Ever Wonder What Goes In His Head? pt. 2

Time and time again, their worlds would clash. Was it a coincidence? Or was it part of her scheme?

That's why he tried to ignore her again. He has no time to waste associating with her. The sooner he forgets about Wynter, the better. Thus, he didn't try to know about her whereabouts. He also stopped making his people report anything related to her. He didn't care if she snoops around, she can do what she wants, but it won't matter to him anymore.

He thought it would end there, but he underestimated the way of things. He underestimated her.

Then he heard about someone snatching his business deals directly under his nose. It was an obvious and honest action. Whoever they were, were purposefully letting themselves known. He got mad, of course. It was like they were taking him for a fool.