Confrontations Exploding Emotion

Sienna and Daisuke was lounging in the shallow end of the pool

with sienna nestled on his lap while they ate and drank off plates and glasses on the pool's edge

Kanna was floating on a pool toy with a glass of drink in her hand and a plate of shrimp next to her and every now and

then Kaleb would pop up out of the water and eat the shrimp before swimming off again

Zane and Melody were relaxing sitting on the edge of the pool eating

and Liam was lying on a lounge chair with a hat pulled over his face dozing he was worn out from playing games earlier

"its good thing we didn't have Liam host the show this time" melody said in amusement

Zane laughed and nodded

and then the housekeeper robot rolled through the patio doors announcing a guest had arrived at the house

"a guest?" Daisuke said "we aren't expecting anyone"

walking through the patio doors was Mr. Williams in a blue business suit and accompanying him was a man sienna recognized

"Mr. Williams?" Daisuke said surprise

"DAD!" sienna cried with shock in her eyes

he was dressed in a fine suit his brown hair nicely styled he looked a lot more healthy than the last time she remembered seeing him

his eyes bright and shining with a happy expectation a smile on his face

"who?" everyone gasped

sienna's face became a mask of anger she pulled herself off Daisukes

lap and got out of the pool she was about to take that smile right off his face

as she marched up to her father and slapped him hard across the face with a powerful smack that everyone heard

Kanna and Melody both gasped

"How dare you!" Sienna cried at him angrily "you have no right to look for me have you no shame?

I have nothing for a bastard like you that abandoned me do you hear me! I don't owe you dam thing so don't think you can crawl back into my life,

and I'm going forgive you and going to be all grateful you came back! oh, it's my dad I love you I miss you here is all my money!

you won't get one single penny from out of the millions of galactic credits I have sitting in my account! whatever I have now! is what I worked for on my own for the last four or five years!

if you think I'm going to support you financially now I have a career while you live the comfortable high life after you abandoned me and doing nothing to support me

you are dead wrong all of that parental filial bullshit you can shove it and go to hell! I don't need a father like you!"

"like mother like daughter" he spat rubbing the cheek she just slapped with a grimace "I come back to see you out the kindness of my heart and all you can do is yell and curse at me?" he argued glaring at her

"I came to find you because I was concerned! not because of your money or fame if thats what you think you ungrateful brat

I've got plenty of money now I don't need yours I have a job that pays me very well I live in a mansion and I got remarried!"

"then why the hell are you here bothering me?" sienna yelled

"the only reason why i even bothered to come here is because my wife is pregnant right now" he argued

she's giving birth soon and she's feeling all maternal and she asked me come find you she feels sorry for you she wants me to make up with you in the hopes that you be interested in seeing your half brother or sister

I shouldn't leave you behind that i should try to persuade you to come back with me and be a family again though god knows a fucking brat like you is a worthless waste of my time you're just like your bitch of a mother"

she swung her fist and punched him in the face he stumbled back clutching his bloodied nose in shock

"Like mother like daughter you say? I'm going to do more than just yell and curse at you, I'm not the wife that you cheated on I'm an entirely different kettle of fish how dare you say I'm like my mother I am nothing like her!" she screamed

"I wouldn't be so heartless to abandon my own daughter! you came back because you were concerned? you and mom don't have the right anymore!

I'm already an adult! I don't need you to be concerned about me! a man so fickle he abandons his wife and child as soon as the next beautiful woman comes along

are you trustworthy? where? are you reliable? where? prove it to me you bastard!

I feel so sorry for your new wife! I hope in the next few years she doesn't turn up here telling me you treated her exactly like how you treated my mother,

you have another child on the way? good for you, I pray you don't abandon this one like how you abandoned me! I swear to you I will not take care of your child just because I'm its only sibling when you next choose to disappear again I will send it straight to the orphanage!

cause it's not my job to clean up whatever mess you make! the sweet compliant daughter you used to know is no longer here!

and lifted her leg and kicked him in the groin dropping the man to the ground

"Sienna!" Daisuke cried grabbing her around the waist from behind and hauling her back against his chest "don't hit him anymore"

"he could say you assaulted him if he goes to the cops"

"that bastard deserves it though," Zane said joining them "what kind of man abandons his wife and child that he brought all the way here from another planet?"

"and then comes back years later bragging about how rich he is now when his daughter was struggling to take care of herself all this time?"

"do you know she's been working part time jobs on her own? that She's been living in a tiny little single cell on her own making just enough to pay her bills and tuition fees for school? that she could barely feed and clothe herself for three years until we found her? he deserves more than just a punch to face and a kick to the guts!"

"I've good mind to stomp him into the ground myself for what he's done to Sienna but it's not worth throwing away everything we have worked for till now" Daisuke growled

"what do you know about marriage you're just kids you can't judge adults affairs" her father spat struggling to get to his feet clutching his crotch

he groaned "you're just playing around with your lives you're not doing anything worthwhile that has a solid future you'll all regret this later"

"don't you dare talk to my friends like that!" sienna cried "you know nothing about them! or what they have been through"

"for your information, this is my husband!" Melody said angrily joining them and holding up

her hand showing off her wedding ring his eyes widened in surprise

"We have been married for a number of years already, and we traveled all the way here from our home planet of Waterworld where we grew up together, just like you did

with Sienna and her mother, my husband is much younger than you but he knows how to be a faithful and loving husband who takes responsibility for me,

you see these two?" she pointed to Kanna and Kaleb they are our adopted son and daughter that we rescued off the streets they were homeless and starving when we found them

you had a job you had a house and money and still failed to take care of your family we had nothing but look at us now we are all living well and even taking care of your abandoned kid and giving her decent future too so don't you dare to presume to talk like you're better than us because you're supposedly an adult you're an embarrassing example of a man compared my Zane"

"are you going to just let these kids treat me like this ? are these your talented young people cause I really don't see it they are more like a bunch of thugs!" he cried to Mr. Williams "these are your label artist that are supposedly celebrities?"

"well if you knew that we are celebrities why the hell did you come here?" Liam said pulling off his hat and glaring at the man getting up from his lounge chair his eyes were further shocked as the Youngman towered over him with a face full of anger

"yea you should know that as celebrities we won't welcome a piece of shit like you among us" Kaleb said glaring at him "people like you are trash plain and simple you're the kind we really can't stand the most"

"Mr. Williams really did pick us all up from living tough lives on the street so you are quite right about us being like thugs" Kanna added drawing closer to him

"didn't you hear about us? we are SILVER SHADOWS the rebels that are here to turn Prylea music industry upside down and inside out and make a lot of trouble

we all know exactly how our sienna feels right now and we are all just as equally outraged at your audacity and arrogance showing up like you think you're the man?

where is your apology for her? you coward why aren't you on your knees begging her forgiveness?

playing around with our lives? you are quite incorrect, we are all very seriously working hard

so we don't have to rely on anyone for anything, not our parents who aren't around anymore, or anyone else for that matter

we are our own family that takes care of our own members or else we wouldn't have survived all this time on the streets on our own

who did you think paid for this huge mansion we are living in? she smirked as he looked up taking in the house

"get a good look this isn't company property,

it's not rented either you live in a mansion? well so do we and we own this place bought with our own money, does your mansion have a swimming pool? do you have a new horizon plane in the garage? do you have a studio? cause we have three or four here on the third floor

we all honestly worked for what we have and you look down on us and say we are playing around? sure then because we are having fun earning millions of credits in a day that takes you how many months or years again?"

"thats why sienna should come back with me!" he cried "this life of an entertainer

is too unstable even if its makes you a lot of money now it wont be any good in the long run

how long are you guys even going last? your reputations will be ruined you wont be able to live normal lives after this"

"like i was living a normal life before" sienna spat "I was more scarred by what you and mom put me through the entertainment industry is nothing compared to that hell that was our family, you two were the absolute worst a true baptism of fire in life for me and I will not be going back with you"

"enough of this nonsense,!" he yelled "I am not allowing you to sell yourself as entertainment to people of this galaxy, who only knows what indecent things you'll be forced to do, I'm her father and I'm taking my daughter back with me!"

he lunged toward sienna trying to grab her hand she gasped as Daisuke pulled her back

and knocked his hand away from her

"who the hell do you think you are?" Daisuke growled

" I am her father thats who I am" he yelled back

"you are never taking sienna anywhere away from here or away from me understand!" Daisuke growled his fangs flashed and his eyes glowed

her father's eyes widened

"you're Huassain!" he cried stunned "you are with someone this dangerous?"

"thats right I am and sienna is my mate and my future wife" Daisuke confirmed

"under galactic law, I am well within my rights to protect my mate from anyone who tries to take her from me against her will, so you can just try it and I will show you just what it means to piss off an aggressive Huassain male" he snarled making his retreat a few steps

he looked from Daisuke to sienna who lifted her chin in defiance in her gaze baring her neck with her mates mark clearly visible on it "i will not be giving up my successful career or my mate for you"

"This is the career that we made for ourselves with our own hard work you don't have to right look down on us or criticize us," Kaleb said "you're the one who should be ashamed of yourself leaving a fifteen-year-old girl helpless like that"

"our debut album is almost halfway done already," Daisuke said" and even sienna is going to be singing on it when it's released

you'll get to hear and see your daughter's talent right before your eyes, did you even know that sienna could write songs?

did you know she could sing? and even dance really well? do you even know your daughter at all?" he asked the pale man

"We are going to take over the entire galaxy and travel and perform on stage wherever the dam hell we please, so if you don't want to see us on the star streams,

then just don't watch! mind your own dam business! and take good care of your family and we will continue to take care of ours" Liam said

"i am not some plaything" sienna spat "you pick up to amuse yourself to make your pregnant wife happy and then when you're bored discard me like I'm trash,

I know my own value and I deserve to be treated better than that, do that yourself without me, I will never trust you again,

i don't care about knowing my unborn sibling or being a family with you and your wife either so just get out, leave and I hope we never see you again don't ever try to contact me i want absolutely nothing to do with you"

"sienna you don't understand my wife genuinely cares about me making things right with you" he protested

"well I don't" she shot back "you're just making me more upset and ruining everyone's day"

"please get off our property now we have nothing more to say to you," Kanna said glaring at him

"do not make us have to repeat ourselves," Zane said backing her up

he left, the housekeeping robot escorting him out while everyone turned their gaze on Mr. Williams

"why in the world did you bring my father here?" Sienna said, "what purpose did that serve?"

"I'm sorry but he came to label and seemed like he genuinely cared about reconnecting with you

"I didn't know what your feeling is about meeting your parent again some people want to be reunited with their parents regardless"

"well you heard him right?" she asked, "I'm not doing anything worthwhile with my life, I am going to do indecent things, I'm selling myself does that sound like a loving parent to you?"

"someone who doesn't even understand and is ready to disregard and tear down everything like its nothing after they abandoned me, they think they can come back and tell me what I'm doing is wrong? so abandoning me wasn't wrong?"

"I am truly sorry I overstepped" he apologized sienna sighed "the next time he or my mother shows up at the label turn them away I don't wish to see either of them and I'm very busy with my career understand" she left the pool

"Mr. Williams, I understand you had good intentions so I'm not mad at you," Daisuke said, "you should have called and given us a heads up though do you have another reason for coming over today?"

"Actually, I came to check the progress of the new album," he said in relief "to be back on a less tense footing with Daisuke"

"come up to the studio ill go get changed," Daisuke said

"we'll handle up the clean up here," Kaleb said "don't worry"

Daisuke and Mr. Williams went into the house while the others cleaned up the pool area

sienna was in her room stripping out of her swimsuit she dropped the pieces on the tiled floor

as she turned on the hot water standing beneath it

she wasn't the same abandoned little girl she always was before she would show him she wasn't worthless her songwriting meant something

how dare he she was so angry she felt like she was boiling inside