Taking Off For Belezon

the next morning found the band at breakfast the star streams were reported breaking news

Silver Shadows breaks star stream viewership records with a live-streamed free home concert

for fans to thank them for making the Galactic Hot 100 chart with their new single Not Looking Back

currently have climbed to the number 65 on the galactic chart after debuting at 70 on the galactic chart due to the high-velocity traffic of viewers to the Silver Shadows channel during the home concert the star stream servers had some trouble and the entire star streams almost went down,

due to the rare and unexpected emergency Eclipse Entertainment CEO bought the server from the star streams and had it cleared of all other channels and content

giving silver shadows their own exclusive server on the star streams after moving the channels to the other servers the Silver Shadows server exploded with even more viewers flooding in

for the concert, the single server beat all other servers and channels broadcasting content at that time with just one broadcast

what the shit? are you telling me right now that our channel is the only channel on its own exclusive server on the star streams right now? Kanna cried

Mr Williams bought us our own server thats freaking legendary Liam said with a grin

we officially rule the star streams Zane said with a grin slapping high fives with Daisuke

you guys are kings how does it feel? Melody grinned

Awesome! sienna cried pumping the air with her fist and making everyone laugh at how cute she looked our fans are celebrating right now

and flexing they are bragging on the forums how we are the only band on the star streams that

got our own server our fans feel totally spoiled now Melody said with a laugh

we need to give our fans a name now how about storm Kaleb suggested

how about rainbow Daisuke suggested with a chuckle

both of those suck Kanna said everyone laughed what about Raindrop

what about Silverwind Liam suggested

no Silverdrops as in raindrops that are sparkling and pretty Melody threw out

Silver Wind isn't bad though Daisuke said its also a music reference

Silver Wind it is then Melody said thats the best name so far ill post it on the forum everyone take a picture!

They all laughed and posed while melody snapped the picture

good morning to everyone thank you guys for all the support during last nights live stream

we are happy that you guys enjoyed our concert so much

since something so great happened as getting our own server we decided to give our fans a name

that is as special and unique as you are

you can credit Liam for coming up with a great name for you guys from now on our fans will be known as Silver Wind

the wonderful breeze that accompanies Silver Shadows on our musical journey

because of you guys we have achieved so much in a short time Silverwinds we could not have done it without you guys thank you

the response to their post was met with enthusiasm the fans loved their new name

Silver Winds for Silver Shadows we go together

thank you Liam Silver Winds is a beautiful name

we love you Liam we hope you find a girlfriend soon you guys look cute in your Pajamas enjoy your breakfast

oh my goodness melody laughed at the responses Liam the fans want to see you happy with somebody she teased

ah enough I think I'm going back to bed he grumbled getting up from the table

don't be spoilsport Kanna said grabbing him and pulling him back down to sit once again she kissed him on the cheek

there are you better now? she asked

everyone was staring at the pair in surprise uh what is going on with you two? Melody said in surprise

nothing Liam said don't pay Kanna any mind shes come up with one of her nutty ideas again

I decided to date Liam Kanna stated he's a nice guy and we both get along well

and we know each other backward and he's strong and reliable and he cares about this team staying together he knows how to be responsible towards me and he's the only guy that Kaleb actually approves of around me and he'll treat me sincerely

yes there is all of that but that doesn't mean we will be good together he grumbled I don't feel like I'm falling in love with you or anything,

we have always been good friends and I do care about your well being and I would protect you if I had to and you're the only girl that I don't feel annoyed with after being around you for so long,

I can even put up with you being crazy sometimes, and Kaleb and I are good friends but it's the lack of feelings that bother me,

how can I date you if I don't know if I can truly like you or not?

Kanna you deserve someone who really likes you, someone who will make you feel like you're head over heels madly in love, in fact, we both deserve that not choose me because I'm here and it's convenient what if you meet someone else that you like do we just casually break up? You know that never works right?

when are you going to realize that I think that you are a great guy Liam? Kanna said

falling madly in love has never been my thing

I don't know why but I have never felt that way about anybody ever in my life I've never even had a crush on somebody, so I have no idea how it feels like, but love doesn't work that way for everyone

there are some people that take years of being with someone to grow feelings for them

they don't have that whole madly in love feeling they just have that one person

that they came to care about that they don't want to lose

that one person thats always by their side and that they trust and rely on just like how I rely on you

I'm just saying let's give it a chance and see where it goes maybe it might happen for us who knows?

Liam sighed fine he agreed it's not like either of us have anyone that we like anyways

see? how hard was that? she asked

he rolled his eyes

Melody and Sienna were giggling at the pair

Daisuke dropped a kiss on the back of siennas neck waking his sleeping mate who was curled next to him wrapped in the bedcovers for the warmth she moaned he chuckled and nuzzled her wake up baby

we are shooting the music videos today she groaned and muttered something unintelligible but with Daisuke's Huassain hearing he still picked up every word making him laugh softly as she cursed Mr. Williams,

whose grand idea it was to shoot both music videos on the same day, which was the reason why they had wake up at a ridiculous hour of 3 am in the morning, to go to the spaceport to

board a ship to go off-world to Belezon, a few hours away from Prylea, to shoot there

and then return in the afternoon for the second shoot at the Lazer Ball arena

come on my love up and at em he said rousing the sleepy girl from the bed

she looked so adorable with her cute face flushed pink and swollen from sleep

he pressed a kiss to her forehead she sat up to open her heavy lids

since they had got together she slept in his bed every night now

she spent most of her time in the studio with him only using her own room to shower and change clothes

they had practically become inseparable

sweety why don't you just move in with me he said it's just across from here just bring your stuff over he said gently

she shook her head I like having my own space she said besides I don't want to take up all your space with my stuff too it's fine how it is

yea but you hate having to go across the hall in the mornings if you bring some clothes over you could bathe and change here he said

so you can spend even more time with me than you already are? she teased

we are together day and night as it is he said I just want you to do whatever makes you most comfortable

very smooth she leaned in a gave him kiss which he prolonged without hesitation his hand catching the nape of her neck

mmh we have a ship to catch she breathed breaking it off smiling he pressed a kiss just below her ear and

he let her go smiling

a little while later everyone had gathered in the garage getting into the plane

they were all dressed to head to the space resort on Belezon since Mr. Williams had said that

stylist and camera teams would be meeting them there they didn't need to take any luggage for the brief trip however melody has carried a bag where she had her camera gear to take photos and videos

anyone here been to Belezon before? Melody asked getting in the vehicle

nope it's my first trip off-world since coming to Prylea sienna said I'm actually really curious what its actually like

so you're a fraud who wrote a song with lyrics about a place you never even been to? Kanna teased

call it creative license sienna shot back making everybody laugh Daisuke pulling sienna into his lap cuddling her as he was seated in the corner by the window

as Kaleb started up the vehicle and they took off arriving at the spaceport they left the horizon plane in a rented parking garage and making their way into the spaceport,

to the ticket, master sienna was amazed seeing all the different ships docked

through the ports transparent glass walls

the noise level was astronomical with a background rumble of ships engines

being ever-present but something one got used to

robots were busy traveling back and forth

carrying luggage and towing goods on trams to and from the various ships

while the bigger barge ships that carried goods across the galaxy

were being loaded and unloaded from giant robotic cranes that could be seen from a distance

on the industrial side of the port opposite to the commercial side where they were now

through the port, the place was filled with all kinds of people and even spotting a few weird looking nonhumans

alien people of intelligent species that had good relations with the human race were also allowed to use their ports

everything felt very busy sometimes she almost forgot she was living in space until she came

to a place like this

we're silver shadows we are here to pick up our tickets? Daisuke said to the guy at the counter

Galactic IDs please? the man asked

they all swiped their Galactic IDs one by one through the machine

that registered them for travel and soon

received their tickets that had been bought in advance by Mr. Williams

and they soon boarded a ship to Belezon had their tickets stamped

and were seated in a lounge area on the viewing deck

waiting for the ship to be filled with passengers so they could take off

sienna was so excited she knelt in her seat like a kid

looking out the large windows until the ship AI announcer declared they were departing

and the ship was released from the ports berth locks and they slowly eased out of the bay

and then they were lifting off flying slowly up on gravity rotators underneath the ship

until they had cleared the bay

and then once cleared the bay the hydro engines fired up and the ship was soaring

into the planet's atmosphere

sienna was getting goosebumps as they rose high enough to have

passed through the clouds and then the regular

skies she was used to turning into endless stars and black heavens of space

and she could see the planet from the outside with its nebula

curling from the middle of it,

looking like a full moon but with a beautiful glowing purple lake in the middle of it a waterfall encircling the edges of land surrounding the lake on its outside that spilled into the lake in the middle of it

that, strangely enough, made it look like a giant eye from space a white eyeball with a glowing purple iris at the center

they were soon flying away very quickly the stars began to blur outside the windows as they transitioned to hyperspace travel

she pouted theres nothing to see now she complained

Daisuke chuckled wrapped an arm around her waist from behind

pulling her across his lap her arm came to rest around his shoulder

as her hand played idly in his blond hair to the back of his head

the other band members were in their respective seats nearby

Zane and Melody were relaxing wrapped in blankets and conversing

softly with each other while, Kanna Kaleb, and Liam were looking through

the ships offered breakfast menu

guys were going to order breakfast for everybody Kanna said

sure Kanna sienna answered ill go with you

same here melody answered I want to see if they have any fresh seafood

ill go help her Liam offered

the girls left with Liam to the buffet to get their food

while the guys waited at the viewing deck