Family matters

"How can I begin to thank you Sienna for what you've done?"

"How can I begin to tell you how sorry I am?

I never meant to leave you I can't begin to imagine what I did to you disappearing like that

how scared you must have been to suddenly find yourself alone I can't give you any excuse

you saved your sister's life without even knowing anything

I abandoned one child and had another one that I lost you have every reason to find fault with me even my second attempt

at being a mom and I still screwed it up and put another child in danger"

"Mom!" Sienna said "this is enough of an apology I don't need you to give me an excuse, hearing how your mate found you

and your condition, what you're going through, seeing how you were with my own eyes back then, I know

it wasn't your fault, you were a victim of dad, I do resent that I was abandoned

but it's not against you, its against dad mostly, I forgive you its ok mom,

besides, we have little Ziya now to think of, we have to keep her safe and get her home to you I don't want your condition to get worse ok

so stop blaming yourself for everything, it was those awful people who attacked you and took your child

there is nothing wrong with a mother going out shopping to the market with her baby, other parents do it all the time and not have to worry about possibly getting attacked and their babies stolen

so stop, don't let yourself get eaten up by guilt anymore, you didn't do anything wrong

I am still really mad at dad, even madder now knowing what happened to you,

that you were on a ship, lost in space and in that condition, it never should have happened

after he brought us all the way out here, we came to Prylea with him

because he said it would be a better life for our family, but he was unfaithful to you and it ruined our family and hurt you, and now we are scattered all over the place and I almost lost you, mom

I think its a very good thing the females in our family seem to have special DNA that makes us compatible mates for Huassain males now

I am really happy you were able to find a mate who truly loves you and cares for you as Daisuke has for me

I feel so grateful you're not lost anymore and he saved you and took care of you and you can have a second chance with him and Ziya and be truly happy you deserve that mom"

"I miss you" sienna said I miss the you, I remember before everything happened,"

"We used to get along so well, didn't we?" her mother asked

sienna nodded "we were very close once, my mother was the kind of mom who always spent time with me, read me stories at bedtime and baked me chocolate cakes for my birthdays, and let me help even though I made a mess of the kitchen, you would play with me and we would go for walks in the evenings to the park while holding my hand"

"I think we were both very fortunate in this world" Ieona agreed

leaning on her mate's shoulder she gazed at her daughter she couldn't remember with a sad affection

"I am so glad to see you and that you're doing well too I'm glad nothing happened to you when you were on your own Sienna I think Ziya somehow got taken so we could find each other again," she said, "all the bad things in our lives turn out to be good for us somehow it's so strange why do we have to live like that?"

"What kind of weird fate is this?" Sienna asked, "can't we have good things happen without going through so much bad stuff?"

her mother hiccupped and laughed at the same time making sienna also laugh tearfully

she stroked her hair Ziya was mumbling and reaching to the screen happily unaware of what the adults were discussing

"thank you both so much for your help and Sienna its really nice to meet you" Miyong said "I will do everything I can to take care of Ieona and Ziya much better than this"

"This incident made me realize I can't let my wife go out on her own I should stay by her side even closer her condition had been improving since we had the baby, the doctor said it was ok

for her go out and get some fresh air and do ordinary things as much as possible

it will help her to continue living as normal and her memories would return but I should have gone to the market with her

but she said she was fine I didn't want her to feel like I was not trusting her to be able to go out alone

and it was not the first time she and Ziya had gone to the market

the people in our area know her and the baby and everyone is very friendly and looks out for her

usually, they will tell me they saw my mate and daughter when I am coming home from work or whenever I pass by

someone will say my mate is going to cook me a nice dinner she bought things at the market or that my daughter is doing well

shes so cute and they saw her today things like that so I didn't let myself worry too much

I let myself become too complacent and it put my mate and child in danger

those hunters must have thought she was an easy target because was alone with the baby

I won't let that happen again ill take better care of her and the baby

ill watch them both more closely I won't let them go anywhere without me from now on"

Sienna was moved by Miyong's sincerity his obvious love and care for her mother and Ziya she understood it because it was the same for her and Daisuke

"ill take really good care of Ziya," Sienna said "I promise I won't let anyone touch a

single hair on her head and now I know she's family I'm going to spoil her rotten while shes here

I will probably send her back to Huassain with a lot of luggage"

"mom do you need anything? money for treatment? or medicine? or anything? please let me know? I will help you we will send you the money"

"oh no dear I would not feel right about accepting money from you," Miyong said "I am very happy to be able to provide for my mate you don't have to send us money for anything"

"Miyong I know that Huassain males have their pride but please if you guys need any help please let me do so it means that my mother and baby sister will be able to have what they need I would feel bad knowing I have a ton of galactic credits in my account and my mother can't afford the medicine she needs to get better"

"Sienna please rest assured we are fine financially Miyong has a very decent job we have money" her mother assured her "you worked on your own for that money save it keep it for your future"

"all right mom I understand" Sienna replied nodding

"we will call you and let you know that the hunters have been caught,

all those bad guys who took her away better be scared I'm going to ask the Galactic Guardians for Justice for our little Ziya when they get prosecuted

you have a fierce big sister whos going to protect you from now on

and your big sister has a mate he's a big strong feline alpha male he'll protect you too ok"

Sienna kissed Ziya's cheek making her giggle adorably

Daisuke smiled and kissed sienna forehead holding her to his side

"This is a relief," Daisuke said "Sienna has been worried ever since her grandmother called a little while ago wanting to find you, Sienna said she would help her uncle to look for you, but she wasn't sure where she should start, she felt really bad about not being able to look for you sooner, I'm very glad you're found to be safe and sound as well"

"sienna can you send me that contact information for my mother? how did my mother contact you" she asked

"My cousin called me actually, she contacted us during a radio show where fans are allowed to call in to talk to us on-air she didn't know we were a family, she saw our band on the star streams and liked our music so she became a fan and she was watching our videos and grandmother recognized me and told her we were family then they waited for the radio show to contact me"

"let me send you grandmothers contact information," sienna said getting her phone out "she will be happy to hear from you"

"let's call her now" Ieona suggested

"ok" sienna agreed "it will be a three-way video call then"

sienna sent her mother the information and before long a new call was being made

siennas grandmother answered the call "sienna sweetheart how are you dear?" she asked

"grandmother, I have a surprise for you," sienna said smiling "can you see the other screen?

theres someone waiting to see you"

"oh, who is it?" she asked curiously

Her mother came on with her mate and her grandmother's eyes widened in shock

"Ieona!" she cried "oh my god you found her?" she cried

"I found her because of this baby," sienna said lifting Ziya from the bed into her arms

grandmother "this is Ziya my new baby sister and your other granddaughter," Sienna said

and they slowly explained the situation to her by the time they were done she was in tears like sienna and her mother had been

"oh my goodness I will have to call your uncle and tell him he's probably already close to arriving on Prylea

after hearing all this don't be too surprised if he shows up and teaches your father a good lesson

he was so upset when I told him his sister was missing out there and now to know she was divorced and lost and suffered such a trauma

"what about the baby? do you need anything for her? She's so adorable how old is she?"

"shes two years old don't worry grandmother whatever Ziya needs I have money I can get it for her" Sienna said

"it's so fortunate that those children were able to escape from that situation," her grandmother said

"We must thank god and whatever angels are watching over my daughter and granddaughters out there don't think that because you all are in space there aren't any angels out there I will pray for you both when I go to church next"

"oh mom even in space your prayers must have kept us safe all this time through everything thats happened we still found each other again and we are both safe and sound for the most part so I think you having faith must have done some good ill be grateful for your prayers" Ieona replied smiling

"me too please," sienna said "of course" her grandmother responded smiling

"We need some kind of reunion all of us together someday soon I would hope

having my family so far away for so many years out there look at what's happened to you all"

"When theres a chance ill come see you all" Sienna said "maybe when we go on tour

we have been talking about doing a going home tour where all the members of our band

will return to their home planets and do concerts there I think we will have no choice now but to make that a reality

if I want to see you guys I will have to go to Huassain and to Earth 2 as well"

"as soon as Ziya comes home safely," Miyong said "I will arrange a holiday for our family as well I think leona would heal much better if she could go home and visit with her family on her home planet, now that we have this contact and I've met all of you

it might take a little while to travel there, but after this awful thing has happened, we have been so worried and scared and not knowing where our child is and whats happened to her it has turned our lives upside down,

I just want to spend time with leona and Ziya in peace Where leona can relax and get some rest and peace of mind"

"It completely understandable," Daisuke said in agreement

"yes I agree too it will be better for mom if she can go to a peaceful place and heal and get better, maybe a nice house in the countryside or at the ocean," Sienna said

"thank you all of you," leona said tearfully "I have been so terrible and causing so much trouble to everyone from the start and you're all still so supportive"

"no-no, this is your family, of course, they love you, of course, they want to support and take care of you," Miyong said hugging her "it's ok shhh" he stroked her hair

"she needs to rest," he said

sienna nodded "ok please call me or my grandmother for anything and if she wants to see Ziya please call any time it doesn't matter when just call me any time"

"thank you sienna we will," Miyong said gratefully

"bye-bye Ziya mummy loves you sienna I love you too you're also my baby take care I'll call"

"ok mom love you bye-bye" they ended the call so her mother could rest

sienna leaned against Daisuke's shoulder she felt tired emotionally drained

"I think you should lie down too you're tired," Daisuke said softly

sienna nodded in agreement the pair getting into bed and lying down with Ziya between them

"I still can't believe she's my sister," she said softly stroking the baby cheek with a finger while the baby snuggled against Siennas bosom

"but she is" Daisuke replied holding Ziya's little hand, "she looks like you even"

"what? how?" sienna asked giggling "I don't think she looks like me she looks like her dad"

"shes cute just like you" he replied smiling

"shes a baby of course shes cute" sienna replied giggling

"Nobody said that being cute isn't a genetic trait" he replied gently kissing her forehead

"you're so silly," sienna said smiling

Daisuke cupped her cheek in his warm hand

as he gazed at her he loved sienna dearly and seeing her holding a baby made him think of their own future and their own child she looked so maternal

sienna would be a wonderful mother