"Look at this, it's Keith from his first day in nursery school," said Carina as she pointed at one particular picture.
Wynter, with extreme curiosity, looked at it and immediately gushed.
"Oh my gosh, he's so adorable!"
They were currently at Carina's indoor greenhouse, particularly at the den attached to it, looking at pictures of young Keith and Kate. Sat side by side together, the two were having a trip down to memory lane.
"Right? He had some really chubby cheeks back when he was still five," Carina grinned.
Her mind then whirred of thoughts from the past as her grin formed into a nostalgic smile.
"He used to be a crybaby. He doesn't want to leave my side even for a single moment. It was both endearing and exhausting at the same time. After all, his twin sister is the same."