Zengalian vs Speed Worldian

"So Nash tell us how you and Kaleb met and became a couple? everyone's really curious" 

Kanna asked as she sat with her feet on Liam's lap eating cake from a small plate 

as they all lounged comfortably on the couches around the room 

"well the truth is Zengalians have mates," Nash said "it doesnt seem like we do because everyone 

knows us to be promiscuous, but the truth is that we do have mates,

it doesnt work like Huassain people do one mate forever, it's not a permanent bond, it can be broken as long as one partner is no longer willing to be with the other,  it can also be broken by distance if we get separated from each other,

say if Kaleb leaves Prylea and goes to another planet for a few weeks and we dont have any contact no phone calls, nothing, thats the same as no longer being willing