The Negotiation pt. 1

Einz could hear the silent threat in Keith's words. He may have said to leave the kidnappers alive but the meaning wasn't as positive at all. Keith wants them breathing because he would be the one to cut it off of them. That means they would die unpleasantly in the most excruciating way possible. The fate of those men who abducted Wynter is already hanging on thin threads and are already sealed.

'RIP guys…'

"The car is ready to depart," Dante informed Keith as calmly as possible, even with the overwhelming anger he could feel emanating from him.

"The units are also in stand by, young master. Awaiting your orders," Jacob bowed.

Some black vans and cars littered the front side of the Nagasaki Manor, all raring to go. They only need one order from him so they could finally set into action. The anticipation was high up in the air, palpable enough that one could feel it.