Magnetic Gang meets Crimson Stars gang

on the flight back to the dome

"guys we would like to go to Prylea and meet the team too," Yonghwa said "it would be best to get their suits customized as soon as possible so its taken care of"

"We can fly there straight away on this ship," Xierien said "we can go through our port beam" he chuckled "everything is so convenient now we have the beam"

"drop us at the palace first please," King Mizuno said "before you kids go off to enjoy yourselves shopping and whatnot over there" he chuckled knowingly

Xierien dropped off king Mizuno aunt Ae and uncle Eric

"do you kids want to go see the Crimson Stars with us or?" Sienna asked turning in her seat to talk the kids behind

"of course we are going" Rhakem said the three kids didn't want to be left out of the trip so