Magnetic World Meeting the whole story

"Hello everyone I am princess Sienna Hitsugaya of Huassain Celestial Maiden Sword knight of Earth and the songwriter of my rock band from Prylea Silver Shadows and we are the ones Jhaesun and Yonghwa made an alliance with on Huassain

I am sorry for scaring everybody my dragon is called Renegade he has sentience he is a celestial being that has the ability to travel in space and he is a dragon with a pearl that has a celestial sanctuary inside it like a storage device 

that is used to carry things around space he can travel as a guardian of special celestial beings we use as transportation to get around and also do certain jobs like carrying precious things to other worlds

and people inside its like a ship but he's alive and he talks and has a personality and various abilities pertaining to his job of being a celestial guardian for me and my family he's like a pet animal with special abilities, ok I am his owner"