New Songs

as he read the lyrics his eyes began to shine and how she titled the songs under the name of a space ship

her ideas were really cool her loved the nostalgic sentiment of the songs he was already beginning to come up with melodies and various ideas in his head especially for Milkyway Brickroads it could be a hip-hop piece

old school rap ballad he could imagine a duet with him on vocals for the chorus and bridges and Zane on the verses but something that had a laid back vibe an emotional storytelling type rap song 

he would create a piano piece for the track may be paired with an electric guitar solo from Zane a metronome type beat came to mind ticking clock

  Daisuke wanted to get to work on them right away 

"Sienna, what do think about releasing these as a special single? you could keep the name 

SilverStellar AD2100 like a special type of space ship