Mission 3: Huassain Pick up>>next Destination Mission 4

  the squad arrived to Huassain 

"King Mizuno they have returned" a messenger rushed into the large hall where everyone had been gathered since the children had disappeared without a word 

"everyone! hellooo!" Sienna's voice came as the squad came flying to the hall in their bodysuits

Mizuno and Giselle Yeon Ae Yerick Xierien Ieona Miyong Ziya the kids Sadeska Rhakem and Quin came rushing to them for hugs  and all of Huassain had gathered 

"youre back Daisuke where did you kids go? we were quite worried we heard about galactic bugs attacking on the news and three planets went to war and Atlantica tribes are missing?" Mizuno was

relieved to see them and stunned at the many things that had occurred in a short time now it was news on all their devices streaming on the star streams galactic news right now