Family Dinner pt. 2

"This is Hidetsugu Nagasaki."

"Good evening, everyone."

The whole table got silent except for Carina who invited him to sit down. The man took the chair at the end of the table, which is directly opposite to Hideyoshi himself. I was going to raise my brows from that because sitting there has a direct connotation, you know. Like you're staking your claim as the next man in power, or the head. But maybe he didn't mean it that way? 

'A Nagasaki? What does he mean by that?'

My mind whirled, discreetly glancing between Hideyoshi and the man named Hidetsugu. 

Is he perhaps a son from outside? Is that why he introduced him like that? What is going on?

But if that's the case, why is Carina acting like that? Does she perhaps accept her husband's illegitimate son or something? If ever, that is?

I mean, I only know three Nagasaki siblings in my life, and there is sure as hell no Hidetsugu in there.