Genius Songwriter on the rise

"We also already agreed on a seventy thirty split on the profits from promotions," Mr. Williams said

he chuckled "you kids are really something else, you're driving a hard bargain

most kids come in here, they want us to make them famous right away

and they want to rely on the label to do everything for them,

but you kids come in here and you've already made some very smart decisions,

investing in yourselves setting up your own studio

you're self-producing, we don't have to do a thing other than style and promote you

you're producing your own star stream content so you're operating very independently

and showing us you're serious, you've got the skills, you've found your own talent, you kids know what you want and how to get it,

and it seems you've got a clear mission for what you want to achieve, kids like you don't come along often the last time I saw a band like this, it was way back in the day,

you are all young, your songwriter is beautiful as is the rest of you and there are years more, of great songs and albums you guys can put out as you grow and develop more in the industry

your prestige and name value will rise with every hit song, so you can't deny the long-term potential this band has,

I'm willing to take a twenty percent split in royalty's what we will get back in return will be worth hell of a lot if this is your work ethic"

Zane was nodding in agreement giving Sienna a soft smile down the table she smiled back

Kaleb leaned back gave sienna a pat on the back

Liam gave her a thumbs up

"Thank you," sienna, said she felt herself getting teary at this point all the band members were so kind and supportive

Daisuke put his arm around her shoulder squeezing comfortingly

"Like I said she's really young and I found her so I will take responsibility for her and take care of her let's have her signed on as our new songwriter, you need to let us work organically with her to produce good songs"

"Dam you kids!" Mr. Williams said "what am I going to do with you all? I can't even beat you in a meeting like this"

Daisuke chuckled knowing he had won

"All right" he huffed "I'll agree to let her join the band

but we will wait and see what the public response to this song is like first

then we will make a final decision on whether or not she will be the actual songwriter for the band"

Daisuke narrowed his eyes at the man

"don't give me that look boy" Mr. Williams warned "you just hard balled me out of a rare talent consider yourself lucky today"

"Ain't nothing to do with luck" Daisuke responded "if you don't think she's a good enough songwriter after what you just listened to then you're a fool"

"Excuse me?" Mr. Williams responded his eyebrows knitting together in anger

"Um sir we are going to want to releases this song as soon as possible" the music producer said cutting in before things could escalate

"It's a major hit that can take the charts and can possibly earn some recognition at the Star Stream Music Awards this year"

"but only if we put it out in time to meet the deadline for final submissions"

"How long do we have left?" Mr. Williams asked

"A week or two of airplay on the star streams if we release it now," he replied

"do we have anyone else releasing or due to release right now?" Mr. Williams asked

"Nope nobody" the engineer replied

"okay" he nodded steepling his hands beneath his chin he pinned sienna with a steely-eyed look

"sienna do you understand that from now on you are going to be exposed to the public,

your face and name will be out there as a member of this band,

you are no longer the same person you were when you walked through those doors,

it will be a lot of responsibility, your life is not going to be the same after today,

everything you do you will have to bear in mind that you are a public figure you have to keep up a certain image at all times" he stated

"I understand" she replied

"you will also have to participate in all the schedules of the band as a member and that goes for

all promotional activities and contractual obligations,

even though you're their songwriter you will have the same schedules as the other members

and you will have to accompany them everywhere.

You will also be paid a salary the same as the other members.

But there will be additional pay for royalties for every song credited to your name as the songwriter

will be credited on each release we will also be providing you with a personal stylist for your hair makeup

and dress when working on official activities such as public appearances interviews etc

but you can feel free to dress yourself on your own time however you want but bear in mind

that you are now a member of a famous band and you will always be representing the image of your band

and this label you should always carry yourself well

by the way, you look quite nice right now, the outfit you're wearing is very fitting the hair is especially eye-catching you put yourself together very well"

"Thank you" she replied

"You have a natural eye for what looks good" Mr. Williams continued "you're a pretty girl

you could be a model for the band, we can probably put you in some commercials and such"

Sienna's eyes widened in surprise "you would really do all of that for me?" she asked in shock

"My job is to make sure this band is commercially successful" Mr. Williams replied

"we will do whatever it takes and get this band as many opportunities as possible

and since you probably won't be performing on stage, we will have to find a way to promote you for the band through other avenues"

"I understand I will work hard and not hold the band back" she agreed

"Very well then bring in the contract lets get it signed, after this all of you guys will go to a photoshoot

it's for the official revelation of the final lineup for the band to the public

it's best if we include all the member since she's already here"

A lady in a pink skirt suit entered the room carrying a black folder she opened it and set it in front of Mr. Williams

"sienna please look this over and if you agree everything here is as we have discussed please sign, "Mr. Williams asked

"Yes," sienna agreed her heart pounding in her chest

Mr. Williams passed the folder to her and Daisuke took it the pair began to carefully look it over

he agreed a long moment later "it's all good royalties and the things we have discussed sienna you can sign here"

he passed her the folder and the pen she gazed down at the contract in front of her

Daisuke smiled and rubbed her back he began to stroke her hair gently

Sienna's heart was doing a number in her chest this was really happening

she was joining a band and becoming a songwriter

she couldn't say it was what she had imagined as her future but she couldn't help the excitement that was building in her stomach

She looked up at him with wide eyes he nodded in confirmation "trust me" he said softly

She took a deep breath and then bent her head over the contract and signed

A moment later another envelope was passed to her she opened it and inside was a check

Her jaw dropped "this is one million galactic credits!" she breathed

"That's correct that's the standard fee for signing with us use it wisely," Mr. Williams said

there will be a few things you will need that money for such as moving"

"Moving? I already did that Daisuke moved me in with them a few days ago" she said "actually their

the place is pretty sweet they even got a pool I used to live in a single dormicile before this"

"you moved fast," Mr. Williams said in surprise

Daisuke shrugged "the moment I met her and saw her writing, my instincts told me she was the one right away I didn't have time to waste"

"you guys have a photo-shoot to get to and we have to begin work on getting your song released as soon as possible you kids be prepared to debut"

Mr. Williams said as he stood up holding the contract she just signed in his hands this meeting is adjourned

he and the other people left the room

"oh my gosh did that just happen?" she cried

Daisuke was slapping high fives with the guys, all of them were embracing each other in happiness

"We did it guys congratulations to us!" Zane cried

"woohoo!! I'm ready to go out and celebrate!! "Kanna cried

"We have a photoshoot first" Liam reminded her everyone burst into laughter

Daisuke was grinning from ear to ear his eyes were dancing brightly as his gaze met hers,

he suddenly hugged her squeezing her warmly in his arms

"that totally surrounded her small frame"

"thank you" he breathed against her hair "welcome to our band

you won't regret trusting me I won't let you down sienna I promise"

"no, thank you for letting me have such an amazing opportunity

I never could have imagined" she replied enjoying the feeling of being held by him

as he squeezed her warmly

his body felt good he wasn't just good looking he was very built and muscular

she could feel all that through their clothing her heart pounded out of control

his chin rested on top of her head while he stroked the back of her hair again

her face nestled against his chest inhaling the scent of him he smelled so good too

she wondered if he was wearing some kind of cologne

she nuzzled against his chest without realizing it his scent intoxicated her

he smelled earthy like the woods pine and honeysuckle and spicy and sweet

Daisuke's heartbeat kicked into another gear holding sienna in his arms

"guys lets go out somewhere tonight," he said over her head

"I actually agree," Melody said with a grin "we do have something great to celebrate"

"go out? Tonight?" Sienna asked

"yup together with all of us, let's hit a club or something what do you guys say?" Daisuke asked

"sure, why not?" Kaleb agreed with a smile "I'm always up to have fun"

"hell yes" Zane cried putting an arm around melody who met sienna eyes with a grin

Kaleb was grinning throwing his arm around Liam's shoulder

"We worked hard to finish recording that song in time without sleeping and it dam well knocks

we deserve it" Liam agreed

"good it agreed then," Daisuke said

"We are going to have so much fun tonight!" Kaleb cried excited ginning

"let's go get this photoshoot over with so we can get the heck out of here then"

Zane said everyone laughing in high spirits as they vacated the board room