Celebrity Buzz

After SKIZ3 performance of their hit song ended with applause and cheers from the crowd Mindy once more appeared on stage

along with various famous actors and idols as presenters and the first awards for the night were given out and various bands performed their hit songs on stage

they were given an intermission which gave everyone the chance to walk around

use the bathroom, get something to eat, and drink and socialize with other celebrities the band left their seats the girls going to the bathroom

bumping into other girl groups most girls were simply polite and went about the business other girls greeted them enthusiastically

"Hello Sienna, Melody, Kanna, it's so nice to meet you I really love your band can we take pictures?" they were swarmed by girls some younger some older

wanting to become friends or just wanting to meet them they posed for photos and signed autographs and had lovely chats with a few groups,