Kids Glow Up

the members of the band waded into the fray Kaleb Liam joining Rhakem and Quin in whatever they were playing

and Kanna joined Sadeska Melody and Zane was happily recording videos of the kid's something about a special video for them to remember them by later

sienna walked over to the swingset unstrapping Ziya she strapped her to swing set the little girl watched her bright-eyed tears twitching

"Daisuke you should probably record this" Sienna said with a smile

"ok!" he chuckled getting out his phone she began to gently push Ziya in the swing her little ears flopped up to the air

and down again as she went back and forth she started squealing in delight kicking her legs

loving the gentle swinging feeling Sienna was giggling so hard

they were both so cute Daisuke thought watching them through the camera

after the swing they tried a small slide with sienna holding her she loved that too

her reactions were gold

"Guys let's take the kids shopping" Kanna suggested later as the tired members regrouped for a break "shopping now?" Liam cried "we are worn out here" he complained "I been on everything in this playground already"

"This might be our last chance," Kanna said, "let's take them to the stylist and such to let's send them home with a little glow up!"

"I agree," Melody said "we don't have to get them a ton of stuff just get them some nice outfits

they can wear home and let them return looking good

it doesnt sound like a bad idea actually and you guys can get a break from running around

awesome Kaleb said nodding

they rounded up the kids "guys we have decided to do one more fun thing" Kanna said

"what's that?" Quin asked curiously

"do you want to go shopping with us to buy you guys some cool clothes? how does that sound?

"alright yes!" Rhakem cried with a grin

"I want to get a pretty dress," Sadeska said

"Your wish is our command very pretty dresses for the cutest puppy girl in the galaxy done" Kanna replied with a grin "let's go!"

they took the kids shopping which turned out to be a lot of fun

dressing up Sadeska in the pretty dress she so dearly wanted they found a

a designer brand that actually made very pretty clothing for all types of species that had additional limbs and body parts

and sienna and the girls bought her dresses and skirts that were custom made to accommodate her tail and now she had a bunch of cute girly outfits she could wear she was over the moon

Rhakem favored cool looking outfits in the dystopian style getting some shirts and different styles of pants

Daisuke bought him two jackets and two new pairs of cool boots to go with his outfits

coming out of the dressing room in his new outfit black long-sleeved distressed T-shirt

that clung to his budding lean torso and pair of black leather pants but these pants

were molded to his long legs with leather straps that hung pockets attached to the back and legs of the pants

he could easily keep his tech and tools in the pockets as they were detachable he could carry his stuff with him easily

the pockets were stylish however and looked like they were dipped in chemical waste that bleached the fabric

and changed it into different splashes of color red green yellow blue but in a funky mix of colors

so that looked like toxic spills he wore a black leather jacket

and the elbows of the jacket had patches that matched the same pockets on his pants

Daisuke grinned "yes little bro this is you! right here!" he stood in front of a mirror looking him over

"you look good," Daisuke said patting him on the back

"when you go home your dad will be shocked, you

look much more mature now, all you need is a hair cut to tidy you up, and you're good to go"

"Thanks so much, Daisuke," Rhakem said really

"you're my little bro now so don't worry about it," Daisuke said ruffling his hair

Rhakem burst out laughing ducking his head away from his hand

"yah you're going to avoid when it might be the last time before we tidy your hair?" Daisuke said

"I can't mess it up then! we have to let you look nice for your folks"

he grabbed him chuckling "last chance to get a pet from Rhakem guys!" Daisuke cried

pulling the laughing boy to the others who all proceeded to pet and tease him

"ahh ok no more!" he protested giggling "please" they laughed letting him be

"I'm going to miss all you guys so much!" he said hugging Liam "it was really cool to meet you guys"

"it was cool to meet you too Rhakem seriously you must keep in touch ok?" he replied smiling fondly at the kid

he grinned nodding hugging Kaleb and Zane next "thank you for helping us so much," he said gratefully

"it started out as possibly not knowing what might happen to me but you guys turned this into

such a great trip, in the end, I guess if we could call it that"

"well we are happy we could do that for all of you," Daisuke said

"We all wanted to comfort you kids so that the scary stuff that happened won't seem soo scary," sienna said smiling

"Just be careful when you go home to Huassain," Kanna said

"watch out strange scary people" Quin added joining them with Melody in tow he was wearing a new outfit

a Denim combat pants and a black and yellow cyberpunk style shirt

with a cool artwork splashed on the front and a pair of boots

"wow, Quin my little buddy you look super cool!" Kaleb cried "can I get a picture with you dressed up like this?" he asked acting like a tv show host

"you're the rockstar!" Quin replied giggling

"I forgot that's because the artwork on your shirt is really wicked it's way cooler than mine" he answered him ridiculously overreacting and making the kid crack up and he and Kaleb happily took some cool photos much to his delight

even the baby was not left out as sienna bought her a few more cute baby outfits and shoes

"shes going to grow out of these faster than you think," Sienna said to Melody and Kanna

as they looked through a catalog "so I don't want to get too many at once"

"We could give a variety of outfits for when she's older too" Melody suggested

she ended up in a purple denim jumper

with a pink shirt underneath the jumper had cute pink ruffles going around the waist of the pants giving her a skirted look and cute white open-toed sandals and pink socks for her feet

"she looks so sweet!" melody cried "she has to go home in this tomorrow"

the girls agreed sienna taking pictures of her they got her a few older outfits and some warmer

sweaters and hooded jackets and boots for wintertime and last but not least a stuffed

doll the child had seen in the store she had grabbed it as they passed by and refused to part

with it when sienna had tried to put it back Ziya had clutched unto with her claws and refusing to let go

its cloth bag that enclosed the toy

with its bright picture printed outside the bag, it was designed for exactly this reason to

catch children's eyes it was a colorful character doll

sienna just amusedly let her keep it when they got the cashier to pay for everything

she wouldn't relinquish the doll for even that they had to fetch another to scan much to Kanna and Melody's wry amusement

"shes already acting like a spoiled pampered little sister," Kanna said laughing

"you better don't encourage her anymore or she might make you regret it later" Melody warned playfully

sienna nodded in agreement "she'll get away with rebelling me just this once cause she's cute" she said chuckling

after leaving the store they took the kids to the stylist getting the kids groomed was a delightful process

watching them get their hair treated and styled and their furry ears conditioned and brushed in the case

of Sadeska, her tail too was now gorgeously decorated with pretty little bows clipped into now silky soft fur that

draped from her tail a shiny reddish-brown in its natural color now looked wavy and luxurious

and not like a big fluffy brush she had usually her hair and ears were the same making her look quite charming

Rhakem had gotten his cut in a cool undercut style with designs on the side and back of his head

his ears were groomed and he looked quite handsome that

sadeska started to look at him differently as if suddenly aware

he was a handsome alpha in front of her

Quin got his hair parted down the middle so that it now fell back from his face a little bit and but curled up in the back into the collar of his shirt

it gave the little boy a cute dignified gentleman look "aww he's so cute" Melody cried "it

makes his little whiskers stand out more they are like eyelashes feathered around his nose now thanks to the conditioning they got softer"

"then my mommy's going to like it she always likes my whiskers too," he told them giggling he had gotten his ears done as well, and then it was baby Ziya's turn and she made it impossible to groom her ears by moving them every time someone

tried to touch them so they just opted to take care of just her hair giving her a simple hair treatment and styling

with cute bows added to her hair, she looked adorable

the kids left the mall carrying lots of shopping bags as they

walked to the horizon plane in the lot "this is a lot more than just a little shopping" Daisuke said, "how are they gonna get this stuff home?"

"ill go buy some suitcases," Zane said

"no buy the backpacks," Rhakem said

"what backpacks?" everyone asked him

"There are these backpacks that you use when you're traveling in space" Rhakem explained you can pack all your gear in them and they can hold a lot of stuff but still travel very neatly and lightly

they have technology inside that compresses your clothing "

"those sounds expensive," Kaleb said

"Sorry," Rhakem said sheepishly "I saw it on the star stream and just thought

a backpack would be easier to pack everything in to carry around rather than towing the suitcase"

"let's go see how much one of these things cost," Daisuke said he grabbed Zane and

they went back to the mall returning a short time later with triumphant grins holding four black packs

"these ones do the same thing but they aren't as expensive as the ones you mentioned," Daisuke said to Rhakem

"you still get your cool backpack" Rhakem nodded gratefully "thank you you didn't have to buy it fi you didn't want to"

"yah we have to send you kids home looking decent," Kaleb said "we are Silver Shadows you guys are family now we can't send you back shabby ok, we take care of our peeps, put it here!" he fist-bumped the boy Quin Sadeska and even baby

Ziya got a little knuckle to rub much to everybody's amusement "let's get you kids

home ok" Daisuke said they flew home finally bringing an end to their day as they got

ready for bed after sanitizing mist showers and into pajamas they were fed a light dinner and kids were put to bed

"my goodness its been a long day" sienna moaned sinking into bed after putting Ziya to sleep in her cradle

"you've been on a rollercoaster of emotion all day," Daisuke said pulling her into his arms from across the bed

and curling himself around her "I sensed so much from you all day are you alright?" he asked worriedly

"I am dealing with a lot" she admitted "still processing finding my mom having a new baby sister and new step dad? I suppose?"

"it's ok you can take your time," he said softly stroking her hair "you'll get through this sienna I'm right here for you"

"I know" she whispered "thank you" she kissed him gently and buried her face against his chest as he held her warmly pulling the blankets around her so she could sleep