Release at the Record Shop

the record shop was closed and there was a screen set up around the roof to block people from seeing what was going on

but plenty of people from Eclipse Entertainment, were hard at work setting up the stage on the roof for their performance and preparing to open the shop for the promotions

around the entire area was the same with workers busily installing up holo screen billboards around the area and even on the sides of other nearby buildings

everyone is online and freaking out sienna said watching a holo screen in the bus

Eclipse entertainment had put up a mysterious announcement

End of Semester Blow Out free guerilla promotion at the record shop downtown city center at Lunch Time

free merch giveaway signing, photo ops, meet and greet, all fans are there or miss out and regret for a lifetime today only

all the fans online were trying to speculate who was Eclipse Entertainment

promoting at the record shop, since they had many artists under their label,

that were already debuted and could have merch giveaways and meet and greet event for free,

some speculated it might be Silver Shadows others speculated it was not because they didn't have their debut album out yet

but they were already going to be appearing at Award Shows soon so they wouldn't be doing this type of event

Daisuke seeing this decided to make a rare post to tease the fans a bit

he took a picture of his boots and then his thermal bowl open and filled with food on the counter next to him he posted the pictures and captioned it

all SilverWinds I hope you all eat "Lunch" well

short and sweet he chuckled, as his post started getting responses,

the fans were going crazy Daisuke did not do these kinds of random post

you could expect it from the other members but Daisuke only came online when he had something important to say

being smart enough to put two and two together they were quickly guessing that the promotions at the record shop were for Silver Shadows

he had said All SilverWinds calling out the entire fandom

soon fans who were in the area posted pictures of the various workmen in the area installing billboards everywhere

they posted a picture of the entire record shop was closed and blocked off from sight whatever Eclipse was going to do it was going to be big

word spread rapidly and soon groups of young people could be seen gathering in the area to wait for the event,

by lunchtime everything was ready, the place was packed with people, outside the record shop the entire building was surrounded by crowds of people

sienna was nervous as the band was led through the back door of the record shop so they wouldn't be seen she felt so jittery her hands balled up the folds of her dress

Daisuke took her hand in his interlocking their fingers as they made their way to the roof behind the screens that blocked them from sight, they all got on stage with the instruments set up there

quickly doing a soundcheck to make sure everything worked right,

the soundcheck brought screams from the restless excited crowd below that things were about to start

Daisuke stood at the microphone with sienna beside him they would share a microphone for this event

Melody and Zane were to their left, Kaleb to the right with Kanna

Liam was behind them at the drums

the staff members around removed the screens that blocked the crowd's view and the holoscreen billboards came on

displaying the star stream host in one of her elaborate outfits as usual

hello everyone! she greeted the crowd that began to cheer

Welcome to Eclipse Entertainment official Release Party for Silver Shadows Debut Album First Flight! she announced here is Silver Shadows live Not Looking Back

the guys started to play and the crowd started cheering as the record shop's doors swung open

revealing posters of the bands on the walls,

racks of Zelon Drives of the Bands Album waiting to be sold

and piles of merch waiting to be given away by the Eclipse Entertainment staff awaited them

on the walls, the holoscreen billboards began showing the band's new Music videos the crowd was going wild,

while they sang and performed for them, many fans were waving their hands to the beat of Liam's drums

sienna had never felt more thrilled in her entire life as she shared a microphone with Daisuke,

and sang along with parts of the song with everyone, and seeing the responses of the fans

right in front of her,

feeling their energy and their excitement the music swelling around them Not Looking Back was a banger of a song

she gazed into Daisuke's adoring blue eyes,

she completely understood now why this, was Daisuke's dream, the feeling was unmatched

by anything else she could ever experience, she wondered how many people were here in this place right now,

as she looked over the crowd seeing their upturned faces filled with elation

there were so many she felt like her heart was flying as Daisuke put one arm around her waist shifting

so his body was warmly behind her, tall enough to be able to reach the mike over her shoulder while holding her

as Zane delivered his rap verse she couldn't help moving in time to the music and Daisuke moved

with her as the build-up took them into the banging chorus and melody

Kanna Liam and Kaleb all joined in the crowd below was jumping and cheering and singing along to the lyrics at the top of their lungs,

sienna started waving to the crowd with a big happy grin many fans waved back enthusiastically,

all too soon the song came to end and the fans were roaring for an encore,

one more song!

they chanted from below and began to chant the band's name to urge them on

so Daisuke agreed and they did one of the new songs from the album called Blast Off it was the songs they had written for fans,

that had a lot of parts where the fans could participate, Kanna decided to take charge,

during the song, she led the fans in the cheering for their parts, and it went off without a hitch,

the fan song was very catchy with easy lyrics and

it was great as an encore song, which was the intention when the song was written,

to be the fun upbeat song that would cheer up the fans and leave them satisfied they loved it dancing and singing their hearts out till the end,

it was siennas favorite song on the entire album,

she loved songs where the singers would let the fans sing along with them too making

it more about the interaction and connection they shared with the fans when the song

was performed it expressed the band's feelings to the fans the best way possible

the song was finished and everyone rushed into the record store

come on guys quickly now! Daisuke urged as they left the roof stage and went downstairs to the record store

fans were there, eagerly greeting them and for the next few minutes they were swamped with people sienna smiled took photos

signed T-shirts and chatted with so many random fans it was about to become a blur until Paityn and Becca stood in front of her

hello guys it has been a while sienna said greeting them with a smile

we came because we wanted to say we were sorry Becca blurted out

sienna was really surprised

actually, we got into trouble because of you, Paityn said

you see you debuted and became famous all of sudden and then you withdrew from school just as suddenly

because they lost a celebrity student that would have raised the school's reputation

people said it was because of us,

so the school principal made a fuss about it and called our parents,

and they found out we fell out with you, and our parents were very embarrassed and shocked that we treated you that way,

my parents took me back to our home planet for a few days, to show me they were also poor growing up Becca admitted

they said I had become spoiled and full of myself when I am not that different from you

my parents also immigrated here after coming from a poor planet too Paityn admitted but they never told me that,

I grew up thinking we always had money and were well off but my parents worked hard for many years to get everything they have now

we are really ashamed of how we treated you we are really sorry for all the awful stuff we said to you Becca said

we are really sorry sienna please forgive us Paityn said

ill accept your apology sienna said I have already let it go so theres no reason for

me to keep grudges against you and it seems like you've both learned from it

do you guys want to take pictures? sienna asked

yes please and autographs too? they requested

sure sienna agreed, smiling warmly

can you introduce me to Kaleb? Becca asked in a soft voice

Becca! Paityn scolded her I told you! we were not going to ask her for anything!

we came to apologize sincerely to you sienna we won't trouble you with nonsense

it's ok! sienna said with a laugh come on you two!

she took the two girls by the hands and led them where Kaleb was signing and chatting with some fans,

Kaleb these are my friends from school they would like to meet you, sienna said

Kaleb turned his megawatt personality on the two immediately and Becca and Paityn was soon happily snapping pictures with him and getting their posters and t-shirts signed

sienna even posted pictures with the two to the fan forums

my friends from school showed up to support me she posted happily

guys we are almost sold out!

one of the cashiers yelled above the heads of the crowds around her

what sold out this quickly? the event manager cried

we haven't seen half the fans yet! Daisuke said hearing that guys let's extend the time! Daisuke said everyone agreed?

let's stay until we see all the fans that came! Zane said

extend the event time! Kanna informed the event manager

we are almost sold out! he told her our inventory systems are showing that we already running low he said from a computer screen behind the counter

call the branches and ask them to send all the albums they have! the cashier said thinking quickly tell them to deliver them as quickly as possible, use whatever means they have, the label can reimburse for the delivery cost

quickly the problem was soon settled and the event continued long after the hours that it

supposed to have as the band was only too happy to meet with their fans

as long as they kept coming, the record store closed late after ten pm that night