Eclipse Entertainment

"wake up sleepy head!" a voice urged giving her a gentle shake sienna groaned and cracked open an eye seeing Melody's smiling face

"why do I have to get up?" she mumbled,

"you have school?" Melody reminded her

"don't wanna!" Sienna shot back

making Melody laugh "you sound like Kaleb from a few years ago,

come on galaxies cutest songwriter, the sun is up, and you're going to be late and stuck in traffic on the flyway if you don't get a move on now"

she pulled her up into a sitting position

sienna sighed running a hand through her hair

"I really don't feel like having to go to school and deal with Becca and Paityn acting all b***hy today"

"was Kanna and I too harsh on your friends?" melody asked she shook her head

"not at all, everything you guys told them was the truth and I never really considered them as my friends I am not that close with either of them like that

they are the ones who are always trying to cling unto me and are too nosy about my business it makes me feel annoyed at times

I'm only nice to them because I have to sit in the same class with them and I don't want things to be troublesome and uncomfortable"

"then why don't you think about maybe changing schools then?" she suggested

"go to one here on the second level that's closer you won't have to worry about the commute up and down the flyway every day"

"you do have a point but I'm graduating in a few months anyway" she sighed

"then how about finishing online then?" she suggested "I mean we will be debuting soon so you might have to withdraw from school anyways"

"that actually does make sense now that you mention it, "sienna said

a frantic knock on the door interrupted their discussion

"girls you have to hurry and get ready," Kaleb said sticking his head in the door

"Daisuke said Mr. Williams called him and they moved up the meeting at the company to today instead of later this week"

"what why the heck? that is such short notice!" melody cried

"yea Daisuke thinks they are trying to get a jump on us" he chuckled "luckily we are already prepared"

"yes!" sienna cried punching the air with a grin

"Why are you so happy?" Kaleb asked her surprised

"at least with this I don't have to go to school today" she replied

he laughed "I feel you on that one sis"

"scoot out of here!" melody said "we need to get prettied up for the big meeting"

Kaleb left and sienna jumped out of bed with a grin "lucky you guys took me shopping huh? I have the perfect outfit for the meeting"

"ill help you get your hair done too" melody offered

Kanna suddenly came in with a happy screech "sienna!" she cried throwing her arms around her

"aren't you excited? It's the big day you're getting signed to our band today!

and also we are doing our debut photoshoot Mr. Williams said everyone has to be there for that"

"f***! then that includes all of us" melody said

"yup!" Kanna said with a grin "lets rock this meeting lucky we went shopping already"

"that's what I just said," Sienna said with a laugh

the three girls got busy and soon

sienna emerged from her room in a skin-colored

flowing wrap dress in the dystopian style

made a fabric that was so soft and light it flowed and swished around her body elegantly with every move that she made

sleeveless with a plunging neckline it was only closed on the front by a tie at her waist with an intentionally irregular hem

rendering the front short and the back long which

left her gorgeous legs on display when she walked and an elegant train flowing behind her in the back

so underneath the dress, she wore a black leather leotard bodysuit on her feet she wore black boots with high heels

melody had curled her hair so that the riot of pink-purple curls fell down her back and shoulders

she looked stunning and exotic wow Daisuke breathed standing next to the horizon plane with the guys waiting for the girls to come out of the house

he watched her walk towards him hardly able to take his eyes off she has to be the most beautiful girl in the galaxy he breathed

melody and Kanna came out of the house after her

Kanna in a cyberpunk style silver-gray dress molded to her voluptuous figure

with ripped up black leggings and a black shredded shawl and combat boots

while melody wore a black and pink full bodysuit in the robotic style with stylish combat boots and aviator goggles on her head

dam the girls are killing the game Liam whistled in appreciation

looking over his fellow male band-mates who were dressed in various trendy outfits

but nothing that came close to the glamorous looks of the girls

Daisuke wearing a red leather jacket a black vest and black combat jeans covered in straps and silvers buckles and black combat boots

Kaleb was wearing a cyberpunk style black and gray outfit

and Liam was wearing a black shredded hooded t-shirt black and green cyberpunk pants to match with his green hair and boots and

Zane was going for a sleeveless black leather coat black jeans and a shredded black shirt and combat boots with steel plating

sienna walked into Daisuke's arms greeting him with a warm hug

he purred squeezing her affectionately "good morning baby"

"good morning to you too tiger" she replied smiling up at him she kissed him on the jaw

"tiger?" he asked arching an eyebrow she nodded and pulled his phone out of the pocket

of his jacket and pulling up images of the feline from earth

thats a cool looking animal he said looking at the pictures

are you two gonna get in or stand there cuddling and comparing Daisuke to cats all-day

Kanna teased s she walked past the pair and got into the plane

Daisuke rolled his eyes sienna flushed as Kaleb started laughing his ass off

"bro shut up it wasn't that funny," Liam said with a sigh shoving him into the navigator seat of the plane

"it was too" he shot back still laughing and hanging out the window

"Why did you guys have to start him up?" melody complained getting into the plane

"he's going to be insufferable with his dumb jokes all the way down the flyway now"

"blame Kanna and her big mouth" Zane said getting in after her

"you ready to get finally signed on to this crazy family of ours?" Daisuke asked with a smile ignoring his playfully bickering bandmates

"yes absolutely" Sienna replied "but I'm a little bit nervous about meeting the big boss"

"yea you kinda should be," Kanna said as she joined them "that man is as intimidating as they come"

"I've got your back babe," Daisuke said "don't worry too much ok"

she nodded "OK"

they got in the plane with Kaleb at the controls

"Are we good to go?" he asked "we all good you can take off" Daisuke assured him

and with a rumble, the engines started and they were lifting off

fifteen minutes later they were cruising through the downtown area

of the lower level heading towards the large Eclipse Entertainment building

"We should take a photo" Zane suggested as they parked "this officially is

the first day when we really begin as Silver Shadows with our full members lets commemorate it"

"I want to take you guys up on that" Daisuke agreed "it'll be a great memory " he got out his phone

"Everyone gather together" he instructed "sienna get in the middle since you're the little one"

Sienna giggled at being called little but she agreed getting into the picture the others gathered around her

while Daisuke set his phone on the parked horizon plane rooftop and then ran back to join them

He knelt next to sienna so he wouldn't block the others behind

"Great idea!" Liam said kneeling at her other side while Zane and Kaleb posed with melody and Kanna behind them

everyone smiled

And his phone clicked and flashed snapping the photo

He ran back to his phone and checked the photo grinning pleased he came back to them and showed off the picture

it was taken very nicely

"Wow" sienna breathed "that's a really nice picture we actually look pretty cool"

"Can you send that to me?" she requested

He immediately sent the picture to everyone's phones

Sienna grinned down at the photo on her phone even if they got shot down at the meeting

this moment would be very precious to her, she looked like a part of the band

as a fan, she was already successful to have met all the members

and been able to take a photo with them while she looked this pretty

"let's go in now I'm sure they must be waiting for us," Daisuke said

the time had come, with serious expressions, the group entered the building walking through the lobby, there were images of other bands on the walls, and lots of other people entering and leaving the building, all well dressed it, felt like a busy place,

they went to the front desk manned by a secretary in a pink suit

"good morning, we are Silver Shadows we have a meeting this morning," Daisuke said

"go up to the sixth-floor boardroom they are expecting you guys" she answered

as they headed for the elevators, she picked up the phone and called ahead

sienna nervously played with her fingers while some song of another band played in the elevator

Daisuke noticing took her hand in his he slipped their joined hands into the pocket of his jacket

holding her hand his thumb gently rubbing the back of her hand soothing her

they soon got off and walked into a hallway that opened up to an office area

walking past multiple office cubicles filled with people busy working they came to a door and went inside

it was a board room with a large table and a big screen to the front of the room and audio equipment

they all filed in and sat down at one side of the table Daisuke sat next to sienna still holding onto her hand the entire time

they waited for the executives to arrive

it didn't take long as a group of people came into the room