PEONY Performance

Mr. Williams watching them arrive even felt highly impressed at the bands swagger as he met them at the entrance of the venue 

"Good Evening Mr. Williams" Daisuke greeted him with a confident smile, Sienna, on his arm 

"good evening Silver Shadows you kids certainly know how to show up in style this is more like it!"

Mr. Williams said, with a big smile of approval  "this is how my superstars should walk the red carpet yes!" 

making them all laugh

"come on let's find your seats"

as he and the band sat down in their marked reserved seats,  with some other company executives present including the director of their music videos

all well dressed and looking like stylish musical artistic people in various designer looks for the evening 

"Hello sir it's nice to see you again," Melody said greeting him offering her hand 

he took it with a smile shaking her hand as she sat down