Collin's root

The following morning, Monke woke up to the smell of coffee and scrambled eggs. In front of him sat a girl in a white vest and some short shorts. Stood up to start eating without even greeting her. What he found odd was that she didn't seem to mind and instead watched him with a curious smile.

He tried his best to ignore and become one with the plate but then she started talking. "Are you spending your day here again?"

He didn't pause his eating when he looked at her to shake his head no, he couldn't possibly miss the morning tithe twice. And if he does miss it, he should at least make it in time to get brief on Friday's weekly test.

The more he thought about why he was declining her offer the more he remembered why he probably shouldn't have missed school yesterday in the first place. One he had missed his kickboxing practice due to the attack on Merry Block. It doesn't look good at all in his record considering that they have a tournament across town in the week after the next,

And the last reason was that he really wanted to find that collin's root no matter what. He tried asking this girl but they also didn't have any at their house.

"Are you okay?" she said as she placed the backside of her hand on his forehead. It didn't feel at all comfortable so he removed it.

"I am, why?" He said as he tossed the blanket aside, at first he thought that he could immediately escape bed but the girl was sitting right by his side and the other side was pretty far and made for an awkward escape.

"Well then, I'll run the shower for you." She smiled with her pink luscious lips exposing her bright pearly whites. She got up and the vest she had on rolled down hiding her shorts and putting her thick and tender chocolate milk colored thighs. Monke kept his eyes on her backside as she slowly walked away until she disappeared behind the door.

To her surprise though, Monke was already gone when she came back to get him. She skipped over to the bed and threw herself on the spot he laid previously. After rolling around for a bit she raised her head and smirked with a disturbing laughter following.

"He truly is an interesting guy, now I just wonder if he is as strong as the rumors say."

She buried her head again and kicked excitedly around on the bed.

By the time Monke was finally ready to leave for school he had already missed the morning tithe for the second time. He wasn't all that worried because missing the morning tithes only becomes a problem when you do it on the regular. Some people end up not finding employment because of this.

However, since he had chosen to walk to school when the other students were returning for the second time so he wouldn't look suspicious. Having all eyes mounted on him after a long night of nothing but hard work was the last thing he needed.

In spite of his efforts to stay hidden, people still looked at him because the longer he walked the more the school thugs would start to follow him. 'It's not like I can't take care of myself.' He thought as he saw the others even stepping in front of him. This all ended when he finally reached his class.

When he slid open the back door everybody turned their attention to him, briefly, when looked around the class everyone went back to their business. They still whispered among themselves. Most of the gossip being that one does not need the extra morning tithes merit in order to be successful in the mafia business.

Monke ignored, he was happy, happier than he had been for the rest of the week. He felt refreshed because he now had a new goal.

"So you're saying that this collin's root is not only a cure all but can also turn the food super saiyan?" Po asked with his signature giggle.

"Yes, yes" Monke nodded rapidly

"Are you two idiots idiots?" Joao said as he slowly lowered a comic book from his face.

"What's with that pathetic look?" Monke asked.

���It's not pathetic, it's authentic. The summer is here and a natural look is all…" Joao paused when he finally noticed the two guys staring at him with confusion. He cleared his throat. "You will not be able to find any collin's roots in the outer circle, even the best shops here get it once a month. After that the only place you can get it is the inner circle. Because they recieve it in huge quantities twice a month."

"Why do you know that?" Monke asked.

"I use it to make my face cream."

Po laughed and Monke almost jumped over his desk, his sudden movement made so much noise that the class turned around to look. They Joao being dragged to Monke's face by his collar. Everyone gasped and a few girls screamed.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY LEFT?" Monke screamed at Joao's face.

Joao frowned and smashed his head against Monke's. "Ijaaa!" He immediately realised that it wasn't a well calculated move on his end and covered his throbbing forehead with his soft and tiny hands.

Monke who barely felt anything still let go of Joao and sat back in order to kindly ask again. "So do you have any magic roots in your house?"

Joao pouted but still gathered enough energy to respond, "do I look like I run a shop to you?"

"Shops don't have anything to do with this?" Po laughed. "Do you have the root or not?"

Joao turned to face him, he grabbed his comic and started whacking Po with across the head. After all the three of them calmed down Joao admitted to not having any at the moment. Monke was disappointed and his mood was only lowered by Mr Peterson announcing that all those who got less than a 40 in the last test will be redoing it on Friday.

Po rubbed his hair and said with a, "You still have today and the rest of tomorrow to revise it."

"As if the numbskull can learn to take anything seriously,"

"How much did you get anyway?"

"I got an 85, I would have gone for something higher but then I would have to host the morning tithes."