Surprise Debut

Daisuke held sienna warmly wrapped in his arms as they both looked over the balcony

the holo screens behind the DJ began to broadcast

Mindy the stars stream robot host appeared on screen dressed in one of her fantastic costumes and wild hairdos

dripping with sparkling jewelry around her neck bejeweled earrings dangling from her ears

she looked amazing as always dressed in a sexy outfit this time a black swimsuit style catsuit and white thigh boots

a cheer went up in the club

"everyone, you know what time it is?" she cried

"THE MIDNIGHT COUNTDOWN!" the crowd below cheered in response

as Mindy announced it the way she always did waving excited hands in the air

"its time for the brand new debut of the next band to hit the stars stream everyone" she announced

"but tonight things are going to be a bit special you see this is going to be a surprise debut!" she said

from the desk of Mr. Williams CEO of Eclipse Entertainment, he writes us a statement that reads

the whole band rushed over to sienna and Daisuke

"what the hell is going on?" Zane asked

"shh!" Daisuke hushed him calm down "let's see this" he said

Hello to all star stream viewers this is Mr. Williams CEO of Eclipse Entertainment

I apologize for the last-minute announcement the band that is about to debut is a band unlike any band that has debuted before they come to the star stream with a new concept

as a Self Producing Rock Band which means all the members of the band are participating

in making the bands music and content themselves they are all very talented and highly intelligent and creative young people

and they have worked very hard in preparing for their debut they decided to take a different approach than other bands by wanting to bring their true selves to everyone

they put this band together independently and they very wisely built themselves into a very strong family and dedicated team, within the band there is a songwriter and composer-producer duo

a star stream admin media creator and a band manager

and they all appear together as a band also in the roles of the performers, Silver Shadows are as follows

lead singer, composer-producer

guitarist rapper,

drummer subvocal,

and bassist sub vocal

so not only do the band do all the work in the studio themselves they also will be appearing live in concert performing their own songs a debut album will be released soon

however, as the band had finished work on this song and it was submitted to the label by the band only just this morning

and after hearing the new song all the company executives became extremely excited it is an amazing song that will blow everyone away and show off all the creative talents within the band

and immediately become an anthem for this generation and with the Star Streams Awards deadline coming up Eclipse Entertainment decided not to pass up such an amazing opportunity

the band has not been informed that they are debuting tonight

hence why this is a "surprise debut" because we did not plan to debut them this early either as we only just also confirmed the band's final line up of members, only this morning as well

we signed on their songwriter that they found and choose themselves and did the band's debut photo-shoot so we do not have a music video for you

but we do have photos from the photo-shoot we are going to share with everyone we hope you enjoy the band's introduction and their Debut Song AFTER YOU.

"and now everyone tonight the star stream presents to you all the newest band with a brand new concept everyone its time for me to introduce" she began dramatically

"SILVER SHADOWS!" Kanna and Melody screamed rushing to the balcony

next to where Sienna and Daisuke were sitting Liam and Kaleb squeezed in on the other side

several people looked up from below at their excited screams

Daisuke sighed

"Hey man it's not me this time," Liam said with a grin

Zane was laughing hugging melody from behind as he leaned on the balcony watching the screens below

f*** it Daisuke groaned sienna giggled hugging unto him as their images came up on screen

"SLVER SHADOWS!" Mindy cried "their new debut song AFTER YOU drops in twenty seconds"

the countdown clock appeared behind her while their photos came up

Sienna gasped in shock "oh my god they are gorgeous!" she squealed

the photos they had taken in the photoshoot had been edited to look like they were in a throne room

with beautiful drapes and rich carpeting

the chair Daisuke had been on had been made into a golden throne

glittering with jewels the band looked amazing and extremely cool

Daisuke especially commanded attention as the king seated on his throne front and center

he looked like a handsome affluent the epitome of male beauty and power

but there was a wild edge to him his eyes were fierce and filled with fire and powerful hidden intentions

in the photos, his gaze was so intense they seared right through the screen

while his body oozed sex appeal with his muscular lithe form was shown off in his outfit

sienna couldn't tear her eyes away from her own image

she almost couldn't believe it was herself on the screen

she wore a sexy sly smirk on her face her dress gave her a cute and sweet appearance

seated on the back on the throne

but her boots looked like she could stomp on someone's face with them

she was both cute almost doll-like but with a dangerous edgy vibe

ladylike and elegant but a badass who might still kick your ass

all at the same time and the contrast perfectly

matched with Daisuke as she posed with him

Liam and Zane were charismatic princes playing off their light vs dark image

posing opposite each other on either side of the throne

one holding Melody and the other holding Kanna

with Kaleb as a handsome knight beside the throne

wow the guys all breathed as their profiles appeared

Daisuke lead singer-producer composer

Sienna Song Writer Lyricist

Zane Rapper Guitarist

Kaleb Vocalist Bassist

Liam Drummer sub Vocalist

Kanna Twin sister of Kaleb Band Manager support

and then Melody appeared she looked gorgeous in her picture with her pink and lavender hair flowing down around her shoulders

under her top hat posing with Zane with his black and white hair under his fedora, the two made a snazzy pair in the steampunk outfits

Melody Zanes Wife Star Stream Administrator Media Content Creator

wait two of the members are siblings and two of them are a married couple

someone called out thats really interesting concept actually they are more like a family of bandmates

Daisuke tucked his head under Sienna's chin his face pressed into her chest hearing that from the crowd below

as the countdown reached one he hugged her tighter

here it goes he breathed her fingers tightened in his hair as their song began to play

the guys were screaming and jumping around as Daisuke's voice came through the speakers for the first time

the crowd began cheering

Daisuke lifted his head up amazed at the noise the club was really lit for their song

holy shit! he breathed with wide eyes as the scene below unfolded

people were singing along to the lyrics and dancing as the drop kicked in

things went to another level as they began jumping and going crazy the laser lights were going off the DJ was going nuts

their song was pounding and it sounded so amazing

sienna gazed down at him she was grinning she looked so happy and carefree and beautiful

her eyes sparkling as his bandmates celebrated around them

he could only kiss her again his heart soaring

oh my god we debuted Melody screamed at the top of her lungs her she and Kanna jumping up and down and screaming together

theirs screams interrupting the pairs kiss brought a whole bunch of attention from nearby tables and the dance floors below

"oh boy!" Daisuke said

"hey it's them!" someone cried "Silver Shadows is here holy shit!"

"what do we do?" sienna cried

"Smile and wave guys come on it's our debut let's take some pictures and shit we are the band" Liam cried "our song is on the streams dude"

they started waving to everybody

people were taking pictures

"your song is great congrats on your debut!" someone yelled

"thank you !"Zane yelled back "we will be back with our album soon"

"DJ play it again!" someone yelled "we want After You"

"oh my god!" sienna cried "come on we have to dance"

she got off Daisukes lap as the song started to play again

this time by the DJ who immediately began putting effects on Daisuke grinned and joined her

the whole band was dancing to their song in the club with everyone else

and having a blast

Mr. Williams, there's news about silver shadows on the star streams already sir his secretary said coming into his office

"what is it?" he asked

"well sir it's a meme of you sir" he replied

"what? why would you show me a meme of me? what nonsense?"

"Sir, I'm completely serious you should see this"

his secretary insisted he sighed and took the tablet in his hands

MR Williams surprise debut Busted

Silver Shadows parties with fans to own debut in the club?

and two photos, one of the band members dancing in a club

the star stream was on the holo screen behind them showing their photos and debut

and the second photo was one of Mr Williams sitting at his desk frowning with a thought bubble over his head

how did they find out? my master plan is ruined

he scowled "what is this nonsense?" he asked


and there were tons of photos with the band members partying on the balcony of a popular night club on the second level

they are all dressed well and looked great in new outfits at least they didn't go there looking shabby he thought

he skipped through the photos but there wasn't anything controversial just many things written by fans and people who were in the club

"there is nothing negative yet" he said "just the evil CEO meme, the public has a sense of humor"

a knock on his office door brought another employee into the room with a tablet

"sir the song has started climbing the charts already"

"let me see," he said accepting the tablet

"they are going to debut in the top fifty it is rapidly climbing sir"

"you made sure it was released on all channels right?" he asked

"yes sir absolutely otherwise it wouldn't have entered the chart this fast"

"it hasn't entered yet not properly," Mr. Williams said

"it's only been minutes since the song dropped let's watch five minutes"

"later the numbers on the song began to rapidly climb skipping through hundreds of plays plays

It's going number one isn't it?" his secretary breathed

in a total of fifteen minutes, the song had debuted on the chart at number one on the local Prylean city music charts and it kept climbing even more rapidly as the numbers started to go nuts

within the hour they hit another milestone, no 1 on the first level music charts

and climbing twenty minutes afterwards, they hit 1 on second level music charts

and once the second level had given them the approval they blasted up the third and fourth levels within the next hour almost simultaneously

and still climbing with numbers in the millions of plays

they are going to make the planetary charts he breathed stunned

his phone started ringing he briskly answered

"Mr. Williams"

we did it didn't we? Daisuke said with a chuckle "we will be number one in Prylea by dawn good

job sir that was a surprising but very awesome debut"

"where are you kids?" he asked

"we are home now everyone's gone to bed I'm sure you saw the photos of us in the club earlier

everyone is having fun laughing at your evil CEO mastermind meme"

he chuckled

"it's fine as long as the song does well" he replied

"which it's already doing" Daisuke said "I'm watching the numbers same as you

I just wanted to gloat a little bit those royalty checks will be nice and fat"

he chuckled and hung up the phone

that dam kid was too smartass for his good he thought but he found himself smiling and shaking his head