Arrival on Belezon

All passengers we are arriving at Belezon at precisely 8 am in the morning please prepare to disembark shortly make sure you have all luggage and personal possessions the ships A.I announced

guys wake up! Zane said waking the dozing group

some hours ago after eating a hearty breakfast, they had curled up in their seats

under the blankets provided and gotten some sleep

given that they had boarded the ship around 4 am in the morning on Prylea

they were all bound to be lacking sleep Daisuke woke up waking sienna who got the others up

this whole trip is going to make me feel worn out before we even make the music video shoot sienna groaned stretching her arms above her head and yawning loudly

I know right? they better make us a dope ass music video after coming all this way Kanna complained with her

a sleepy-headed Kaleb grunted his agreement as he too yawned loudly

sitting with the blanket wrapped around his shoulders his blue hair hung messily

as he squinted at everyone

Liam moved from his seat and sat down on the edge of Kaleb's seat

chuckling as he put an arm around the boy's shoulder and grabbed the edge of his blanket

and rubbed his face with it gently

helping the sleepy boy become more awake he ruffled his best friends messy hair making him look more frazzled and cute

as Kanna seated next to Kaleb leaned on Liam's shoulder with a smile she gently put her hand

on Liam's thigh, he didn't protest

sandwiched between the siblings he rested his hand on top of Kanna's a little hesitantly

she entangled her fingers with his he flushed

sienna pressed her face against Daisuke's chest to hide her giggles

noticing these small cute actions between Kanna and Liam the others were not paying attention

distracted by the details of the next travel arrangements they needed to take a taxi

to the resort to meet the crews that were supposed to be there expecting their arrival

soon the ship was dropping out of hyperspace travel and they could see the planet and its moon looming through the windows

Woah sienna breathed it was amazing she felt a thrill run through her entire body

Belezon itself was a vibrant red unlivable planet in space with several vast rings of meteorites encircling it

and they really did look gold and shining because of the rays of sunlight cast on the planet from its bright star at the center of its system however the planets moon was an entirely different matter

as it was an artificial planet that had been developed and built here as a resort with a beautiful tropical climate known as a popular vacation spot

Belezon itself was the main attraction for its offered thrilling extreme sport of ring surfing and dog fights battles

even as the ship drew closer to the local spaceport they could see small fast

flying ships out there cruising around the rings in the distance

wow there are people out there this early in dang morning Kanna said in awe

they have got to be pretty crazy about their racer ships out here

no freaking kidding Zane agreed you would have to be certifiably crazy to get out of a warm comfy

bed to go out there this early

I would love to be able to get watch a race or a dog fight though Liam said

Daisuke snuggled sienna in his arms a blanket still tucked around her

while Melody was using a camera from her bag to record the footage of their landing

soon they were disembarking and passing through the port to stand outside

on the sidewalk in warm sun under beautiful skies and fluffy white clouds and a lovely breeze

wow now this feels so good it's even warmer than Prylea here Liam commented tipping his face up to the sunlight

the girls all agreed about the pleasantly warm weather it almost feels like the summer season back on Earth 2 its really wonderful sienna sighed happily

groups of people on the sidewalks towing luggage all in the same situation but groups of taxis were already cruising over to pick up travelers

we need to find a taxi Daisuke said

a sleek black racer ship dropped in slowly from above them all of sudden

hi guys! a voice greeted them it was Xierien again he waved sticking his head out of a window his secretary song lin was flying the ship

are you guys headed to the resort perhaps or do you need a lift? I'm headed that way

can you hold all of us? Daisuke asked with a frown

get in all of you he said the ship lowered further and the door opened revealing empty seats inside

Daisuke's phone rang hang on guys Daisuke said to the group he answered the phone

hi it's me he said yea we just arrived here we are right outside the spaceport he answered someone on the line

SILVER SHADOWS! a voice yelled from a distance

there was Niaomi their stylist a man in a black shirt with the word staff written on it on silver

down the street, they waved to the group from around the corner

sorry you guys can get going Daisuke said to Xierien our ride is here

our company sent us for a job they are here to pick us up bye guys Kanna said

suddenly the kids were running off down the street to the two people as they watched a big flying bus pulled out from the corner with flashy images of the kids with a name that was boldly displayed in shining lettering

SILVER SHADOWS with a logo on the sides of the bus

Xierien and Song Lin's mouths opened in shock as they boarded the bus with the two people

and the bus took off with them

what just happened a voice asked from a hidden microphone inside the ship, they just got picked up by their people Song Lin answered

it turns out they are very important people it would seem,

important people, how? his grandfather asked on the other end of the line they had been watching

through a hidden camera back on Huassain

turn on the star streams and look for SILVER SHADOWS Song Lin said as

Xierien turned on the console in front of him he soon found a channel bearing their names and pictures

it would seem your grandson is already establishing himself as a king in his own right Xierien said

he's the leader of a band called Silver Shadows he sings composes and produces music

sienna his mate is the band's songwriter she also sings

Zane is a rapper guitarist Melody his wife shes the band's star stream admin

and video creator and she's also in charge of the fan forums

Kaleb bassist-vocalist Kanna his twin sister is Band Manager

Liam is their drummer vocalist

they just debuted three weeks ago and they have two hit songs out right now and an upcoming full debut album

their song AFTER YOU already became number 1 on the charts and won Debut of the year and they

recently broke the star streams with a new song called Not Looking Back that is currently on the Galactic Charts came out two days ago

they also broke the star streams a second time with a Home Live Concert video that almost crashed the entire star streams because of traffic generated by millions of fans

that came online to watch the concert and their label Eclipse Entertainment had to buy a star stream server to accommodate them and their fans currently the only band on the star stream that has their own personal server

their server is currently out beating all other servers on the star stream because

of the views traffic and ratings, they are getting to their video content

Xierien read

they are currently the number one band that have debuted on Prylea they

have some videos out that we can watch and their songs are also here do you guys want to listen? he asked

turn it on let's see what they sound like his mother replied it's very surprising that Daisuke is apparently publicly famous and he's into the arts he's a creative type

they put on the band's first song After You while they flew to the resort it's very good his grandfather said I can hear Huassain chants in this

thats amazing his father agreed his using native sounds from their home planets as a signature in their music Xirien read from the information provided

making them a very unique sounding band out of all other bands on the star streams fans have written positive reviews about their signature sound

saying how it references the cultures of the home planets that the members of the band are from it turns out they are all kids

from all over the galaxy that came together and became friends on Prylea and created a band together

Melody and Zane are from Water World Melody is actually a mermaid

who gave up her tail and gills and life in the water for her love Zane to travel to Prylea to

pursue music together she and Zane grew up together on Water World

and have been married for a number of years already

they took in Kanna and Kaleb

a pair of orphaned kids whose parents died on Speed World due to an accident

they fled home after their parent's death from a relative who was supposed to care for them but turned out to be abusive immigrated to Prylea together

Melody and Zane after finding the twins homeless on the street gave the pair food and shelter and sent them back to school becoming parental figures for the twins Zane taught Kaleb how to play the guitar and they would enjoy playing together the four worked part-time to support the small family

Kaleb then met and befriended Daisuke that they went to school with a budding singer and composer who dreamed of starting his own band and

Daisuke got them together as a band providing the struggling family with financial support

due to his wealthy merchant family background

aiding in purchasing a new home for their band their first musical instruments and equipment needed to make their dream of pursuing music a reality

they found Liam whos previous band had broken up and auditioning on the streets trying

to join a new band Liam is also orphaned on a mining planet after the traumatic death of his parents immigrated to Prylea after he was forced to leave the orphanage he grew up in after becoming an adult

sienna was dramatically found by Daisuke during an accident on the street

she was walking home from school on the crowded street where she was knocked

into by another rushing pedestrian and fell into oncoming traffic

and would have been run over and lost her life had Daisuke not managed to stop his vehicle in time before hitting her Daisuke rescued the young lady from the street

and discovered she was a very talented and unknown songwriter and asked her to join the band

it also turns out that sienna is Daisuke's mate

she immigrated to Prylea with her parents from New Seoul Earth 2 she is an Original Earth Gen Human however, her parents abandoned her at fifteen years old after a nasty divorce

she had been living on her own and working part-time jobs to support herself ever since

Daisuke himself also lost his parents at thirteen years old due to an attack on his parent's merchant ship by pirates he is Huassain feline male of exceptional musical talent taught to play the piano by his mother who also enjoyed singing as a boy and she inspired his deep love for music

has already proven to be a genius producer by his ability to blend different types of sounds and styles of music from various time periods and cultures into new innovative melodies and sounds never before heard in the galaxy

oh dear so he has rescued every single member of his family with own hands his grandfather said

and changed their lives for the better thats just what you would expect from a good alpha

those kids have been through so much in their young lives already

it's no wonder he has no intention to leave them his mother breathed they all only have each other in the world

its good that he's at least doing something good with his life his father said taking care of a whole bunch of kids like that there are videos on their channel Xierien said

they are very talented kids if that song I just heard is anything to go by they are deserving of being number 1

fans of them already grandpa? xierien asked smiling

I don't know them but having heard all of that I feel very proud of them all for being able to survive on their own like that, the galaxy is a cruel place grandpa said

I can't believe Daisuke can sing his voice is so lovely his mother said

and the lyrics are very good it's very catchy too it sounds like something you

might even hear on the streets here

should we do something to help them promote here on Huassain? since Daisuke

is Huassain we could say something like

we are very proud to have him present our culture in his music

that they are the first band to add sounds of Huassain to their music for the rest of the galaxy to enjoy it will be good for relations with the other worlds too

invite them to come here to perform for a festival her husband suggested

that would be a good idea his wife said we can even send a ship and everything and cover their travel expense to make things easier

we cant claim him as our prince but we can provide him support from home and let him know he has a family no matter what he is a young Huassain out there representing us and it will be good for our young Huassain people to see the king agreed

it will encourage them to look at what they can do especially if we can get that

arts project for Huassain youth off the ground it could mold us into a more genteel society

if we can encourage them into things like arts and music his mother added

he will still be fulfilling a needed and important role for our people

guys don't get too carried away there with your grand plans

it will still be a matter of whether or not the kids on Huassain will like the band Xierien said

we will put their songs out on the local channels tell everyone about this grandpa said

ill get on it right away his mother agreed with a smile there won't be a single corner of the city

that won't have their songs playing by this afternoon and tell everyone how to find them on the star streams with links to their channel