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"Princess do you need help?" Daisuke asked poking his head in the room with a smile 

"I'm all done" she replied he came in and took her suitcase pausing to give her a sweet kiss 

"We are getting married," he said softly 

she nodded "on your home planet the king and everyone will be there" 

he nodded "it's kind of weird I never imagined this cause I never grew up there so it's like I didn't think of it as"

"home?" she finished for him 

he nodded "now that I'm getting married there and I'm reconnected with my family there your mom is married there, it puts a new perspective on heritage and family and what it means you know someday if we retire from music, 

do you want to settle here on Prylea?  do you want to go back to Earth? or do you want to live on Huassain? so you can be close with your mom and Ziya