The Missive

That little fvcker…

I then slowly shook my head.

'Elle would always be Elle…'

This just made me miss that woman and her crassness.

"Did she just seriously send this package to give me a dildo?" I uttered and shook the thing in my hand for the second time.

'Better hide it deep within my closet, yep...'

It was silky to the touch, which surprised me. It reminds me of… ehem. Nothing, it reminds me of nothing…

But yeah, it was like I am holding a real one but this thing is slightly cool to the touch, unlike the… ehem nothing. Unlike nothing...

My eyes narrowed at it, "What am I going to do with this?" I grumbled under my breath, staring hard at the stupid thing in my hand.

"What else?" Eris snorted at the side, "Duh?"

I frowned at her, "I don't need this though?" I answered and raised my brows at her.