"I'm Sienna I'm from Earth 2 I immigrated to Prylea with my parents

when I was about ten years old, it took us a year to travel here by ship

so when I arrived I was already eleven, I grew up here for the most part

and then my parents got divorced when I was fifteen, and they both took off,

so I've been on my own for three years now, I'm not from the label, I have never written a song for a band before this either,

so I'm not a professional songwriter, I just write to document my story, my struggles, and everyday life actually, Daisuke found me by almost running me over with his hydro cycle one afternoon"

"he almost ran you over? how did that happen?" Caiden asked amazed

" was on my way home from school one afternoon" she began "and the intersection was crowded with people, and there was this one guy who was in a hurry, and he was running and shoving through the crowd of people, and he shoved me and I fell off the sidewalk and into the street right into oncoming traffic"

"oh my gosh,! " Caiden said "that must have been so scary for you," he said

"it was, " she said, "I thought I was dead cause

I fell into the street and I looked up and there was a hydro cycle coming at me at a fast speed,

all I could do was brace myself, but then I heard wheels screech, and so much commotion and when I opened my eyes

I saw the bikes front tire and it was like right in front of my face, some of my hair was even under the tire"

"wow so he barely just managed to stop in time it was super close!" Caiden said

sienna nodded in agreement "yea it was and at this point, I didn't know who Daisuke was at all, I didn't know anything about the band or anything like that,

but he ran up to me and he asked me if I was hurt, and he kept apologizing for almost hitting me

over and over again and he picked me out of the street"

"wait as in he lifted you into his arms? like rescuing, a damsel in distress" Caiden asked with a chuckle

"yes he did" she replied with a cute smile "he was a gentleman"

"were you surprised by how handsome he was?" he asked

she laughed "yes that too but I was still in shock mostly and very shaken up

so I didn't think about his looks too much, I was just glad to be alive, and that he hadn't hit me,

he lifted me up into his arms and took me to a café nearby, and he sat me down

and he bought me tea and something to eat, and then he went back to get my stuff"

"because she was coming home from school she was carrying a book bag," Daisuke said

"and all her stuff was spilled into the street when she fell, so I went back to

pick up her stuff for her, and thats when I found After You, written in one of her notebooks

and I discovered the cute girl I had almost run over,

was a very talented songwriter after seeing her lyrics, I thought that she was an amazing lyrical genius.

I immediately knew I wanted her to be our song writer, our label was actually preparing

to provide us with one, but I still felt something wasn't quite right about that, I was still

on the fence about having a songwriter from the label, and if we would be able

to work with a professional well"

"I think what you mean is that since you guys came together so organically" Caiden explained

"you all had naturally strong bonds already, you're like a bunch of kids that came together and made your own family,

I sense a strong feeling of unity with guys your relationships are very close with each other if Zane and Melody are the mum and dad

then Daisuke and Liam are like the big brothers and Kanna and Kaleb are like the youngest siblings

so bringing in an adult professional songwriter into a band like this

is like bringing in a stranger

someone who's there to tell you, what the label wants, and how the label wants you to do it, and even when the label expects it done. someone who is going to feel too authoritarian,

this person is going to feel like too much of an outsider who doesn't understand you guys well, they won't fit into your family and become a member, you won't be able to have that type of close relationship with them like that, for you two sienna and Daisuke to meet that way,

literally crossing each other's paths at the perfect timing to intercept that from happening and now you're here songwriting and producing duo of a band with a number one hit song on the charts that was a massive stroke of good luck for you guys" Fyn said

"you said it was After You was written in her notebook?" he asked

"yes it was the same After You," Daisuke said smiling "I tore out the page from her notebook but I left her a ticket and a backstage pass to our showcase that weekend"

he admitted "and she turned up to the show, and then we met up afterward, and talked

and she agreed to become our songwriter because I had sung After You that night as our encore song and she cried and said it was beautiful and she loved it, she was even willing to give us the song as a gift" he was grinning

"ah so you wooed the cute little songwriter over with a serenade of her own song," Caiden said with a knowing grin "that'll work definitely, you've got a voice on you, by the way, Zane to I love his rap voice, very cool, one dude is smooth as silk voice, the other husky rapper nice combination"

"now that our listeners have heard all about who you guys are, and how you met I would like to ask you guys to explain, the little bit of a scandal thats going on with this audio clip,

that has been anonymously released on the star streams, its a conversation about the members of the band, and its the three ladies in the band, who are having a private chat and at some point and someone recorded it"

"there's a what?" melody cried in surprise "are you serious?"

"yes we have it right here," Caiden said "ill play it for you its been making a hot issue on the star streams actually, and getting a lot of comments from the fans"

he played the audio clip for them "oh my gosh that is a conversation we had in the dressing room of our debut photo-shoot!" Kanna said "ill bet it was that stylist," she said,

"Oh? what stylist?" Caiden asked "spill the tea Kanna"

"there was this stylist that got scolded when we first got on set," Kanna said

"It was done the same day Sienna got signed so they didn't know she was going to be added to the band and had to be a part of the photo-shoot too, and she was like, we don't have anything prepared for an extra person, why weren't we notified the band was getting another member?"

"and then the head stylist scolded her and said something like, we are the best stylist team in Eclipse and we are not so unprofessional that we can't handle this" and she apologized to sienna

"so you're guessing that the one who recorded the clip is the stylist who got scolded?" Caiden said

"well I can't imagine it's anyone else" Melody added "the only people at that photo-shoot were us the stylist and the photographers and I don't imagine, the head stylist Niaomi would be this petty to sneak around in the dressing rooms to record our private conversations"

she is very professional and made sienna look fantastic she prepared sienna's outfits for the photo-shoot herself personally she didn't leave it up to any of the other stylists you can look at the photos in our photo book and see for yourself how amazing sienna looks"

sienna flushed smiling gratefully at her two big sisters supporting her

"by the way guys," Caiden said "I almost forgot this but silver shadows brought in

some gifts and we are going to give this stuff away to some lucky fans, we got an autographed debut photo book, with gorgeous photos of all the members, and we got like"

he counted the t-shirts "we got a total of ten silver shadows t-shirts so a total of eleven fans are going to get very lucky today"

"all day on the air we will tell you guys how to win your free silver shadows t-shirts and this autographed photobook the t-shirts look gorgeous by the way even has a cool photo of the band on them

what about you guys since the conversation is about dating you boys, what's your take on this?"

Caiden asked

"There is no scandal Daisuke said what was heard on the audio clip is the truth"