Mothers and Daughters

the last call went to baby Ziya's parents sienna and Daisuke did the call in their bedroom for privacy

a handsome Huassain male with dark brown hair and a chiseled face appeared on screen

"Hello I am Miyong who may I ask is calling? he said

"Hello sir my name is Sienna, and this is my mate Daisuke, we need to speak with you about something very important, it pertains to your baby daughter," sienna said

"is your mate present with you?" Daisuke said

"my mate is resting" he replied "the recent loss of our daughter was devastating to her

she became so heartbroken her condition relapsed"

"her condition relapsed?" sienna asked softly "is she sick?"

"yes she is," he said "my mates illness is a mental one, she suffers from a trauma that affects her health and now having lost our daughter that compounds a new trauma on top of the old one this is what her doctor said"

"my mate was very violently attacked and hurt when they took our child was away" he sounded heartbroken his face full of worry

"I am so sorry," Sienna said

"may I ask what this call is about?" he asked, "you said you are calling about our baby Ziya?

do you have information about her? has she been found?"

"if it's possible will you please go and get your mate for us it's important for the both of you to be together right now," Sienna said

"ok" he agreed "I will get her" he left the screen for a little bit and while he was gone

sienna picked up Ziya from the bed where she had been playing

and sat down with her in front of the screen

the couple soon reappeared on-screen sienna went speechless

as she stared at the woman in front of her,

who was also speechless with wide eyes

Ziya began to call out a word universal in any language and old as the galaxy itself "mama!" she cried reaching out to the screen "mama!"

the woman began to cry as tears spilled down her cheeks she gazed at sienna and the baby

"We have your daughter," Daisuke said softly

"shes safe and sound she was rescued from the people who took her, they also took other children as well, they were held captive on a hunters ship,"

"but they managed to escape using the ships, escape pods, one of those pods landed here on Prylea,

and this is how my mate and I became involved in this case after we rescued

the first child from her pod, we took her to the galactic guardians and reported the matter

and they were able to use that child's pod to track the other escape pods that carried the other children

and they are all being rescued by the galactic guardians they also intend to stop the hunter's ship and arrest them

your baby was with two other Huassain children who took her off the ship with them in their pods

those children are also staying with us right now we already called their families

and told them that we have their children

and we know that Ziya being a baby in her case her parents would be much more worried

given that she's at an age where she needs to be cared for so we wanted to call you so that you

can see her we will do everything we can take care of her until the hunters are caught

and then we will send her home when it's safe"

"sienna!" the woman on the screen said softly

all this time while Daisuke was speaking sienna was crying and Ziyas mother was crying too

"what did you say? Ieona?" Miyong asked surprised

"Mom!" sienna cried softly

"What?" it was Daisuke's turn to be shocked

"What's going on Sienna?" Daisuke asked gently

"she's my daughter," her mother said pointing at the screen "Sienna Walker thats her name I lost her"

"no mom you didn't lose me you were the one that left me," Sienna said

"you and dad both left me all alone I went to school and came home, and you were both gone, and I never saw you again"

"I couldn't have" she protested and then she frowned confused

"I mean I didn't mean to I was going to come back I was supposed to go and come back

but I don't know what happened to me everything hurt so much" she ran her hand through her hair

"I can't remember" she cried frustrated

"its ok mom I'm sorry it's ok don't get stressed its ok" Sienna cried worried clutched Ziya tighter

"I knew you werent in the right mind back then when you and dad finally divorced

you had become so strange, and your emotional state was a mess but I couldn't do anything to help you

where did you go what happened to you? mom?

"I was only fourteen I didn't know where you disappeared to at that time I had to think about surviving on my own,"

"grandma recently called me and said she was going to send uncle to help me find you, mom,

because dad showed up again and was a complete jerk,"

"he doesn't care about how much he hurt you and all the awful things he did he said the most disgusting and awful things to me

I kicked him in the guts and punched his face and almost broke his nose for you and told him never to come back"

"so I thought that if dad had heard of me and come to find me then you might have too,"

"But you didn't I thought maybe something really terrible had happened to you, that maybe you had hurt yourself,

or maybe had an accident and died I thought so many things might have happened to you I am so glad you're alive and you're okay

oh my god, this means Ziya is my sister, doesn't it? do you really remember me? she asked

"your mate said you forgot because you were traumatized?"