
"When did you guys?" sienna asked

"surprise!" Kanna cried laughing

"We just bought this ride how do you like it?" Kaleb asked hanging out the window

"it's awesome!" sienna cried gazing at the sleek black hovering vehicle

"We figured we would need a vehicle for the whole band to get around in

we are going to be getting busy very soon my two-wheeler isn't exactly convenient to carry all of us"

Daisuke said getting out

his eyes were fixed on sienna from head to toe the new hair colors looked wonderful

on her and brought out the cuteness of her features even more

as the soft and silky tresses fell lushly around shoulders

sienna noticing his gaze that didn't seem to be able to leave her

she felt and looked good better than she ever had in her life before,

her outfit was great the makeup stylist had worked magic on her face, and even her nails were polished prettily

"you look very beautiful sienna," he said warmly greeting her "thank you" she flushed

"did you have fun with the girls today? " he asked

she nodded "yes lots they made sure they bought me a lot of clothes and other products

and it was melody's idea to dye my hair like this"

"it was a great idea the colors you choose are very lovely you look like a doll," he said

"Thanks," she responded smiling and blushing shyly under his warm gaze

he helped Sienna and the girls with their bags

Kaleb popped the truck and Daisuke packed their bags away

"you guys choose wisely the seating in here is so comfy," melody said getting in

and naturally seating next to her husband Zane

he put his arm around her kissing the top of her head

"nice outfit babe," he complimented her

"thank you" she replied with a smile

while Kanna sat behind Liam and Sienna found herself seated with Daisuke next to her

the seats were really nice and soft and the air temperature control system was cooling the interior

it would also keep the interior nice and warm in the colder seasons

once everyone has seated the doors closed on their own and they were lifting off

and zipping into traffic that was flying

in the lanes between the city's tallest buildings

"would you guys like something to drink?" Daisuke offered with a laugh "check this out"

he pushed a button on the armrest next to him and the touch screen activated on the hand-rest showing a menu

"ill have a soda please?" Kanna said and a moment later there was a hiss

as a compartment in the inside of the door next to her opened and a can of soda slid out

"oh wow how cool" she cried "we can have snacks on the plane," she said "it's actually cold too"

she passed it around so everyone could feel the temperature of the can

"yup!" Daisuke said nodding "this baby comes fully loaded"

"as long as we make sure to keep it stocked with drinks and snacks," Zane said

as he checked the console between the seats next to him and Melody the compartment opened

revealing something similar to a vending machine where the drinks and snacks were stored

"When you order from the menu it delivers your order to your seat through an internal delivery system built into the plane itself"

"wow" sienna breathed "very nice"

"and the menu lets you know how many drinks and snacks are available

so you'll know when to restock" Zane said "it's very convenient"

"Kaleb take us to the nearest Astroshack" Kanna suggested naming one of the galaxies most popular fast food restaurant chains

Sure, not a problem he said pulling up the coordinates on the console screen

They soon arrived at an Astroshack and were soon seated in a booth around a table stacked with food and beverages

Kaleb was wolfing down a Buster Burger with Fries one half of a whole pizza that was split between him and Daisuke

and an extra-large Banna Berry smoothie

Sienna couldn't imagine how he could eat that much for a small looking guy but he somehow, he was doing it

Daisuke was sitting across from her the other half of the pizza and a large Choco swirl shake in front of him

Liam had a few slices of pizza and fries and a Soda

Kanna and Sienna both had ordered spicy fried chicken and shrimp strips dipping sauce fries and regular-sized smoothies

while Melody and Zane shared a whole pizza and fries with smoothies

"Listen Mr. Williams called while you guys were out shopping," Daisuke said

"he has scheduled a meeting for us at the label this week, we also

have our debut photo-shoot, I'm thinking we'll use this meeting to get you signed sienna

we finished the recording of After You this morning and I will complete production on it tonight,

so the song will be ready in time and we will have a strong bargaining chip"

"Actually, we have a good chance," Kaleb said gazing at sienna earnestly

"the song you wrote was amazing, it's already making waves, our fans who heard it at the showcase

are even asking for a possible release date, and they are asking questions about who wrote the lyrics online,

and we have only played them a rough version of the song but the response is very hot from the public already"

"I don't doubt that you can become our exclusive songwriter with support from our fans the label won't be able to say NO" Liam added

"you would receive a monthly salary and the label will still have to buy your songs," Daisuke said "and there's still

royalty fees from the StarStreams to work out but the label will want to take a percentage of that

I would suggest you bargain to gain the most percentage"

"What's the highest I can bargain for?" Sienna asked

"70% royalties is yours 30% the label"

"that's how it works usually" Daisuke explained "they will try to start at 50% which means half and half split, don't fall for that because the way I expect this will blow up!

even 50% is a lot of money going to the label considering we are making the songs ourselves in our own studio"

"We should push for 80% actually," Zane said

Liam whistled "bro you are going to war with Mr. Williams at that point"

Daisuke nodded "I know but I have to make sure sienna gets what she deserves," he said resolutely

sienna's eyes narrowed thoughtfully "I have an idea," she said, "instead of negotiating the royalties for me as the song writer how about we negotiate it like this?"

"Daisuke you are the producer so you can also claim a cut of the royalties right?

then royalties have to be split three ways but we still get our 80% if we split it 40% each and 20% for the label then they can't say they got a raw deal"

Kanna burst into laughter "sienna you evil little genius!" she cried

"thats why we need her around" Kaleb responded grinning pointing at sienna with his fork "she's the real mastermind in this crew" he reached across the table to high five her

Daisuke and the guys exchanged grins

melody nodded in agreement "thats right girl, be a smartass and get those credits the label is already rich enough we can't let them slip we got take every penny we can smartly"

"anybody wants dessert?" sienna asked when she finished eating "I'm going for cake and ice cream"

"Nah maybe before we go home," Liam said "I'm gonna go play in the arcade for a bit"

which was upstairs

"We are coming with," Kanna and Kaleb said

"Zane and I are gonna relax at the lounge" Melody said

"ill hang with you Sienna," Daisuke said

Sienna and Daisuke approached the ice-cream bar "what flavor do you want?" sienna asked as they stood at the order screen

"just order whatever you want for yourself," Daisuke said "I'm full" she ordered a cup of Merry Berry ice cream

and a slice of cake and then picked up her order at the revolving counter

Daisuke took the cake from her and took her hand in his

"where are we going?" she asked

"the best place to enjoy a dessert of course," he said with a grin leading her out of the restaurant they rode the escalator up to the building roof

where they were in an open garden and benches for sitting the view of the city was amazing from high up

"waah!" she breathed she had never seen anything so beautiful in her life she could see the glowing blue flyways filled with traffic

and boats sailing on the river that ran through the city he drew her to a bench to sit down so she could enjoy her desert

"This is wonderful"l she said with a happy sigh of contentment as she sat back to find Daisuke's arm around her

"I'm actually really glad that you're feeling that way, I hoped that you'd be able to fit in with us and feel as comfortable as possible"

Daisuke said he place the cake on his lap uncovering it for her so she could eat it she scooped up some ice cream on her spoon and then some cake

"I'm actually really grateful you guys are making it so easy on me all of you have been so warm and welcoming," she said

"Kanna and Melody are amazing we had such a good time today while shopping

it feels like they immediately started treating me like a sister from the moment we met

I don't know how to describe it exactly, you guys have been treating me so well I feel like I'm dreaming a little bit"

Daisuke shook his head blond hair falling down around his face "you're not dreaming"

"you're one of us now this is how we always treat each other we take care of our own"

sienna scooped another spoonful of ice-cream and cake and suddenly Daisuke leaned down and stole it off her spoon

she giggled "I thought you said you were full?"

he smirked swallowing the mouthful

"what? you don't like to share your ice cream?" he teased

"nope!" she shot back giggling scooping another spoonful and eating it really quick before he could steal it again

making him laugh he stroked her hair affectionately with the arm he had around her drawing her closer to him

sienna could feel the warmth of his body next to hers he leaned her head unto his shoulder just holding her like that

she offered him a few more spoonfuls which he happily accepted and ate while they continued to enjoy the view

"you finished want to go for a stroll?" he asked "OK!" she agreed

Daisuke threw the empty desert containers in a nearby trash bin and the pair began

to stroll around the garden hand in hand admiring the beautiful blooms of flowers from the different plants that grew there

Daisuke picked one and offered it to her "thank you!" she accepted it and then stuck the stem of the flower into her hair

"How does it look?" she asked

"it's very pretty," he said "I have never seen anyone wear flowers in their hair before"

"It must be an Earth thing," she said "we do it all the time, we even have flower festivals and such

because different flowers grow in different seasons,

on earth, each flower has a name that has a special meaning and so you will give others flowers on certain occasions

when you most want to express affection or to send your well wishes to that person when something good has happened in their lives

the same way there are many different types of flowers there are also many different types of love

so the meanings of the names of flowers are known as the language of love" she explains

"so what is the name and meaning of the flower in your hair right now?" he asked

she took the flower out of her hair it was a beautiful "pink flower with yellow stems inside the center"

"this flower is named a Camellia," she said "it means to desire and passion," she said softly blushing

Daisuke flushed understanding the implications while gazing at her

those purple ones over there are iris flowers

they are perfect for you Daisuke she continued

not wanting to make things awkward she walked towards the shrub

he trailed after her

"oh how so?" he asked

"they mean hope faith wisdom and trust" she answered picking one and offering it to him

"All of these are things that I'm putting in you from now on as our band leader," she said gazing up at him

he took the flower from her hand

"then I thank you for your faith trust and hope in me I will lead you wisely and I won't let you down," he said meaning every word

"this flower?" he picked a bright yellow one on a stalk with a round center it seemed safe enough

"what does this one mean?" he asked

she giggled "that is a sunflower," she told him

"its a very common flower on earth you can boil its petals and make tea and you eat the seeds as well,

but only when it's ripe though which these aren't yet this flower means adoration faithfulness and loyalty"

"adoration faithfulness and loyalty huh?" he said gazing at her he suddenly reached for her putting a hand on her waist and pulling her close making her breathe hitch

he took all three flowers and put them in her hair smiling at his handy work

"passion desire hope faith trust wisdom adoration faithfulness and loyalty," he said softly

"All of these are qualities a woman hopes to find in the man she gives her heart to,

and as a songwriter and a composer, we will have to share intimate parts of ourselves with each other,

a relationship not unlike that of lovers,

if we are to create great music together, we will need to share our hearts and our feelings,

that's why I didn't want just any songwriter because I cant entrust intimate parts of myself to just anyone

do you understand what I'm saying sienna?" he asked

"Are you prepared for it? can you entrust your intimate feelings and heart to me? and can I entrust mine to you too?" he asked softly

"can we give our hearts and feelings to each other and not fall in love?" she asked "is such a thing even possible?"

"you feel it too don't you?" he said softly taking her hands this pull between us

"something that's drawing us together?" he gently touched her face with his fingers

she flushed her heart going crazy in her chest "I would be a liar if I deny it" she admitted

he pulled her closer his hand cupped her cheek in his warm hand

"you're so small and soft and you smell so good I keep wanting to have you close to me" he admitted

"every time you giggle there is something so sweet about that sound I keep wanting to hear it more,

when you smile your eyes light up and sparkle, I can see how you feel through your eyes I wish to make you smile more,

and your face is just so adorable I like your cheeks and your dimples so dam cute"

as he spoke his thumb was brushing gently over said cheeks and dimples as he gazed at her with dark blue eyes that pierced her right through

"i can't think past wanting to hold and cuddle you at times when I know I shouldn't you might not understand what that means for a guy like me"

"doesn't feeling like that mean you like me?" she dared to say softly she blushed and dropped her gaze from his

he pulled her into his chest in a hug holding her tightly her face buried against his chest as his warm arms encircled her

"It means more than that if the male who feels that way towards you is Huassain Sienna" he breathed

she peeked up at him "what does it mean then if a Huassain male likes me ?" she dared to ask

Daisuke's phone rang then he reached into his pocket to answer it

"Yeah, what's up? we just took a stroll we will be back shortly" he said

"the others are looking for us," he said he held her a little longer, and then taking her hand they went back he had not answered her question

Kaleb flew them all home Daisuke retreated to the studio saying he had to work on finishing the song

"hey did something happen?" Melody asked sienna softly noticing the tension in the air

"We just had a bit of a talk" Sienna replied "everything is fine just a lot to think about for the future and stuff"

"ok" she nodded "if you are troubled about anything you can always tell me or Kanna, ok?" she said

"don't worry I will" sienna assured her with a smile "thanks"