Bullets For Breakfast? Anyone?

Do you ever experienced a headache so bad, you want to just tear your skull open and look for the source of pain that's in there somewhere? I am really eager to do that right now. If pain is a person, I'll punch it in its fvcking face.

"Suuuup Gio!" The familiar voice of a woman sang.

That said woman sat down beside me at the island counter in the kitchen, where I was bent over and counting one to ten internally. The dull ache in my head just won't go away. It has been like this since a day ago and it's getting worse every day.

I glanced at Eris who was gulping down the glass of milk Gio prepared for me. Her long mane of galaxy colored hair is tied into two french braids.

What is she doing here again? 

Not that I don't like her being here but lately, she's been staying a lot of times in my company.

Eris stared at my disheveled hair, an effect left from last night's rendezvous which I didn't bother to brush after I showered.