Backstage pass

Saturday night found Sienna standing in line outside Meteora Dome the city venue

was lit up as drones zoomed around overhead, flashing laser lights, and playing

advertising holograms, of the event about to take place inside, to everywhere around the outside perimeter of the building,

the place was crowded with people,

who wanted to attend the concert she didn't think a band that was just having a showcase was going to be this popular already!

Looking around she felt self-conscious a lot of people were dressed in a myriad of fashions

everything from the elegant Victorian style to the unique Steam, Cyber, Dystopian, Emo, Punk styles that were popular on the planet

not to mention the eye-popping elaborate hairdos, bright colors, and excessive accessories

everyone looked glamorous and wild and ready to have fun

she really didn't belong it wasn't her scene,

in her simple black leather mini skirt, a red tube top, black denim jacket, and black and red thigh-high sneaker boots on her feet

her dark brown hair in a brushed up ponytail, the curly end of her hair fell down to her shoulders

with some tendrils left free curled softly around her face

she thought she had looked sorta nice before she left home

but now among all the expressively dressed girls here she felt about as bland as a pack of corner store crackers

"maybe this wasn't such a good idea" she muttered hugging herself as she stood in line,

warm bodies jostling her every now again, when the line moved restlessly

but the doors of Meteora Dome suddenly opened, and the orderly line became a chaotic mass of screaming, pushing, excited people

as everyone rushed to be the first ones through the door,

android bouncers in tight black shirts and jeans marked with "SECURITY" across their chest,

herded everyone back into a somewhat orderly line once more,

while drones whizzed by their A.I voice warning the crowd to be orderly

or be removed from the domes premises

she breathed a sigh of relief when she finally reached the top of the line and handed the guy at the door her ticket

he took it, looked at it, and then let her through telling her where she needed to go she followed the crowd

and soon found herself at her seat, near the end of the front row,

and sat down to patiently wait for the start of the show in due time,

the lights went down and the band came out on stage,

they looked so handsome and glamorous dressed in their stage outfits of the latest trendy dystopian style, and cool hairstyles,

the band oozed sex appeal

sienna's heart hung suspended somewhere between her throat and her chest as she recognized the lead singer

Daisuke the same guy she had met that day on the street, stepped up to the mike

his bright blue eyes were closed and hidden behind a fall of white-blond hair that hung over his forehead,

his head tilted down bringing his prominent cheekbones into effect and then he lifted his eyes giving the crowd a smoldering hot look,

he introduced his band members one by one

Zane the Guitarist was a cool refined prince with elegantly styled two-toned hair half black and half white

seemingly ignored everyone, while he held his guitar like it was his lover, and played a cool riff riling up the anticipating crowd

Kaleb the bassist a playful and bright guy with bright blue hair, and cute boyish looks, threw winks and blew kisses to the girls in the crowd

Liam their drummer was the hot boy next door vibes, with dark hair green and smoky come hither eyes

twirling his drumsticks and confidently,

doing tricks showing off for the crowd ready to get the show started

four beautiful untouchable boys standing under the lights

Sienna was blown away by the end, it was the most thrilling night she had ever had

Silver shadows were a band to be reckoned with in the future,

she had completely fallen under their spell, and the lead singers voice was so sexy and hypnotic one couldn't help but be moved by him,

even though she didn't know any of the songs they performed she still enjoyed herself and they seduced her and made her grow warm inside,

at the images they induced in her mind, they really weren't for the faint-hearted girl at all

The stage lights went up and the band exited the stage,

the crowd immediately roared for an encore,

they returned a few minutes later and the crowd fell silent

"Goodnight everyone" Daisuke greeted the audience

"Is everyone having a good time tonight with us?"

"YES!" the crowd roared

He smiled and ran a hand through his hair pushing it back off his forehead,

The girls in the crowd were losing their shit at how handsome he was,

and the way his hair seemed to be spilling everywhere,

it was messier now after the previous performances, he had been jumping around the stage a lot,

but the wild look seemed natural on him,

"This encore is going to be very special tonight, because we are giving you a preview of a brand new song I composed, only a few days ago

so it hasn't been recorded yet, I hope that you all enjoy it, because I hope to include it on our upcoming first album"

The crowd screamed, thrilled and the music started

A beautiful melody spilled from the guitars,

riffs that sounded like the guitars were wailing, and then the drums kicked in, powerful and driving beats jump-starting her heart,

this is AFTER YOU Daisuke breathed into the mic

His eyes closed and head bowed over the mic

with his hair falling over his face,

he began to sing in a breathy uneven pitch that sounded like he was totally broken

but he was controlling it perfectly with his high-toned voice


You shattered me like a bullet

Love songs on the Star Streams

reminded me of what we used to be

how we used to laugh with the DJ,

my head resting on your knee

your smile, your bright eyes, gazed at me

I was a fool It was only a dream

tears fall acid over third-degree heartburn

cauterized it fails to bleed

there's nothing left of me the one I used to be

the nebulae beach

Where we used to stroll and dream

A frozen lake of beautiful poison drifts, eternally serene

asphyxiated your love meant fatality,

After you

I have found the pieces of me

put together again puzzle of who I used to be

soaring in Azure Star Fields surfing Belezons golden rings

I no longer dream of your sweetly deceitful face

too many galaxies fill my constellation frame

faded like a ghost in the taillights of my horizon plane

destinations exotic and

none of them are you

since I was a fool and you are only a dream

and I am not the same me I used to be

now I'm awake and now I fly free.

"That's my poetry" sienna breathed stunned he had turned it into a beautiful song,

she felt tears s filled her eyes and spill over, she had never imagined this, not once in her life,

her heart was pounding out of her chest as he raised his head slowly

and opened his eyes she could see so much emotion, they smoldered as he looked across the stage straight at her

piercing her through as his voice soared into the sky on a painful heartbroken scream as they launched

into an instrumental drop perfectly coordinated by the drums and guitars

Her hand flew to her face as her cheeks heated up and her heart knocked her rib-cage, she couldn't breathe

her lyrics sounded so beautiful being sung by him and how was he affecting her like this?

Seducing her with her own words and that hot look

as he stood on stage the mic gripped in both hands, as he sang like he was making love to the microphone

never once breaking his gaze with hers, he held her spellbound with his mesmerizing blue gaze

His lips curled up in a faint smile as if he knew exactly what he was doing to her,

The song ended and suddenly the lights went out for a moment she was standing in sheer darkness with the crowd screaming around her

absolutely blown away,