Bet with a superstar

"Mr. Williams!" he cried as he stood in the crowded room

"Hello Brent" Mr. Williams greeted him with a handshake and warm smile "It's been a while how are you?"

"me? I am Vexed" he replied but with a grin "while I was gone you found yourself a dazzling new band and they debuted and topped everything!

extremely successful debut! it made me jealous when I heard their songs are you playing favorites and gave them the best songwriter in the label?"

"ah no need for jealously Brent you're a household name already, these kids are just starting, and I didn't give them anything,

they write and produced everything themselves, got their own content creator, and even built their own studios so that we couldn't touch their work,

I am the one having to argue with them to be let into their studio so I can see what they up to" Mr. Williams replied with a laugh

"you say no need for jealously when they are like this but I disagree" Brent replied, "without greed how else will I maintain my prestige as the Phoniex?"

"what are you saying?" Mr. Williams asked

he went into his pocket and pulled out a Zelon drive with a big grin

" My newest work is done yo DJ put this on" he tossed the Zelon drive to the DJ who plugged it in and started the track it was a brand new

Brent Phoniex song was a grungy industrial metal robotic cyberpunk sounding beat and Brent Phoniex

was rapping on it not singing like he usually did with vocals but rapping in a sexy aggressive low voiced flow matching the melody of the track he had reinvented himself again

"This is ANew Me," he said to Mr. Williams "what do you think?"

the entire room was lit up to the hard-hitting track it was going to be a major hit

"how about we put the cherry on top of such a smashing debut with a release from a legend of your label?"

"how about it Silver Shadows?" he called to them "want to bet?" he asked

Daisuke and sienna were both stunned at how good the song was and the fact he was calling them out all of a sudden

"if it's Brent Phoniex I don't mind" Daisuke replied "Mr. Williams this song is dope Bring it on let's see if you can knock us off the charts" he grinned "either way we can only win right? let's make a new legend"

"I like you," Brent said with a grin "you don't back down from a challenge you're a man!

if I get to number 1 it means only I can take you guys down on the charts you already proved that you outclass your peers so if I can beat you I am still the king we will be top two in the label"

"if you can't knock us off then that means" Daisuke replied his eyes meeting his

"you won't be the Phoniex anymore if you cant rise over us"

"you think you can retire me?"Brent shot back his eyes narrowed "ha fat chance ill take your bet!" he laughed with confidence

Daisuke smirked "I will look forward to seeing it"

"wow, these two are really going to compete? how amazing would that be?" people began to chatter

"can the Phoniex really beat Silver Shadows? they are number 1 right now with milestones as rookies they are legends already"

"Alright then," Mr. Williams said "Daisuke you agreed to this," he said

"Whatever happens I won't lose," Daisuke said "we will get the prestige of fighting on the charts against the Phoniex once its an honor it will become a story people will talk about later"

Mr. Williams gave the Zelon drive to someone release this on all channels immediately he ordered

the party continued

"whos hungry?" sienna asked the guys "ah breakfast yes!" Daisuke said putting down his glass on a nearby table

"let's go get some food"

"yes, this is insane how Mr. Williams has us up for a party in the morning?" Kanna said not that this is awful but his timing could be a little better?"

melody laughed "right?" they all went to the buffet table to grab food soon bumping into a hungry Kaleb at the same time

laughing when they saw him

"reading my mind!" Kaleb said with a grin holding his own plate they found a spot to sit and eat

another band soon came to their table, a boy band all fresh-faced and good looking

"hi we are Starcrossed do you mind if we shared your table?"

one of them asked looking around they realized the number of tables available to eat did not match up with the number of people attending

it was crowded enough that people were walking around holding plates while eating, drinking, and chatting because there were not enough tables to sit,

it seemed the party was rushed to be put together

"oh sure no problem" Daisuke replied the table was big enough to hold a few more but sienna and Kanna

opted for the laps of their respective boyfriends giving up their chairs

"ahh thank you sorry about the inconvenience" another one apologized

Kanna laughed "never mind blame Mr. William"s anyways"

everyone chuckled in agreement

the members of starcrossed were cool and easy going and they left the table after a pleasant

chat while the two bands ate together

"We should probably go home too, we don't want to waste the time we could use for practicing," Daisuke said

"or sleeping" Liam reminded them

everybody laughed "are we going to eat and run at our own party?" Kanna asked

sienna lifted an eyebrow in question but then the door to the room opened and who should walk in the door but

Max Ramos, Joel Dani, and Nash Mansouri were all dressed up in cool-looking outfits for the party

"oh my gosh! what are they doing here?" Kanna cried watching Mr. Williams greeting the three members of the Lazor Ball team and shaking hands very happily

"We can't leave now!" melody complained all the guys chuckled

"he's looking for us," Kaleb said in a low voice as they noticed Mr. Williams looking around

Daisuke lifted his arm waving "hey Max, Joel, Nash over here!" the three spotting them at the table they soon came over