's still dangerous and some more bullshit.

In the end, they end up making out on the couch before Keith agreed to her whims. Not until he sent one of his men to accompany her.

Wynter lets out a tired sigh to Elle's behavior. She's already immune to her bluntness and for being so straightforward, but sometimes she's just too much. She even thinks she's getting worse lately...

Wynter stared at her and asked the thing she had been wanting to say.

"Elle, why did you invited me for real?" 

Wynter knows that Elle is hiding something, she can feel it. But she wouldn't push her into telling her what is up. If she wants to tell her, then she'll listen.

Jezelle Escalante is her best friend for 6 years now. She had met Thea earlier than her, and for that six years, she still had a lot that she doesn't know about her. All she knows is that Elle likes to go alone, venture alone, and hides her secrets alone.

She's basically a lone wolf. The times she had opened up could be counted with one hand. I guess, being secretive is her nature and she respects that.

Elle painted a smile which Wynter find as fake, tension radiated off her in waves and she became worried.

"Are you going to jail?" She gasped.

"Nah. I'm going away..." 

Wynter rolled her eyes heavenwards and sipped her coffee. "You're always away, nothing's new." 

"I will be gone for real this time, to somewhere far away from here," Elle whispered, whilst keeping that sad smile on her face.

Wynter stopped for a moment and stared. Elle's words connote double meaning and she can't decipher what was it.

"What do you mean?" She whispered.

Elle smiled wryly at her.

"Nevermind it. Anyway, you should delete my number now, I had it deactivated. I will inform you if I got a new one," She said, finishing the topic.

She frowned. Elle is acting weird, just like Keith...

Her frown deepened even more when she remembered what she heard previously. She woke up in bed alone, again, so she looked for him as usual. She found him talking to someone on the phone. He was talking about killing someone, guns, mafia, code red...

Like, what the fvck was that?

She can't erase the growing suspicions that Keith might be hiding a secret. Something dark...

She has a ridiculous inkling, and it sounds so funny that she shoved it away from her mind.


"Oh?" Elle replied while still looking at her phone.

"Is there a thing like a mafia?" Wynter asked curiously.

Elle's fingers froze from typing on her cell phone's screen, she even seemed too shocked. She raised her eyes to meet hers and Elle laughed, if not, nervously.

"Seriously Wynter? You believe that sh-t? Well, there are, but why would you suddenly ask something so weird out of the blue? Seriously..." Elle's literal litany.

Wynter rolled her eyes. 

"You sure have a lot to say huh. I was just asking a simple question! Why are you so defensive?"

She could have just said yes or no. Geez...

Elle's brows shot up as she drinks her coffee.

"Who's being defensive? Me? You must be nuts..."

"Whatever," She said and drank what's remaining in her cup.

Amidst what Elle said, Wynter still can't shake the feeling that grows inside her. She can't help but wonder, is Keith a bad man?