The Gathering of Birds pt. 2

"Where is she anyway? It's way past the time she told us," Jenna sighed and glanced at the entrance for the nth time. 

She then started feeling nervous all over again after being reminded that they are currently in a high-end place. Never in her wildest dreams, she would ever get to set foot on one because after all, to enter these establishments, they need a reservation first.

And who knows what kinds of requirements are needed? Are there even such things like that? 

Plus seeing the other people who are clearly in a higher league than them, she can't help but get anxious and had kept tapping her fingers on the table impatiently.

"Seriously, I took my precious day off to come here and she's late?" Nicole grumbled, sounding displeased.

'And who was the one who set the schedule? Her. Tch.'