Bug Queen Battle The Finish Episode 3

  on the back of Kaje's bike, Marizza unleashed her whip with a loud cracking sound of exploding energy and swords came flying out of her whip all of them glowing with fire energy with another crack of her whip

the swords created a formation and went after the bug queen with a vengeance as the motorcycle came blazing through green fire streaking across the skies

the whip in her hands changed and formed into a giant double-sided ax and as they drew within range  she swung her whip and went flying cutting off wings from the bug queen 

she screamed as her wings came off  the kids all cheered but the two on the motorcycle were not done yet as the ax head came back to her this sliced the bug queen's abdomen open cleanly as the female caught her ax with one hand thrusting in the air as Kaje rode with her proudly