Gang Powers Up

"guys!" Liam's voice called out as he and Pierre left the room to go downstairs alerting the band and magnetic gang downstairs that he was finished and now coming to rejoin them Mizuno and the other adults had left for the royal palace to spend family time with Giselle

"Hey guys are you guys okay?" he asked reaching the bottom of the stairs

"us? what about you? Daisuke said "I'd ask what's going in your head right now but"

Liam chuckled "it's alright I might have some good news I was taught  a few things by the master, Mchugo so I might be able to do something"


Kaleb said in relief coming to give him a hug 

"hey little brother," he said hugging him smiling 

"Mchugo is my mom's royal family name I'm guessing there is some distant or genetic relation?" Jhaesun said