First Statements II

"Hello every one, we are Silver Shadows" he began "I am Daisuke leader of Silver Shadows, first of all, we are not here to start a controversy, so I will begin on a lighter note"

"Thank you to the fans who have shown so much interest in us so far, we are very grateful to everyone who has put our song at number 1 on the charts and also to the fans who

posted such nice pictures of sienna and I today, next time if you bump into us somewhere again,

come say hi to us okay, it would be our first time meeting one of our fans in person your photography skills are really good"

The second thing is a bit more serious and is the main reason we are making this video

this afternoon while sienna and I were on our date,

sienna encountered some young ladies in the bathroom of the ship who said some derogatory things about us, our appearances, and our supposed status of being people from the lower levels of Prylea, one of the young ladies works for "ASTRAL MAGAZINE"

"Miss blond bob hair with black bangs and purple eyes" was accompanied by two other female friends supposedly higher level citizens you know who you are,

Sienna my mate was understandably upset by your comments about us and she handled the matter accordingly allow me to confirm what she said

we will absolutely not be doing any interviews for ASTRAL MAGAZINE

I have a question for you all?

I think we should make a video about it

lets film ourselves walking around with a hidden camera to see,

how people will treat us usually on the street if they don't know who we are,

but when they find out we are members of a famous band if their judgments of us will completely suddenly change? will they treat us differently? will their behavior suddenly change? do we get treated politely only if we are famous people? whatever happened to common courtesy? is that not a thing anymore?

at first sight, without knowing who we are they had such disgusting things to say about us when all we were doing was enjoying a simple date and not troubling anyone,

that was actually me and sienna's first date, so I wanted to take her somewhere a bit special and treat her, what is the reason for saying such things about her? when you know don't even know her?

if thats how you really think about us? do we even need your interview? if these magazines and shows claim to want Silver Shadows for various activities, then this is the line where Silver Shadows stands

I would like to ask to be treated with some level of respect by these places and by their staff or we will simply reject them, period, we are an artist we can choose to be extremely picky if we want to, I don't think we are being too much if we ask for some common curtsey and besides isn't this a bit too much?

for someone who works in an important job where they have to meet a lot of people no matter where they come from? shouldn't you as an adult have more tolerance? since you have that much exposure to all types of people not just people but aliens as well that this industry is filled with? when your boss tells you to do an interview, can you tell your boss you won't do it because that person is from a lower level than you? if we

"lower-level people" are so terrible then why are you so jealous? that it makes you behave like a pack of high school girls, bullying their underclassmen in the bathroom? Sienna is even younger than you she's only eighteen, all of you are supposedly successful adults, isn't this kind of immature behavior beneath you?

then does this give us permission to behave however we want to anyone? because we are famous now? what if we came to your interview and decided to make trouble?

throw random insults at your staff for no reason? behave rudely and have unreasonable attitudes? we are all immature rebellious kids with our heads swelled with fame now right?

so at least we have that excuse should we start behaving like that? will you like us better?

because we are petty trashy kids like that?

we can't be going to these places and causing trouble when we are supposed to be working, because then they wouldn't want to work with us if we have bad attitudes,

we wouldn't be able to get any work done if we hindered everyone else from working, by not doing what we are supposed to do and making things difficult for what? our own amusement?

as kids, we have to treat everyone around us with respect, because, not only are we new in this industry

but because we have to learn to be professional despite our ages we have to be able to deal with meeting senior professional people, who are all doing their jobs so that we can do our jobs too, so we have to do our best to be taken seriously and to do the work seriously so that we can be successful like we want to be, at least thats how I think it's supposed to work correct?

well the respect and curtsey must be mutual its as simple as that we will give respect and expect that respect to be returned"

"now to end off this video"

"for those of you who don't know us and want to get to know us, there will be a video released right after this, so stay on the channel don't go anywhere, it's going to be a lot of fun, you'll get to meet all of us and take a peek into our home and studios and hang out with us for a little bit, bye everyone, hope you enjoy the video, this has been Silver Shadows"

Melody got up after a few minutes and when to the camera

"ill edit these guys, and have it up soon"

"Daisuke you were really amazing I was wondering what we were going to say actually but you put the nail in it," Kanna said

Melody laughed "yea well you got to let those adults know we might young kids but we aren't stupid or that immature"

"I wonder if this will cause trouble though?" Sienna said, "what will Mr. Williams say when he sees our video?"

"I think his reaction will be extremely telling of what kind of man he is," Zane said with narrowed eyes

"if we can trust him or not you mean?" Daisuke said, "will he take our side or still force us to do Astral's Interview?" he shook his head and released a growling rumble of disapproval

Melody took the camera and hurried to her studio to edit it,

the video was shot very simply so it wasn't hard and she was done within a few minutes

"guys turn on the holo screen!" she said coming back to the living room with a tablet in hand

Daisuke turned on the screen

"ok guys, video uploading to the channel now!" she breathed

and posted the first video watching the holo screen the video appeared on their channel

"let see how it goes," she said

she immediately hit play on the video and it started and then the chat box

next to the video began to move as people started coming in and watching the video

and then the numbers on the video suddenly started climbing within a few minutes several hundred people had seen it,

then there was another video that suddenly appeared on the channel,

a live stream

"hit that!" Daisuke said pointing to it

they hit play on the live

"Hello everyone this Mr. Williams of Eclipse Entertainment I just noticed the video that went up on Silver Shadows channel"

"I am very surprised but not surprised, please understand me,

I am surprised because the band went ahead and did this without calling me first to tell me about it so that the label can then do something about it officially,

but I understand its because you kids came from relying on yourselves to handle your matters, what you're saying, and let me just say, none of you were being disrespectful or wrong in any way by asking for common respect and curtsey, I completely agree with everything you say because,

this is the way I run my company, I expect all my employees to not behave in a shameless way to whomever no matter whether they are at work or not

because a certain standard should be kept as there is no telling, who the next big star might be, or what kind of conditions they could be living in when they are discovered,

some of the people you might think are the trashiest looking people you could meet could turn out to be someone immensely talented, talent is not restricted to living status or even to any particular race I came from that myself and now I'm a successful CEO of a label, so I make no judgment on anyone for things like that, I train all my staff with these things in mind

I am not here doing any damage control or anything like that for this band because none needs to be done

Silver Shadows are all good kids and I have a lot of respect for the fact that they came out of hardship and are trying to do something good and meaningful with their lives

however, much meaningful this industry will be to them remains to be seen, when they have just debuted and they already encountering these kinds of things,

like prejudice and discrimination, while doing what any young couple on Prylea is doing right now and dating when you're that age, of course, you want to take your girl out and have fun

you should be able to do that without worrying about randomly encountering things like this on the street but in society sadly it seems there will always be those types of people, they are born and raised on top but still have act worse than those who are supposedly Lower,

we are supposed to be an advanced society Prylea, please act like it

this young lady will probably lose her job now because you guys came out publicly like this, also the fans may be already throwing insults at this person on your behalf

while we understand the fans feelings, we would like it very much if they don't do things like this

in the future, you don't want people to say you have toxic fans, it will not look good on the band but you are kids and while you have a great understanding of most things, you are still not aware yet of the power your influence can hold or will hold,

we don't know what kind of big impact you might cause, so even if you guys are being respectful be mindful that your fans won't be so kind

if they get riled up about something and that might cause trouble, so fans I am asking you all to please let me handle this ok, Silver Shadows please call me first next time you encounter any such issues, I am your label head these types of matter are my concern

all right kids Daisuke good job though you said everything very well Williams out."

the video ended "wow!" sienna breathed "he actually backed us up!"

"Melody post the next video now," Daisuke said she nodded and the second video went up

"lets watch this going to be so funny," Melody said with a giggle