Chapter 5

Amy Smith

Hoseki Sumisu

Hwang Eun-u

Chi Shu

Lee Seoyeon

Nikeru Maikeru

Yi Li-Na

Choe Ti

Starry Skies(Fans)

Seoyeon Looked at me with disbelief.

"Them? They worked hard?!" Seoyeon almost yelled, scaring a few of the members.

I looked at her this time I was in disbelief, how could someone be so ignorant?

"They! Couldn't even handle a bit of hard work! If I remembered correctly while we were training they almost fainted!" She brought the past up.

"That proves they were working hard. They were working so hard that they almost fainted, and you pushed us all way to much! To be honest I am glad your not our leader!" I said trying to keep my composure.

"Guys. The manager will hear us if we keep arguing so loud about this." Amy said trying to stop us.

"Shut up! Yi-Li! I thought you were better then this!" Seoyeon kept prying.

Some of the younger members looked at us they looked scared. I felt bad. I really did, I wanted to end this. I knew she could help us with songs. She is a good producer from what I remember, but if it means she mentally bullies some of the foreign members then I would rather not.

"Don't tell her to be quiet, let's stop this pointless fight, we're not getting anywhere." I put an end to this fight.

"Whatever." Seoyeon mumbled, I acted like I didn't hear what she just said.

I bow towards the members "I am sorry." I said sincerely, I really did feel bad, I shouldn't of picked a fight with her.