Game Time

"what early, we are here to get you all prepped for the game this is the galactic league,"

the manager said as he came in the door a tall muscular guy in denim pants, a crisp shirt, and a suit  jacket carrying a tablet in his hands he looked around the room and he saw Nash

"Woah Nash you went ahead and got fixed up already looking good," he said in approval 

"yea Kaleb took me to his stylist this morning," Nash said

"Hi," Kaleb said from behind him as he took off the mascot head 

"Kaleb of Silver Shadows?" he said in surprise 

"thats right" Kaleb replied "I'm a friend of Nash's"

"ah I heard you guys were friends since the music video its good to meet you I'm the team manager my name is Mark," he said offering his hand 

"it's nice to meet you, Mark," Kaleb said taking off a glove to shake his hand 

"ah they sent gear for the mascot and the team doesnt have one yet so I'm just volunteering for today"