First Response

sienna woke up feeling him through their bond

hey!, she said sleepily putting a hand on his shoulder are you all right? has something happened?

he felt an unusual tear slip out of his eyes

hey! baby! she said softly, what's wrong? she asked sitting up she wrapped her arms around him hugging him,

he held onto her tightly around her middle, she had never seen Daisuke cry what had shaken him up so much? made such a strong guy like him cry?

baby? she stroked his hair, please tell me what's the matter?

he just held her silently and cried, she could only comfort him she drew him to lie down with her once again holding him, his phone was clutched in his hand

let me see what is it? she said taking it from him he was so emotional he wouldn't talk to her

she watched the video then she understood why,

getting such an acknowledgment from his home planet

to see and hear the king of his own kind, of Huassain

say that what he was doing with his music was important and that it mattered and that

they were proud of him and even thanked him and apologized to him they actually lifted the exile on his family

even if was late and he acted like, he didn't care about it on the surface,

it still meant to world to him in his heart, it must have been something that burdened him,

he had grown up thinking he was rejected from his own kind, and he could never go to his home planet, could not claim his heritage,

but now Huassain had declared he was one of their people he could visit anytime he was one of their people

oh baby thats wonderful! she breathed I'm so happy for you truly! she hugged him

I want to do a response he said hoarsely

ok baby, we will do a response she said kissing his forehead when you're ready

he pressed his face against her bosom curling into her arms she cuddled him and comforted him

she scrolled through the articles and comments about him the fans were going crazy on the forums too

Daisuke their lead singer was an actual lost royal prince of an entire planet of people

imagine that! a princely rockstar! no wonder he was so handsome and gorgeous only a prince would be that good looking

and the fact that he had met sienna by saving his own mate was like something out of a romantic old fashioned fairytale

fans were having a field day editing pictures of him as a popular prince character from old movies and even romance novels

they had even come up with a new nickname for him "Prince Silver" she was amused it was very sweet but also thankful there were also a lot of supportive comments too

he had created a new legend on the star streams

the pair got out of bed later and joined their bandmates for a late breakfast

good morning guys! sienna said walking into the dining room they were all in their pajamas

it was going to be one of those days where everyone didn't feel like doing anything and they would more or less laze around

good morning sienna morning Daisuke melody greeted them both as they came to the table

they had breakfast prepared by auto cooker today and the various dishes sat in the middle of the table

sienna got plates and utensils and began to put food on their plates

while Daisuke greeted his members with affectionate hugs for everybody

What's gotten into you? Liam reacted surprised

Daisuke shook his head smiling but not saying anything

Zane arch an eyebrow at sienna in question as he was seated was near the food where she was filling their plates

she smiled theres news about Daisuke she whispered so he's a little bit emotional right now

good news or bad news? he asked in a whisper

its good news but I think its something that he must have worried about thats why he's like this now she replied check the star streams but don't let him see you

he says he wants to respond to it but I'm not sure yet what it's going to be

Zane nodded sienna brought the plate of food to Daisuke where he was sitting setting it in front of him and he quietly began eating his meal as sienna took the seat next to him

what are we doing today? Kaleb asked breaking the quiet that had fallen around the table

nothing everyone should just relax today take a break Daisuke said we finished the album

we shot both the music videos everything is on eclipse now to release the work

so we can just hang out? Kaleb asked

yea sure he replied

he continued eating the other members finished their meals and left the table

siennas phone buzzed not long after with messages from the band members

they had all now seen the video and Kanna had created a chat group to talk about it

Liam: it's awesome that Huassain apologized and acknowledged Daisuke

Z&M: it's really great

KKtwins: they even invited us to come to Huassain for a concert we can do a tour?

S: we will have to wait to see what he feels and thinks about it?? he has a lot of mixed feelings right now it's not just about him being in the band being a role model for Huassain kids and being the first Huassain singer and all that stuff

Liam: thats a lot a pressure in itself when its put like that when he's just doing this because its what he loves and wants to do

S: he might be contemplating what it might mean to have a relationship with his Huassain family too

KKtwins: He must have a lot on his mind right now no telling how he's going respond and which direction it will go in

Z&M: whatever way he chooses we will stand by him and support whatever decisions he makes

Liam: agreed he always stands by us we must do the same for him

KKtwins: Naturally

S: of course we are all in this together now

later Daisuke shut himself in the studio and decided to make a video to respond he had thought about it all-day

what he wanted to say or should say and how he should say it he did not want to be misunderstood or to offend anyone he decided to do it live on the star streams

he set up the camera and turned it on checking to make he was on the channel he saw some fans already joining the stream

Hello everyone this is Daisuke I am making this video to respond to the previous one,

from Mizuno Hitsugaya pertaining to my Huassain royal heritage, I will get to the point, I hope everyone can understand me

I never once thought of myself as being royalty, a prince of an entire

planet of people even though my parents had never hidden it from me as a boy,

I think I was too young to really understand what it truly meant, and what my identity was, I never paid it too much attention

I grew up as just a normal person,a regular boy for the most part

my father told my mother and me that he wasn't unhappy about being exiled,

he was content and happy as long as our family was together that it was enough, he does not need to be the ruler of a planet, to be happy, if we take the planet away, he is just a person at the end of the day

so I grew up thinking like that I don't need to be accepted by anyone else as long as I had my loved ones around me and they accepted me and understood me I could be happy

but when deciding to enter the music industry, I had worried about what might happen after I debuted, what the response from Huassain might be like, towards me if it would be negative or not, and how I might feel if it were

how it might affect my career, what if huassain recognized who I was and wanted to reclaim me?

what if they tried to stop me from making music?

I thought about all kinds of possible outcomes and the most important thing turned out to be

that I could not give my dream, even if the response was a negative one,

I would not care and I would continue to press on anyways,

and if they tried to reclaim me against my will? there were galactic laws I would use

to fight them I did research on the galactic laws and such too, I know people might think it is bad of me

might say I'm being a rebellious kid continuing to do something that my own kind frowns on

but no matter how I thought about it, I love making music

it makes me happy to be doing this with my members who are more like my family

and I could never leave them for any reason, so I would fight to stay with them

I don't want to do anything else in terms of a career and

I am very happy that I was able to find friends who shared the same dream and the same love of music with me

to accompany me and pursue this dream of ours together and I wish we can continue to do so as long as we want

after seeing the video

the things that Mizuno said greatly affected me, I even cried

my mate could tell you I cried really hard on her shoulder even though I'm such a tough guy

and I realized that in my heart it mattered to me

it did bother me that I might not be welcomed among my own kind I think the reason why I choose this path is also partly because I wanted them to see me

so maybe I did resent it and felt it was wrong and unfair my parents did nothing wrong other than love each other

something that occurs naturally for all humanoids regardless of race, everyone loves and wants to be loved, but my parents were punished for it

by my dad being exiled unable to go home again unable to see his family, my parents love made me, and by extension, I was also in exile and they both died before justice could be done

I think I wanted to show them that the exiled Huassain kid is this talented and is this great and it's their loss that I can be someone important in the entire galaxy too

I don't need to be accepted by Huassain, thats just one planet

but I can be accepted by everyone else,

I can make them like and accept me with my music, I can carve out my own place for myself in this galaxy,

I can make myself become the greatest Huassain singer in the galaxy and stand on top of everything with my music

and Huassain will have to look up to me whether they like it or not

he chuckled shaking his head

I don't know if it's because of the alpha in me or if maybe I am still immature that I can think like this,

but hearing Mizuno's words,

things like that they acknowledge me and that my music is good and important and that

they are proud of me and that I'm a role model and all of these other great things

but most importantly the one thing that really moved me

he apologized for my parent's exile and that I am no longer exiled I am a Huassain person

that I am welcome to come to Huassain I can bring my mate and my band anytime

I think I was still waiting and hoping some small part of me

actually wanted their acceptance and acknowledgment the most, and that it was important to me

to hear him apologize about the wrong that was done to my parents

that meant a lot to me to hear I was very moved

I felt like a weight was lifted off me that I wasn't aware I was carrying like a chip on my shoulder

my heart feels lighter and happier now I accept your apology he smiled nodding

and I am also willing if my grandfather my family from Huassain wishes to communicate with me

they can do so I would like to get to know my family thank you for the video

and that you did it so publicly too it really makes up for it

thank you Mizuno thank you to everyone watching goodbye he ended the video there

Daisuke sat in the studio quietly afterward he really did feel lighter in his heart now

a burden had been lifted from him,

there was a knock on the door of the studio

come in he answered

sienna opened the door she was teary-eyed I saw the stream she said softly

he held his arms out to her and she came to him willingly sitting on his lap and hugging him tightly

good job she said softly pressing a kiss to his forehead

thank you for being here for me he said softly

how can I not be here for you? she replied stroking his hair

I'm your mate, with you is where I belong, no matter what's going on I'm on your side always,

even if I accept my huassain family? would you think or feel a way about it? he asked

you know that I know from experience about family right? she said softly, mine abandoned me,

but that doesn't mean I will be mad at you for accepting yours,

if you want to know your family it's totally fine with me, ill even be happy for you as long as they can accept me and the rest of us as being an important part of your life,

and accept who you are, and not try to stop you from pursuing the things you want to do, it's fine with me,

and even if its a situation like that, ill still be here, ill help fight with you if you have to, I might be little but I will be the first person to punch them in the face and kick them in the guts for you

I'm not scared even they are Huassain no one is allowed to bully my mate and ill let them know it

he chuckled she was so sweet and brave

you might break your hand punching a Huassain in the face but thank you so much sienna he hugged her tightly

It's okay baby! she breathed laying her cheek on his shoulder

Mr. Williams! Daisuke has released a response to the video his secretary informed him, the tablet on the table in front of him

things had quickly gotten complicated during the time the videos had come out

the band's numbers on the star stream had gone crazy

and no one had paid too much attention with the whole Daisuke being a prince thing had captured everyone's attention

but After You had suddenly shot up and entered the Galactic Chats as well within the Top 70 which wasn't bad and Not Looking Back had suddenly climbed up and were in the Top 30s now

record streams were coming from Huassain it seems that they really were throwing their support behind Daisuke and the band

he had never imagined this for a rookie band regardless of how great their music was

they were still rookies there was a limit

but they were breaking Milestones already and their album was not released yet

surely they would break number 1 when it came out with full promotions the band was doing very well with these two songs the album would be the icing on the cake that would solidify their debut

he couldn't stop smiling he had found a diamond in the rough surely the best band in the galaxy was under his roof and his hands

finally, he would make them greater than the cowboys no they would do it themselves

he nodded his head all kinds of plans taking shape in his mind