Galactic Warnings

Commander General Park  and King Noel Towlson

and many advisors were in the middle of a meeting discussing the new planets and the bugs

they came to a decision even if they had Liam and the Kids and doing all the rescues they still could not protect the entire galaxy from the bug they needed to warn them and so

they made a video call to the Galactic Guardians Intergalactic Reports Agency 

"Hello this is the intergalactic agency law enforcement how can I help you" 

"Hello I am the Imperial King of Magnetic World,Noel Towlson

we are not a part of Galactic government, but we would like to make a report about a possible Galactic Threat we may have discovered, how do we go about making such a report ?"

"what is the nature of the threat sir"? the agent asked him 

"today an envoy of our people returned home to our planet, after going out to establish friendly relations for us" King Towlson said